Amazing Spider-Man #43

Rhino on the Rampage!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: September 8, 1966
Cover: December 1966
12 cents
Stan (The Man) Lee, writer
John (Ring-a-ding) Romita, artist
Artie (stout-hearted) Simek, letterer
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #42Reading orderThor #137
Amazing Spider-Man #42Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #44

Petey-O, you’re right from Groovesville!

Aunt May had been trying to set up Peter with Anna Watson’s niece since he was in high school. Her matchmaking finally paid off, and Peter met Mary Jane Watson at the end of last issue.

She was not quite as ugly as he’d feared.

Dinner is going well, but there are other things going on that will affect Peter’s life. For example, the Rhino is breaking out of prison. They took him out easily with some smoke gas last issue. But maybe they ran out of smoke gas?

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #43”

Amazing Spider-Man #42

The Birth of a Super-Hero!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: August 9, 1966
Cover: November 1966
12 cents
Smilin’ Stan Lee, writer
Jazzy Johnny Romita, artist
Slammin’ Sammy Rosen, letterer
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #41Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #43
Amazing Spider-Man #41Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #43

Oh well… I guess I better meet her and get it over with! She may not be as bad as I expect! She’ll probably be worse!

For the first few issues of his tenure, Romita has been inked by Mike Esposito. This issue we get to see Romita on his own to compare.

I claim this is a good comic. Even a very good comic. Lots of good things about it.

But it’s mostly remembered for a single panel that ends the issue. We’ll get there. Let’s see what else is going on first.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #42”

Amazing Spider-Man #41

The Horns of the Rhino!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: July 7, 1966
Cover: October 1966
12 cents
Stan Lee, writer
John Romita, artist
M. Demeo, inker
Art Simek, letterer
20 pages

Daredevil #21Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #42
Amazing Spider-Man #40Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #42

I realize now– we never had anything in common! It’s just that she was the first girl I ever thought i loved!

One of the great things Ditko did was come up with a seemingly endless stream of memorable and enduring villains for Spider-Man to fight. A good many were animal-themed: the Chameleon, the Vulture, Dr. Octopus, the Lizard, the Scorpion, and the lion-themed Kraven the Hunter.

Romita needs to score with a bold new villain in that vein. The Rhino suffices.

For much of the Ditko run, Aunt May had been trying to set Peter up with Aunt Anna’s niece, Mary Jane Watson. Peter never made time for that date, and we’ve still never even seen Mary Jane’s face. Now we learn Mary Jane is moving out of Aunt Anna’s to get her own place.

A lot of teenagers in that neighborhood living with elderly aunts. I wonder how long she’d lived across the street from Peter without him ever even glimpsing her.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #41”

Amazing Spider-Man #40

Spidey Saves the Day!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: June 9, 1966
Cover: September 1966
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Penciller: John Romita
Inker: Mickey Demeo
Letterer: Sam Rosen
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #39Reading orderSgt. Fury #32
Amazing Spider-Man #39Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #41

Only you know who the Green Goblin is! … Just as I know who Spider-Man really is!

We left off at an exciting moment. A captured and unmasked Spider-Man faces an unmasked Green Goblin, revealed to be Norman Osborn.

Norman doesn’t want Harry to learn his identity, just as Peter doesn’t want May to learn his.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #40”

Amazing Spider-Man #39

How Green Was My Goblin!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: May 10, 1966
Cover: August 1966
12 cents
Script: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Art: Jazzy Johnny Romita
Inks: Mighty Mickey Demeo
Lettering: Adorable Artie Simek
20 pages

Fantastic Four #53Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #40
Amazing Spider-Man #38Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #40

And so, at long last– The Green Goblin will introduce himself– Take a look, Parker– a good, long look– It’s the last face Spider-Man will ever see– It’s the real face of the Green Goblin– the face of [SPOILER REDACTED]

Steve Ditko has officially left Marvel, which won’t leave me with too many other excuses to bring up Steve Ditko. However, this is the first issue of Spider-Man to not be drawn by Steve Ditko. Which is a fine excuse for bringing up Steve Ditko.

Which is good, as Rolling Stone just put out this piece on the man’s life, based on interviews with relatives, and I’m happy to have an excuse to share it:

Among those interviewed was Steve’s younger brother, Patrick Ditko, who passed away just last month.

