Tales of Suspense #60

Suspected of murder!

Featuring: Iron Man
Release: September 8, 1864
Cover: December 1964
12 cents
Written by the king of comi-drama: Stan Lee
Illustrated by the master of panoramic spectacle: Don Heck
Inked by the prince of line design: Dick Ayers
Lettered by the sultan of shaky borders: Sam Rosen
13 pages

Fantastic Four #33Reading orderTales of Suspense #60, Story B
Tales of Suspense #59, Story BTales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #60, Story B

Iron Man is suspected of murdering Anthony Stark! But how can that be when Iron Man and Stark are the same person!

The art team is Heck and Ayers. We recently saw their work on Avengers #9 and will soon see it on Avengers #10. I was not impressed with their Avengers work. They acquit themselves much better here, even when rendering the Avengers. The faces are clear and distinct. The lines are clean.

Here’s where we were. Iron Man’s heart problems have accelerated. He needs the constant flow of power from his suit to his heart. He cannot remove his suit even for a minute, lest he risk his heart giving out. This means he cannot appear as Tony Stark. He made some excuses as Iron Man for Tony’s disappearance, but Pepper and Happy are suspicious.

This story seems to take place pretty soon after the ending of last issue. Pepper and Happy are searching for Mr. Stark. We saw that Avengers #9 explicitly took place in the middle of all this, with Iron Man reflecting on Stark’s disappearance and Pepper and Happy’s suspicions.

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