Amazing Spider-Man #34

The Thrill of the Hunt!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: December 9, 1965
Cover: March 1966
12 cents
Scripted and edited by: Stan Lee
Plotted and illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered and relished by: Sam Rosen
20 pages

Thor #126, Story BReading orderSgt. Fury #27
Amazing Spider-Man #33Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #35

…she’d never accept me as Spider-Man… but, Spider-Man I’ve always been… and shall always be… for as long as I live!

As we discussed, I think last issue works as an ending to the story of Spider-Man. I think issue 39 will give the series a fresh start, acting as a new beginning. These 5 issues in between are something of a treading-water era. I’d like to offer a brief summary of the story of Spider-Man so far before we get into this issue.

Let’s review the story of Spider-Man.

We all remember how it begins. Bitten by a spider. Allows a burglar to escape. Learns a lesson about responsibility.

But then the story jumped forward a bit in time. Without Uncle Ben, Peter and his Aunt are facing financial hardship. Aunt May doesn’t want Peter to worry about it, but Peter feels a responsibility to help with the finances. He considers crime, but settles on going back to show business. But this time he wouldn’t be in it for himself or his ego. He’d be doing it to help his Aunt. His attempts to find money mean he is unable to hang out with the kids at school when they invite him out, which gets him labeled as standoffish. They’ll be less likely to invite him out in the future. But his insistence on keeping a secret identity makes it hard for him to get paid as Spider-Man. And then Jameson’s editorials against him tank his show business career. He tries to get a job as Peter, but nobody wants to hire a kid. When John Jameson’s space shuttle malfunctions, Spider-Man goes into action and saves the day, but still gets labeled a menace by Jonah. The public and even Aunt May are against him. It seems that nothing goes right for Peter.

Spider-Man thinks he can solve his financial problems by joining the Fantastic Four, but they don’t pay a salary. He encounters his first super-villain, the Chameleon, when the Chameleon thinks he can take advantage of Spider-Man’s bad press to frame Spider-Man for his crimes.

When Jameson struggles to get pictures of the Vulture, Spider-Man figures out how he can make money. Aunt May gives Peter Ben’s old miniature camera, and he goes into action as Spider-Man to get pictures of the Vulture. They battle and the Vulture defeats and almost kills Spider-Man on their first encounter, but Spider-Man recovers and defeats him though a combination of his superhero prowess and his scientific ability to invent helpful gizmos. In a bit of irony, Peter sells the pictures to Jameson, and makes enough money to cover Aunt May’s rent.

By the following issue, Spider-Man is now an active superhero, seeking out crimes to stop, presumably because he recognizes this as his “great responsibility”. Dr. Octopus is his toughest foe yet. He almost is ready to give up being Spider-Man, but the Human Torch inspires him to never surrender. And Spider-Man will become known for pushing past his limits and fighting when the odds are against him.

Peter wants to do the right thing, but isn’t always good at it. When he sees criminals about to rob a bank, he stops them too soon, and then can’t prove he didn’t just harass ordinary citizens. When he fights Sandman, his mask rips, so he needs to run away, and can’t return to action until he sews a new mask. Liz had finally agreed to a date with Peter, but Spider-Man gets in the way and Peter needs to cancel. Fortunately, his photo career brings him by the offices of the Bugle and Jameson’s secretary Betty Brant. He stretches the ethics of his already questionable photojournalism career by staging photos of his fight with Sandman after the fact.

With the Lizard, Spider-Man faces the type of ethical conundrum that will occupy his career. Should he turn Curt Connors over to the authorities for his crimes as the Lizard? He instead decides that Connors is a good man, not responsible for his actions as the Lizard, and to keep his secret. In doing so, he will make a friend and valuable ally when he needs scientific expertise.

When the Vulture returns, Spider-Man must fight him with a broken arm. Nothing comes easy for Spider-Man. But the situation creates the opportunity for romance to blossom between Peter and Betty.