I’ve made no secret how much I love Steve Ditko’s work on Amazing Spider-Man, and have spent this blog clumsily trying to explain why over 38 issues worth of posts. Perhaps this characterization of Spider-Man from the Rolling Stone article gets to the core of how I see myself reflected in the character.

He lacked social skills.

A more charitable interpretation of my own character is perhaps found in their characterization of Steve Ditko as a man…

…who never fit into social norms, yet cultivated thriving relationships.

They go on.

Similar to how Peter Parker never lets loved ones get too close for fear it would put them in danger, Ditko compartmentalized his life, keeping work and family distinct to retain some power in a world that overwhelmed him. And the same way Spider-Man’s neuroticism makes him amazing, the traits that people marginalized Ditko for are what transformed comics forever. 

…he had much more in common with his most popular co-creation, Spider-Man, especially his alter ego, Peter Parker. They had the same lanky build. Same comb-over. Same thick glasses. Same bumbling social skills. Ditko’s senior-yearbook photo could have been Parker’s. With their collared shirts and slacks, it looked as if they shopped at the same clothing store —

The late comics retailer Bob Beerbohm assembled this high school photo of Ditko next to high school Peter Parker. Perhaps there is a lot of Ditko in Peter.

So what then is Spider-Man without Steve Ditko? Is the series over?

In some sense, it is plainly not. We have here issue 39. Stan Lee continues to write the comic and has found a new artist to draw it (and probably soon to do most of the writing as well).

If issue 38 was the ending, it wasn’t a clean one. Lots unresolved. Betty is missing. Gwen and Peter are growing closer. Norman Osborn is up to some shady stuff. We never learned the secret of the Green Goblin.

Some say the reason Ditko left Spider-Man is because he and Stan disagreed over the secret of the Green Goblin. We’ll reflect on that at the end of the post.

For now, let’s see what life after Ditko looks like for the Amazing Spider-Man.

John Romita is on art. Unlike Ditko, he tends to draw good-looking people. His career in advertising taught him well to draw good-looking people.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #39”

POSTLUDE: Marvels #3

Judgment Day

Featuring: Marvels
Release: January 25, 1994
Cover: March 1994
Writer: Kurt Busiek
Artist: Alex Ross
Letterers: Starkings w/ John Gaushell
Editor: Marcus McLaurin
Assistant editor: Spencer Lamm
Editor in chief: Tom DeFalco
Cover design & logo: Joe Kaufman
Interior Design: Comicraft
45 pages

X-Men #23Reading orderDaredevil #18
Marvels #2MarvelsMarvels #4

And then it was quiet. No one around. They were all inside– or gone. Was this what it was going to be like? Silence and emptiness– forever?

We again jump back to 1994. As noted in this post, which serves as something of a vision statement, my goal here is to be able to reread my first comic, Avengers #309, but this time with full context, without feeling like I was missing anything or that I had read things out of order. More than that, it’s an attempt to try to see decades of disparate titles by a variety of creative voices as telling a larger single story.

I see Marvels, the masterpiece by Busiek and Ross, as an attempt to come to terms with that same story, and then to tell it in miniature. In general I try to take a contemporaneous viewpoint, looking at our 1966 stories from the perspective of 1966, and not spending too much thought on what later stories have to say. Marvels is the exception, as I’m using Marvels to frame our reading and my thinking about this reading.

For example, we jumped a little bit ahead in our X-Men reading lately. The rush through X-Men was to line up with this issue of Marvels. I was eager to read this comic right after the Galactus saga, but knew I had to hold back until after the X-Men battled Count Nefaria. And the choices in reading order we made with respect to the Avengers and Fantastic Four stories were inspired by how Marvels presented them.

There is no other later series I let impact my thinking on these stories. That’s born both out of a love of Marvels and its creators, and a trust in Kurt Busiek to have done his homework.

As this post is a bit long and picture-heavy, I’ve broken it into two parts.

The series Marvels covers the Marvel Universe from 1939-1973. I don’t know how far this blog will go before I get bored or die, but I’m hoping to at least hit 1973 and finish Marvels. But that is several years away.

There’s also a bit of timing in the writing of this blog that has recontextualized Marvels and the stories it represents again. I started this blog in 2019 and reached Marvels #1 in 2020, and found new meaning in Phil’s desire for the world to return to normalcy. I write this blog post in 2024, with 2020 four years in the past, but the pandemic continuing to affect lives in big and small ways.

