Sgt. Fury #12

When a Howler Turns Traitor!

Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: September 8, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Possibly the most dramatic battle thriller ever written by: Sgt. Stan Lee
Perhaps the finest example yet of the artistic skill of: Cpl. Dick Ayers
A new inking triumph by: Geo. Bell
Another lettering victory by: S. Rosen
20 pages

X-Men #8Reading orderFantastic Four #33
Sgt. Fury #11Sgt. FurySgt. Fury #13

The Howlers are in an English pub. Axis Sally is on the radio. She is broadcasting Nazi propaganda from Berlin, calling on all Americans of German or Italian descent to turn against America and side with their own people. Of course, Dino Manelli is the Italian-American member of the Commandos, and has already had to deal with prejudice within the ranks.

Dino reminds us it’s possible to love his heritage and still want to fight against tyranny.

Continue reading “Sgt. Fury #12”

X-Men #8

Unus, the Untouchable

Featuring: X-Men
Release: September 1, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Jack Kirby
Inker: Chic Stone
Letter: S. Rosen
20 pages

Fantastic Four #32Reading orderSgt. Fury #12
X-Men #7X-MenX-Men #9

The X-Men are no longer students, but the status quo hasn’t changed much. They now train for missions; their training sessions look very similar to the classes they used to take. Professor X is still away and Cyclops is in charge; so he is running the training session. Hence, he is in a suit rather than a uniform. So you know he’s in charge.

Iceman practices making his body icier. As he does, some of the smoothness fades, allowing defined corners within his now icy body. These are the first hints of a new look forming. Iceman’s visual evolution is similar to Thing’s, going from a softer ill-defined look to lots of defining lines and corners.

It’s weird that Iceman is described as transparent and compared to the Invisible Girl. I usually think of the ice as a layer around him; they seem to be suggesting his insides are turning to ice as well, though the art indicates nothing of the kind.

Continue reading “X-Men #8”

Fantastic Four #32

Death of a Hero!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: August 11, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Story by: Stan Lee who has never been more dramatic!
Illustrations by: Jack Kirby who has never been more thrilling!
Inking by: Chic Stone who has never been more realistic!
Lettering by: S. Rosen who has never been more than an hour late!
21 pages

Tales to Astonish #62, Story BReading orderX-Men #8
Fantastic Four #31Fantastic FourFantastic Four #33

Kirby continues his experimental depictions of outer space, using a collage of art and photos.

That’s not a great reprint. Let’s see the cleaned-up digital version:

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #32”

Tales to Astonish #62, Story B

Enter… The Chameleon!

Featuring: Hulk
Release: September 1, 1964
Cover: December 1964
12 cents
Sensationally scripted by: Stan Lee
Dynamically drawn by: Steve Ditko
Impeccably inked by: George Bell
Lovingly lettered by: Sam Rosen
10 pages

Tales to Astonish #62Reading orderFantastic Four #32
Tales to Astonish #62Tales to AstonishTales to Astonish #63

Even if he escapes this mess, the status quo is unsustainable. If Hulk might revert to Banner at any moment and has no control… he can’t keep that identity a secret.

In a recent issue of Amazing Spider-Man, we remarked the Enforcers were distinguished from other super-villains in that they were content to be lackeys, serving a major super-villain. Most of the super-villains are to arrogant to serve anybody, a plot point whenever two try to team up. The other “lackey” villains we’ve met are Dr. Doom’s Terrible Trio and Magneto’s Evil Mutants. The Terrible Trio tried to make the leap from lackeys to being their own bosses with limited success. Magneto’s mutants only serve him, while the Enforcers are clearly for-hire.

Chameleon is the first villain we see make the leap from super-villain to lackey. He’d teamed up twice with Kraven, but those seemed more like partnerships. Now, he works for the Leader. Chameleon has been getting around. Originally a Spider-Man foe, he recently fought the Avengers, and now faces off against Hulk.

More than the major crossovers, I like the cameos. I like that Captain America can just show up for a panel if the story calls for it. Makes the universe feel cohesive.

I’m loathe to call this the introduction of the Leader since we don’t see his face. I suspect Ditko hadn’t even finished designing him yet.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #62, Story B”

Tales to Astonish #61, Story B

Captured At Last!