It all comes full circle when Aunt May gets sick. Spider-Man must rush to be by her side, ignoring active crimes in progress, just as he once ignored the one burglar. Where do his responsibilities lie? His career as a photojournalist taking pictures of himself was already questionably ethical, but he crosses a new line when he creates fake photos to prove Electro is Spider-Man and make Jameson happy. His Aunt’s health and the money needed for her operations must outweigh all concerns. His activities as Spider-Man also nearly interfere with his blossoming romance with Betty, as he reminds her of someone else who lived too dangerously. But they seem to work it out, at least for now.

Betty was in debt to a loan shark, and she flees town when the Enforcers come to collect. Jameson comes to a rare moment of introspection, realizing the reason he hates Spider-Man may simply be jealousy of Spider-Man’s altruism.

Betty got involved with the mob to help her brother Bennett, who became a mob lawyer to pay off his gambling debts. Peter makes the decision to confide his secret identity to Betty. But then when Bennett dies, Betty blames Spider-Man. While she softens, she still never wants to see Spider-Man again, as it would remind her of her brother’s death. So maybe Peter shouldn’t tell her his secret just yet.

Betty doesn’t get her wish as she gets captured by Dr. Octopus and needs Spider-Man to save her. Dr. Octopus even manages to unmask Spider-Man in front of her and Jameson, but they all find the idea that Peter might be Spider-Man too laughable and dismiss it. The news of Peter’s feat gets out and Liz decides he’s not the coward she thought he was, that the school-kids had never been nice enough to Peter. She’s ready to leave Flash Thompson behind and go out with Peter. But this time it’s his turn to reject her, as he only has eyes for Betty now.

But there is tension between Peter and Betty. She still thinks his photography job is too dangerous, which scares her, given what happened to her brother. And a jealous rivalry between Betty and Liz begins.

Spider-Man faces stranger and stranger villains: Mysterio, Green Goblin, and Kraven the Hunter.

One of his greatest triumphs comes when six of his greatest foes team up against him, and he must face them without his powers. It turns out the loss of his powers was psychological, rooted in his guilt and self doubt. By regaining his confidence, he regains his powers and again overcomes the odds.

Spider-Man attends a meeting of a fan club in his honor, which is crashed by Green Goblin. When Spider-Man gets word Aunt May is sick again, he decides he cannot fight Green Goblin and runs away, getting branded a coward. Fortunately Human Torch is on hand to pick up the slack.

Spider-Man comes to a realization. His job as Spider-Man is inherently dangerous. If he gets killed, then who does Aunt May have? He definitely can’t put himself at risk with her in the hospital and in need of attention. Is this the end of Spider-Man? When he sees Betty on a date with Ned Leeds, that convinces him it’s time to give up being Spider-Man for good. Get a proper job, take care of Aunt May, focus on his studies, focus on his relationship with Betty. He throws his costume in the trash. But then a recovering Aunt May gives a timely speech about how the Parkers aren’t quitters, and Peter realizes: “…a man can’t change his destiny… and I was born to be… Spider-Man!!!”

Spider-Man redeems his reputation teaming up with Human Torch against Sandman and the Enforcers.

Spider-Man’s most savage battle comes against the Scorpion, leaving him bruised and bloodied.

A European psychiatrist postulates that Spider-Man is insane, and Peter fears he may be correct. “He wants to be a spider… but of course he is a human being!” Aunt May reminds Peter it’s important to confide in the people you love.

The Crime-Master saga brings home that Spider-Man isn’t especially good at all aspects of his job. He’s got these powers, and he is a science whiz. But he’s not an investigator. He’s not the world’s greatest detective. When confronted with a mystery, he’s better off just letting the police handle it.