Marvels #1 starts with the dawn of Marvel in 1939 and takes us into the war in Europe, likely around 1943. We then jump forward 20 years and Marvels #2 covers the ground of part of our reading. It skips the introductions of most of the heroes and takes us to 1964 and Avengers #6 (May 1964), then ends in 1965 with Tales of Suspense #69 (around July 1965). Its focus was on the juxtaposition of two major events, the wedding of Reed and Sue in Fantastic Four Annual 3, and the introduction of the Sentinels in X-Men #14-16.

Thinking in terms of Fantastic Four, a title which has been a monthly constant in our reading, Marvels #2 covers the ground of approximately Fantastic Four #29-43.

Marvels #3 will cover a little less ground, Fantastic Four #44-50, bringing us to around February 1966. And most of the page count is dedicated to recapturing a single story, the battle between the Fantastic Four and Galactus in Fantastic Four #48-50. Due to its wonky arrangement with other stories, the original battle only covered about 48 pages of comics originally, so the retelling in miniature is not actually that much shorter, taking up almost 32 pages.

Of course, this retelling will not be from the perspective of the Fantastic Four, but our man Phil Sheldon.

The story has been about Phil, but also about his changing opinion of the Marvels. In the 1930s, he thought they were something to fear when he first saw Human Torch and Sub-Mariner, but came to conclude they were something to cheer on when he saw Captain America, and then all the heroes teaming up against Nazis. He continued to cheer them on into the 1960s, loving the Fantastic Four and the Avengers… but not the X-Men. Mutants, he hated. Though he grew a bit by the end.

Now he begins to wonder if he’d put a bit too much faith in all the Marvels, put them too much on a pedestal. As they become embroiled in controversy after controversy… had he overestimated them? He begins to have doubts.

And then the sky fills with fire.

Continue reading “POSTLUDE: Marvels #3”

Amazing Spider-Man #38

Just a Guy Named Joe!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: April 12, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Written and edited by Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn by Steve Ditko
Lettered, unfettered by Artie Simek
20 pages

Strange Tales #146, Story BReading orderAvengers #30
Amazing Spider-Man #37Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #39

Goodbye, Steve!

We come at last to the final Steve Ditko Spider-Man story. We just saw the final Steve Ditko Dr. Strange story. One thing they have in common is awful covers. My best guess is Ditko had resigned before turning in a cover for either. So like the Dr. Strange cover, this cover is cut and paste from Ditko’s artwork within the issue.

Here are the interior panels the cover cribs from:

I’ve been pretty clear that the saga of the Amazing Spider-Man as told by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko is basically my favorite story ever. I won’t belabor why any further than I have in the posts on the last 37 issues.

I’d also been pretty clear that I thought that story ended extremely well with issue 33. And that these last 5 issues represent a step down in quality, and a story that no longer seems to be going anywhere in particular.

I find it unfortunate that that was not Ditko’s final issue of Spider-Man. As the man says, it’s better to burn out than to fade away. I wish he’d gone out at the top of his game.

That excellent climax of the Spider-Man saga came out the same month as the excellent climax of the Dr. Strange saga in Strange Tales #141. Both series then went at the same time into a phase I’ve described as “spinning their wheels”. Where any of the next 4 months of issues could have been removed with minimal consequence. Ditko had one more great Dr. Strange story in him, a final confrontation between Dormammu and Eternity.

Does he have one more great Spider-Man story in him?

It’s worth nothing that the last several issues have not been bad and they have their charms. Despite the small number, this phase can actually be broken into two subphases. Issues 34-35 pit Spider-Man against returning foes, Kraven and Molten Man respectively. Some minimal advancement to the romantic supblots surrounded by action that is well told, but not adding much to Spider-Man’s previous encounters with these villains.

Issues 36-38 take a different tactic. They all introduce new villains, none of whom will become the iconic villains that the rest of the series had introduced. But all are interesting in their own right, and all have stories that center around them. Spider-Man becomes almost a secondary character, as we get to know the Looter and the Robot Master.

And they’re actually good comics, taken on their own terms, and not compared to the expectation of Spider-Man comics we’d developed over the previous 4 years of stories. Just offbeat tales about some offbeat characters who run into Spider-Man, tales that function more as satire than drama.