Featuring: Hulk
Release: August 4, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Author: The incomparable Stan Lee
Illustrator: The inimitable Steve Ditko
Inker: The indescribable George Bell
Letterer: The inevitable S. Rosen
10 pages

Tales to Astonish #61Reading orderTales to Astonish #62
Tales to Astonish #61Tales to AstonishTales to Astonish #62

Last issue, Bruce Banner built a robot. (They call it a robot, but it’s more like Iron Man’s armor, since somebody needs to be inside to pilot it.) An unnamed spy stole it. Hulk fought the “robot” to a stalemate. The robot escaped. Since the story didn’t end there, it might have been nice to read this next chapter immediately. Except… this Hulk story will basically never end. So we take the breaks where we can.

The robot has now found Hulk’s secret cave laboratory. Ditko really likes the shot of Hulk’s visage standing over Bruce’s shoulder.

Meanwhile, we meet Major Glen Talbot. He’s in charge of security now and suspects Bruce Banner is a traitor due to a pattern of suspicious behavior General Ross had noted. The Pentagon agrees with Ross’ assessment that Banner should be investigated.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #61, Story B”

Amazing Spider-Man #19

Spidey Strikes Back!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: September 8, 1964
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Written by: Spidey’s godfather, Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Spidey’s big daddy, Steve Ditko
Lettered by: S. Rosen (Spidey’s second cousin on his uncle’s side!)
22 pages

Strange Tales #127, Story BReading orderTales to Astonish #61
Amazing Spider-Man #18Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #20

The conclusion of the “End of Spider-Man” trilogy sees Spider-Man’s triumphant return.

Recall the story so far. Spider-Man had been in a battle with Green Goblin when he learned Aunt May had been hospitalized; he ran away from the fight, provoking the whole town to talk about what a coward he is. In the next issue, he ran away from a fight with Sandman, fearing injuries to himself would leave nobody to look after Aunt May. A confluence of factors convinced him to retire the Spider-Man persona before Aunt May gave a well-timed speech which inspired him to change his mind. Now, he wants a rematch with the Sandman.

We tried to read Amazing Spider-Man #17-19 together, but Human Torch had at least one Strange Tales adventure in the middle, and Dr. Strange was involved in a two-part story in that same title, so we took a brief detour before wrapping up Spidey’s mini-saga.

That said, all the in-story information tells us is that Human Torch is weary from a battle he just had. That could be anything, one we saw or didn’t. However, if we trust Stan’s editor note, then Johnny is referring to Strange Tales #127. That doesn’t really make much sense, as that battle was in Utah. So why would Human Torch be in New York flying to his own house commenting on how he’s still exhausted from a battle in Utah. Did he not nap on the plane ride home?

Sandman and the Enforcers capture the Human Torch. Montana’s rope seems like a poor weapon against the Torch’s flame, but maybe it’s specially treated. Most likely, Human Torch’s weariness from the battle with that mystery villain in Utah is the only reason he was beaten.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #19”

Strange Tales #127, Story B

Duel with the Dread Dormammu!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: September 8, 1964
Cover: December 1964
12 cents
Story by: Stan Lee, master of macabre menace
Art by: Steve Ditko, weaver of wondrous witchraft
Lettered by: S. Rosen, sultan of speedball sorcery
10 pages

Strange Tales #127Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #19
Strange Tales #127Strange TalesStrange Tales #128

Last issue saw the build-up to Dr. Strange’s fight with Dormammu. It established pretty clearly that Dormammu is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, on a level we can’t even comprehend. Dr. Strange has no chance against Dormammu. Last issue was quite clear on that, but then cut off just as they were about to battle.

The promised battle does not immediately commence. Dormammu gives Strange a chance to reconsider first, as this would be more slaughter than battle.

The girl from last issue finds Dr. Strange again, this time to show him the moral complexity of the situation. Dormammu poses a threat to Earth; that is why Dr. Strange must stop him. But Dormammu also rules his realm. Early indications are that he’s something of a tyrant, imprisoning people who question him or fail him.

He may be a tyrant; he may be evil; he may be about to destroy our world… but he’s also the only force standing between his subjects and the Mindless Ones. Whatever else he may be, he keeps his people safe. Even if Dr. Strange somehow succeeded in defeating Dormammu, the mystic shields sustained by Dormammu’s will would break, allowing the Mindless Ones to enter the Dark Realm, where they would proceed to kill all the inhabitants. Quite the moral quandary.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #127, Story B”

Strange Tales #126

Pawns of the Deadly Duo!