Ultimately, Spider-Man’s story is about coming of age. Peter’s big step into adulthood is graduating high school. He and Flash will go off to the same college, but Liz is off to become a working girl. She says he goodbyes to Peter, who never quite seemed to recognize that she’d matured from the girl who once rejected him

Ned asks Betty to marry him. She’s not willing to answer until she settles things with Peter. But Spider-Man still stands between them and always will.

All the threads tie together in the Master Planner Saga. Peter and Betty at last part ways, as he starts college, where he meets Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. Aunt May is dying from radiation from a blood transfusion she’d received from Peter. But this time, instead of Spider-Man distracting Peter from caring for his aunt, Spider-Man is needed when the serum that can save her is stolen. He battles Dr. Octopus and finds himself trapped under machinery too heavy to lift. But he has to lift the machinery, and in doing so saves his aunt, and proves to himself he can handle whatever life throws at him.

And so the series has gone, the story of a boy growing into a man, trying to do the right thing without always knowing how, trying to juggle too many responsibilities, and always managing to persevere against the odds.

And this issue?

Spider-Man fights Kraven again. Or, as Stan calls him, “… the somewhat magnificent menace of Kraven the Hunter!”

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #34”

Amazing Spider-Man #33

The Final Chapter!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: November 11, 1965
Cover: February 1966
12 cents
Script and editing: Stan Lee
Plot and illustration: Steve Ditko
Bordering and lettering: Artie Simek
Reading and enjoying that ol’ web-spinner: you!
20 pages

PRELUDESpace Adventures #33, Story B
Amazing Spider-Man #32Reading orderTales to Astonish #72, Story B
Amazing Spider-Man #32Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #34

I’ve failed! Just now– when it counted the most– I’ve failed! But, I can’t give up! I must keep trying! I must!! I’ve got to free myself– no matter how impossible it seems! And lifting is the only way! The– only– way–! Uhhhhh I can’t! — So exhausted– after all that fighting– I- I feel so weak–! It’s lying there– just beyond reach– as though mocking me– taunting me– It’s the one thing– the only thing– that can save Aunt May! And I can’t bring it to her–! If she– doesn’t make it– it’ll be my fault! Just the way I’ll always blame myself for what happened to Uncle Ben…! The two people in all the world who have been kindest to me! I can’t fail again! It can’t happen a second time! I won’t let it– I won’t! No matter what the odds– no matter what the cost– I’ll get that serum to Aunt May! And maybe then I’ll no longer be haunted by the memory of– Uncle Ben! Within my body is the strength of many men…! And now, I’ve got to call on all that strength– all the power– that I possess! I must prove equal to the task– I must be worthy of that strength– or else I don’t deserve it! The weight– is unbearable! Every muschle– aches–! My head– it’s spinning– everything’s beginning to whirl around–! The strain! It– it’s unbearable! The crack in the ceiling– it’s growing wider– getting bigger every second! I’ll never make it– I can’t–! No! I dare not give up now! If I close my eyes– I’ll go under! Must stay awake– must clear my head! Keep trying– trying–! I’ll do it, Aunt May! I won’t fail you! No matter what– I won’t fail–! Anyone can fight– when the odds– are easy! It’s when the going’s tough– when there seems to be no chance– that’s when it counts! Everything going black– my head– aching! Hold on– I must hold on–! It’s moving! Can’t stop now! Last chance! Must keep the momentum–more! Just a little more–!

One of my all-time favorite comic covers.

The Final Chapter. Perhaps the most aptly named comic ever. That’s certainly how I’ve come to view this comic.

Most Ditko stories begin with a splash page opening that serves almost as a second cover. This leaves that out in favor of panels to recap the story so far. Aunt May dying because of a transfusion from Peter’s radioactive blood. Dr. Connors unable to help unless Spider-Man can retrieve this canister. Dr. Octopus and his henchmen in the underwater layer. Spider-Man trapped beneath tons of steel in the base, which seems on the verge of flooding.