This falls into that mold. The story, Ditko’s final Spider-Man story, isn’t really about Spider-Man. It’s about this guy named Joe.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #38”

Daredevil #17

None Are So Blind..!

Featuring: Daredevil
Release: April 5, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Writer: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Artist: Jazzy Johnny Romita
Inker: Fearless Frankie Ray
Letterer: Swingin’ Sammy Rosen
Complaints may be sent to the irascible Irving Forbush!
20 pages

Daredevil #16Reading orderStrange Tales #144
Daredevil #16DaredevilDaredevil #18

It’s the challenge… the thrill of battle… the danger! That’s what really grabs me! And, I’ve a hunch that Spider-Man feels the same way!

Who’s Irving Forbush?

Recall the situation: The Masked Marauder had manipulated Daredevil and Spider-Man into being suspicious of each other. Now not only does Spider-Man think Daredevil is in league with the Masked Marauder, but he believes Foggy is Daredevil!

And remember, we’re supposed to be seeing what we think of John Romita’s take on Spider-Man. Somebody needs to take over for Steve Ditko!

Continue reading “Daredevil #17”

Daredevil #16

Enter… Spider-Man

Featuring: Daredevil
Release: March 3, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Sagacious script by: Stan Lee
Phantasmagoric pencilling by: Johnny Romita
Iconographic inking by: Frankie Ray (nee Giacoia)
Lachrymose lettering by: Artie Simek
20 pages

Thor #130, Story BReading orderDaredevil #17
Daredevil #15DaredevilDaredevil #17

Let’s talk about your costume! Those red longjohns break me up– but I liked your old yellow duds better! … I mean they matched your new yellow streak!

This might be the first time we learn the true identity of Frankie Ray, really Frank Giacoia. For a lot of these people, the aliases are about not sabotaging regular gigs with Marvel’s competition. Frank Giacoia was a regular DC artist at the time, and hadn’t necessarily wanted them knowing he was freelancing for Marvel. But at some point it becomes clear, or his Marvel gig becomes the more regular gig, and it just stops mattering. Though by this point Marvel fans might know him best as Frank or Frankie Ray and not recognize the name Frank Giacoia.

Just like they might be confused if a comic were credited to Stanley Lieber or Jacob Kurtzberg.

That’s a great cover by Romita and Giacoia. The cityscape is detailed but the lack of color keeps it subtly in the background, leaving the focus on the two colorful characters. This is our first chance to see Spider-Man as rendered by John Romita. He captures that sense of agility that Ditko creates, and you can feel the motion of the cover, even without the helpful motion lines.

We’ve talked a bit about the tension in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. Lee and Ditko aren’t getting along and Ditko is looking out the door. Lee is well aware of this, but has a huge problem. Spider-Man is his best comic, indelibly associated with Steve Ditko. You can’t just throw anybody on the book. Jack Kirby is Stan’s go-to artist when he needs a good one, but Jack had drawn Spider-Man a couple times by this point, and it was never right. And Jack’s style– while perfect for Fantastic Four– just wasn’t Spider-Man. Nobody was Steve Ditko.

We talked in the last issue about John Romita, who recently passed away. He’s been on Daredevil since Wally Wood left, following a succession of legendary talent from Bill Everett to Joe Orlando. And Romita has been more than up to the task of making his own mark on Daredevil.

But John Romita is not famous for drawing Daredevil. And while he excelled at the romance comics he had been drawing, that’s not really what made him a household name amongst fans. His step into legendary status will come with his next assignment, and this issue will serve as his audition for that assignment.

So, how well can John Romita draw Spider-Man? Let’s find out.

Continue reading “Daredevil #16”

Amazing Spider-Man #37

Once Upon a Time, There Was a Robot…!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: March 10, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Edited and written by: Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered and cherished by: Artie Simek
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #36Reading orderStrange Tales #142
Amazing Spider-Man #36Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #38

The penultimate chapter.

Of the greatest run of comics in history. Amazing Spider-Man by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Though it ends with more of a whimper than a bang. Its great climactic finale was 4 issues earlier. We then had a couple forgettable rematches with minor villains, then the introduction of a forgettable villain. This issue also introduces a new villain, but again not the most memorable one.

This issue has some things going for it though. It rises above the last few issues, though not to the heights of the first 33. It’s almost over.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #37”