Featuring: Human Torch and Thing
Release: August 11, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Stan Lee is our inspired writer
Dick Ayers is our admired penciller
Paul Reinman is our desired inker
S. Rosen is our tired letterer
13 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #18Reading orderStrange Tales #126, Story B
Strange Tales #125, Story BStrange TalesStrange Tales #126, Story B

Mad Thinker and Puppet Master team up to destroy the Fantastic Four; the plan is to use puppets to manipulate Thing and Human Torch into fighting.

I swear we’ve already read this story. Maybe I’m thinking of Strange Tales #116 where Puppet Master used puppets to manipulate Thing and Human Torch into fighting. Or Fantastic Four #28 where the Mad Thinker and Puppet Master teamed up to destroy the Fantastic Four.

Stan refers to the alliance of the Puppet Master and Mad Thinker as the “Deadly Duo”. That’s what Stan called the alliance of Dr. Doom and Namor in Fantastic Four #6. I guess there are so many alliterative appellations for abhorrent alliances.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #126”

Amazing Spider-Man #18

The End of Spider-Man!

Featuring: Spider-Man (for the moment)
Release: August 11, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee, author of “The Fantastic Four”
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko, illustrator of “Dr. Strange”
Lettered by: Sam Rosen, letterer of… “Patsy Walker”???
22 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #17Reading orderStrange Tales #126
Amazing Spider-Man #17Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #19

Check out that cover. Quite the contrast with pretty much every other superhero cover. The superhero is usually portrayed as tough, dramatically standing against the odds. In the worst case, the cover might show the villain winning, but the superhero remains defiant. This one has Spider-Man cowering and hiding from the villain.

In this story, Peter decides to quit being Spider-Man. He’s thought about it before, but he’s about to actually quit for the first time. It won’t be the last time, or even necessarily the most famous time. A similar story will get told and retold across decades of Spider-Man stories and even make its way into Spider-Man 2. (More directly, the film borrowed from Amazing Spider-Man #50, which borrowed from this issue.)

Note we’re reading this and the last issue together because they make a strong arc when read together. In terms of continuity, it has been weeks since the conclusion of the last issue, so it’s likely several other heroes’ adventures we’ve read occurred in the interim.

The story begins with everybody reacting to Spider-Man’s retreat: heroes, villains, people on the street… guy can’t run away from a single fight without everybody having an opinion. Ditko is great at people reacting to things.

Wasp notes that wasps and spiders are natural enemies. Always found that a weird thing to say. But she’s said it before and she’ll say it again; it’s an obsession of hers whenever the topic of Spider-man comes up.

This is an excellent comic for helping shape the nature of the relationship between Human Torch and Spider-Man. They’ve had some banter and conflict before, but also teamed up. A friendly rivalry. We saw how friendly last issue when Johnny attended the Spider-Man Fan Club meeting and then was quick to help Spider-Man against the Goblin. Now, he seems uncertain. He witnessed Spider-Man’s cowardice firsthand, but still wants to think better of his friend.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #18”

Amazing Spider-Man #17

The Return of the Green Goblin!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: July 9, 1964
Cover: October 1964
12 cents
Ruggedly written by: Stan Lee
Robustly drawn by: Steve Ditko
Recently lettered by: S. Rosen
22 pages

Sgt. Fury #11Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #18
Amazing Spider-Man #16Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #18

The Green Goblin returns. I was not impressed with this villain in his first appearance. I am not that impressed with him 60 years later. But he is perhaps Spider-Man’s most popular villain, considered by many to be the definitive Spider-Man villain. Why?

I have a theory, a cynical one, mind you. Perhaps Team Goblin folks can correct me. My theory is this: Green Goblin is the villain in all the best Spider-Man stories, most of which would work just as well if you substituted in any villain. Case in point: this story.

A classmate of Peter’s refers to the James Bond novels. The character had already made his way into at least two films by this point as well. We’ll look back to the current place in pop culture of James Bond when SHIELD gets introduced, to see if we detect any influence.

This remains the only series to really handle the out-of-costume soap opera well. Almost every other title needs to keep its focus on the mission or the villain. Here, the villain shows up for the fight on page 13. Stan and Steve are confident they can fill 12 pages with character work, and they can.

Green Goblin has a new glider. Last time, he had a flying broomstick instead. This is definitely cooler, and he notes it’s faster and more maneuverable… but the old one he specifically noted was designed to make fatal error impossible. He neglects to mention if this new glider has been so designed.

That bottom middle panel. We’ve basically seen it before.

The Green Goblin reveals his arsenal: pumpkin, ghost, frog, moon, bat. Of these weapons, the pumpkin will prove surprisingly enduring.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #17”