How strong is Spider-Man? We don’t really know. “Proportional strength of a spider”. He’s not as strong as Thor, Hulk, or Thing, all of whom could probably lift the equipment with ease. But he’s stronger than Captain America, who couldn’t possibly do it. He’s strong enough to lift several tons, but not strong enough to do that easily, and not strong enough to be confident he can do it at all. This is him at his physical limit.

He does lift the machinery off, but it takes 5 pages, a full quarter of the comic spent on Spider-Man lying on the floor, trapped. It’s a famous sequence.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #33”

Amazing Spider-Man #32

Man on a Rampage!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: October 12, 1965
Cover: January 1966
12 cents
Script + editing by: Stan Lee
Plot + illustration by: Steve Ditko
Lettering + kibitzing by: Artie Simek
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #31Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #33
Amazing Spider-Man #31Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #33

I’ve always felt I was partly responsible for the death of Uncle Ben, because he was killed by a criminal whom I didn’t catch!

Chapter 2 of The Master Planner Saga.

On a personal note, this is the earliest issue of Amazing Spider-Man I actually own.

When we turn to page 2, we’ll learn the identity of the mysterious Master Planner. There were plenty of clues last issue, so maybe you’ve already guessed. Don’t read any further if you haven’t. This is your last chance.

Aha! The Master Planner is…

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #32”

Amazing Spider-Man #31

If This Be My Destiny…!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: September 9, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Masterful script by: Stan Lee
Magificent artwork by: Steve Ditko
Mellifluous lettering by: Sam Rosen
20 pages

Fantastic Four #47Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #32
Amazing Spider-Man #30Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #32

He’s just like his father… cheerful, enthusiastic, and bright! He’s been like a son to me all these years! And, he was so happy, that I didn’t have the heart to spoil it… by telling him… how very ill I’ve been feeling…!

The cover is a clever idea, using the spider logo to get multiple images onto the page. I feel like it wastes the idea with its choice of images, all fairly similar and bland, shots of the action from this issue that could easily have been conveyed in a single image (see the first page below). A better use of that format would have been to have some variety amongst the 6 panels. A shot of kids from Peter’s college, a shot of Aunt May, a shot of Jameson and Foswell, etc… would have made for a much more interesting cover and better use of the gimmick.

For the previous 5 issues, Stan had given Steve plotting credit, but left that off this time. Perhaps by accident. The credit will be back next issue and for the rest of Ditko’s run.

This story begins a 3-part saga we’ll refer to as “The Master Planner Saga”. (Some people–at least one person–simply call the whole saga by this issue’s title instead.) Up until now, the series has almost been entirely single issue stories. The first proper 2-parter was the Crime-Master saga in #2627. And we connected #1719 for thematic parallels and some running motifs about May’s health and Peter’s self-confidence (motifs which will come into play heavily again), but they were really 3 loosely connected standalone issues. This is plainly a 3-part story with each chapter ending with a cliffhanger leaving the major plot threads unresolved

This can be read as the story that brings the saga of Spider-Man to its conclusion, the final chapter. It’s also the best story in the history of Marvel Comics.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #31”

Amazing Spider-Man #30

The Claws of the Cat!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: August 10, 1965
Cover: November 1965
12 cents
Heroically written and edited by: Stan Lee
Homerically plotted and drawn by: Steve Ditko
Hastily lettered and bordered by: Artie Simek
20 pages

Daredevil #11Reading orderSgt. Fury #23
Amazing Spider-Man #29Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #31

Why wouldn’t he listen?? What is it that always stands between us? The one secret he keeps locked within him– the secret he never shares, or talks about–!

We may as well start with the striking cover. Extremely unusual when compared to every cover we’ve yet seen. Look at how small Spider-Man is on the cover, your eyes hardly drawn to him. The covers usually have the hero big and bold. The issue’s super-villain is easy to miss at a glance. He’s a small figure up in the corner. What draws your eye is the falling water tower. Everything else is designed to give you a sense of scale, to make it look like Spider-Man might have a long drop ahead of him.

Similar to the recent Daredevil story we read, this is another story where behind-the-scenes drama has bled onto the page, but perhaps in ways more subtle.

Let’s try to keep off my soapbox for the moment and read the comic. The question is, which comic do I read? The comic that Ditko wrote? Or the one that Stan wrote? I guess we’ll go with what Stan wrote, since that’s what got published, and maybe we’ll note some oddities as we go.

The opening splash page is a great mini-cover for the story, one that again emphasizes the importance of the supporting cast.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #30”

POSTLUDE: Marvels #2


Featuring: Marvels
Release: December 14, 1993
Cover: February 1994
Writer: Kurt Busiek
Artist: Alex Ross
Letterers: Starkings w/ John Gaushell
Editor: Marcus McLaurin
Assitant editor: Spencer Lamm
Editor in Chief: Tom DeFalco
Cover design & logo: Joe Kaufman
Interior design: Comicraft
45 pages

Weird Science #20PRELUDE
Tales of Suspense #72Reading orderSgt. Fury #22
Marvels #1MarvelsMarvels #3

The real story was the people who’d been scared too long. Who’d been wound tight by talk of mutant menaces and hidden conspiracies and shadows under the bed.

I’ve mentioned before I want to frame our reading around the Marvels miniseries from the 1990s. That hasn’t really been obvious yet. We read Marvels #0, which retold a few pages from Marvel Comics #1. And we read Marvels #1, which paralleled 1940s Marvel comics. But our reading is concentrated in the 1960s. Finally, we get to Marvels #2, which parallels the 1960s Marvel stories, ranging from Avengers #6 (May 1964), the 191st entry in our reading, through Tales of Suspense #69 (June 1965), the 404th entry in our reading. Quite the range. We are reading it after completing the Iron Man story from Tales of Suspense #72, because we’d first needed to tie up some continuity ends.

We’ve hinted before at the theme of this comic, and I’d like to just discuss it up front. The two centerpiece stories are the wedding of Reed and Sue in Fantastic Four Annual 3, and the attack on the X-Men by the Sentinels in X-Men #14. The writer Kurt Busiek had noted in his own Marvel Universe research what we also found in our reading here, that these events must occur on nearly consecutive days. That’s not obvious from any comic, but does follow from a close reading of the many interconnected comics. And the two stories make for quite the juxtaposition.

The contrast between these two arcs becomes the central tension of this issue. The Fantastic Four wedding is the celebrity event of the century. The press covered it, crowds of fans gathered, famous people like Tony Stark and Millie the Model attended. The Fantastic Four are super-powered heroes and beloved by the public.

The X-Men are also super-powered heroes. But where the Fantastic Four gained their powers from cosmic radiation, the powers of the X-Men are innate, based on an accident of birth, perhaps from radiation their parents had been exposed to. The “Children of the Atom”. And that difference is big enough that the same public who cheered on the wedding of the FF members would listen with interest and nods of approval as Bolivar Trask went on the airwaves to declare mutants a menace and announce he’d created robot-hunting Sentinels to hunt and kill the X-Men.

We read the Heroes & Legends retelling of the wedding, which focused on this very tension in the form of a child, who was a huge fan of the Fantastic Four, but afraid of the X-Men. He learned better by issue’s end.

Here, the arc will play out within Phil Sheldon, the photojournalist who specialises in shots of the people he’s dubbed the Marvels. A person who idolizes heroes like the Fantastic Four and Avengers, but fears mutants like the X-Men.

It’s entirely irrational, just like all forms of bigotry.

That’s enough belaboring of themes. Let’s dive into the story. As we do, we’ll try to draw the parallels between what’s happening on the page and our reading.

I’ll note that the title is called “Monsters”, which brings to my mind Thing and Hulk. The latter doesn’t appear, and the former is a minor player at best.

It’s 20 years after the events of Marvels #1. Phil Sheldon is now an established freelance photojournalist happily married with two kids. We see hm doing freelance work for Barney Bushkin at the Daily Globe. The shadows on the page somewhat obscure Phil’s eyepatch, a lifelong injury sustained last issue by getting too close to a superhero battle.

We remember meeting Barney in Amazing Spider-Man #27. He’s nicer than Jonah, but asked too many questions for Peter’s tastes.

Continue reading “POSTLUDE: Marvels #2”

Amazing Spider-Man #29

Never Step on a Scorpion!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: July 8, 1965
Cover: October 1961
12 cents
Writing and editing by: Stan Lee
Plotting and drawing by: Steve Ditko
Lettering and loafing by: Sam Rosen
20 pages

Sgt. Fury #22Reading orderDaredevil #10
Amazing Spider-Man #28Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #30

I don’t believe in false modesty! The best thing about being a publisher is you can write what you please about yourself!

Again, notice the plotting credit for Ditko. Ditko has plotted every issue and exclusively plotted the last several issues, but Stan is doing better at giving him credit in an attempt at appeasing Ditko’s concerns. It will prove to be too little, too late.

We’ve remarked repeatedly on just how many iconic villains Ditko came up with in a short period of time. By issue 15, we’d met: Chameleon, Vulture, Tinkerer, Dr. Octopus, Sandman, Lizard, Living Brain, Electro, Big Man and the Enforcers, Mysterio, Green Goblin, and Kraven the Hunter. That’s insane. Since then, Ditko has slowed down some, and Spider-Man has had rematches with foes like Green Goblin, Sandman, and Mysterio, while also borrowing foes from other heroes, like the Circus of Crime or the Beetle. However, we’ve still gotten some good creations in the latter half of this series, including Scorpion, the Spider Slayer, and just last issue, the Molten Man.

Ditko is basically done with creating cool iconic villains for Spider-Man. He’ll create a few more villains, but they won’t fall anywhere near the iconic camp: the Cat, the Looter, Robot Master… Otherwise, he’ll just have Spider-Man fight the villains he already has. Hence, this issue is a rematch with the Scorpion. The series is winding down. Ditko is winding down. He has one great Spider-Man story left in him, and then it’s time to say goodbye.

This issue is treading water. It’s still well told. Ditko’s a good storyteller and can churn out a solid action yarn. But we’re basically biding time.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #29”

POSTLUDE: Marvel: Heroes & Legends #1

For Better and For Worse!

Featuring: Everybody
Release: August 21, 1996
Cover: October 1996
Scintillating script by Stan Lee
Prurient plot by Fabian Nicieza
Pulse-pounding pencils by Sal Buscema, John Buscema, John Romita, Sr., Steve Ditko, Gene Colan, Marie Severin & Ron Frenz
Incredible inks by Tom Palmer, Joe Sinnott, Terry Austin, Bill Reinhold, Marie Severin & Al Milgrom
Kaleidoscopic colors by John Kalisz (with perfect page one and colossal cover coloring by Paul Becton)
Lascivious letters by Richard Starkings and Comicraft/ad
Effervescent edits by Matt Idelson
Aching assistant edits by Paul Tutrone
Evil editing-in-chiefing by Bob Harras
Very special thanks to: Mariano Nicieza, Darren Auck, Scott Koblish, Gil Kane, The Raiders, and the many terrific talents of the Mighty Marvel Bullpen
Based on Fantastic Four Annual #3 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
48 pages

Fantastic Four Annual 3Reading orderX-Men #14

Just between us, Alicia– I’ve been ready ever since I met the man!

I’m not trying to include too many POSTLUDE entries, but don’t have a clear standard for when I do. Having a copy of the comic in my living room as opposed to in storage somewhere is a good motivator. Plus, I actively used this comic as a reference when making my Fantastic Four Annual post, in deciding who might have been present at the wedding but off-panel.

Heroes & Legends is a loving retelling of the wedding of Sue and Reed from 1996, by continuity nerd Fabian Nicieza with a rotating cast of classic artists and a script by Stan Lee.

We know Steve Ditko very well by this point. We’ve seen some early work of John Romita, but he’s just about to join our regular cast of artists. Gene Colan just started drawing Namor’s adventures. Marie Severin has been working behind the scenes, and we’ll see her artwork soon enough. We’ve already seen some artwork of her brother John. John and Sal Buscema will be shaking things up eventually, and Ron Frenz in the more distant future. We’ll see Tom Palmer soon enough. We’ve briefly met Joe Sinnott a couple times, but he’s just about to become a regular. I’d bemoaned he wasn’t the original inker on the annual. It came out just one month too early. The other inkers will be coming along later.

This tells the same story as the Fantastic Four Annual, but with over twice as many pages.

In a short while, we’ll also read Marvels #2, which includes yet another take on this wedding to contrast with these two takes.

We’ll compare the new comic to the original and note the artist on the new comic. The original art is all by Jack Kirby and Vince Colletta. As noted above, for everything but the first page, John Kalisz did the colors in the new one.

The opening page deliberately mirrors the original.

The big addition is a kid named Mark, a superhero fan who gets separated from his father in the commotion, and targeted by villains and saved by heroes. He serves as the centerpiece for this retelling.

Continue reading “POSTLUDE: Marvel: Heroes & Legends #1”

Fantastic Four Annual 3

Bedlam at the Baxter Building!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: July 1, 1965
Cover: 1965
25 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Jack Kirby
Inked by: Vince Colletta
Lettered by: Artie Simek
23 pages

POSTLUDEMarvel: Heroes & Legends #1
Journey Into Mystery #123, Story BReading orderX-Men #14
Fantastic Four Annual 2, Story CFantastic Four AnnualFantastic Four Annual 4

I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss your bride!

It’s the wedding of the century. Today’s the day. Half the Marvels have been invited! And the rest of them are turning up anyway!

This issue represents by far the largest gathering of heroes and villains yet, forever binding these disparate characters into a universe.

This issue represents the idea that there is no status quo, that these characters are at their best when they change and grow. Forward momentum is an essential ingredient to storytelling. Genuine, non-illusionary, change.

This is the most significant moment in the early Marvel Universe.

I think I’d have come up with a better title than “Bedlam at the Baxter Building”.

I wish Chic Stone or Joe Sinnott had been the inker. A few months too late to have Stone and one month too early to have Sinnott. Also, Colletta is uniquely suited to a long special issue with many characters because he’s famously expedient.

I appreciate that the headline takes for granted the public knows who Reed and Sue are without the need for surnames or superhero identities. The cover does the same for its audience.

Pretty cool this worked out to be the 400th story in our reading order. Currently on track to also have the 500th story be a particularly special issue of Fantastic Four as well. When we read Avengers #1, it was the 100th story, but then I went and retroactively mucked with the ordering.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four Annual 3”

Amazing Spider-Man #28

The Molten Man!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: June 8, 1965
Cover: September 1965
12 cents
Written and edited with loving care by Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn with talent rare by Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered with a vacant stare by Sam Rosen
20 pages

Journey Into Mystery Annual 1Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man Annual 2
Amazing Spider-Man #27Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #29

Your Uncle Ben would have been so proud of you.

Check out that cover. It’s based on effects Ditko has used before, of letting the blue of Spider-Man’s costume blend into black shadow and disappear, but here fully realized. The negative space defines the cover.

The issue opens picking up on a subplot from last issue. Flash and Peter had a fight; Peter was in trouble until Flash went to the Principal and accepted blame. The matter resolves itself. But leads into Peter and Flash noticing that something is bothering Liz.

Weirdly, Peter calls her Liz Hilton. He knows her name is Liz Allan, but must have been momentarily confused. Mrs. Watson shows some similar confusion later in the issue, referring to her niece Mary Jane as her daughter. Weird.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #28”