X-Men #24

The Plague of… The Locust!

Featuring: X-Men
Release: June 30, 1966
Cover: September 1966
12 cents
Editing by: Stan (Busy Bee) Lee
Script by: Roy (Bookworm) Thomas
Art by: Werner (Worker-ant) Roth
Inking by: Dick (Doodlebug) Ayers
Lettering by: Sam (Pussycat) Rosen
20 pages

Fantastic Four #54Reading orderThor Annual 2
X-Men #23X-MenX-Men #25

“Grow! Grow! Grow! Let not one X-Man survive!”
“Now, how does a rational person argue with sentiments like those?”

As we learned last issue, Jean is leaving the X-Men to go to college. She’ll be at Metro College, the same college as Johnny Storm. We just saw that Johnny Storm was on school break with Wyatt Wingfoot, and using that break to travel to the Great Refuge to try to free the Inhumans.

The Narrator notes Johnny and Wyatt are in the Himalayas. Last we saw them, they were traveling from Wakanda in Africa and on their way to the Great Refuge, which had been in the Andes, not the Himalayas. Perhaps they got lost.

Continue reading “X-Men #24”

Sgt. Fury Annual 2

A Day of Thunder!

Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: June 9, 1966
Cover: 1966
25 cents
Stan Lee, editor extaordinary
Roy Thomas, scripter superlative
Dick Ayers, penciler pre-eminent
John Tartaglione, inker infallible
Sam Rosen, letterer lamentable
24 pages

Daredevil #19Reading orderFantastic Four #54
Sgt. Fury Annual 1Sgt. Fury AnnualSgt. Fury Annual 3

Countless ships… squadrons of high-flying B-17’s, and medium-range bombers…170,000 American and British troops– all part of the mightiest armada ever assembled by man! All dedicated to the overthrow of the most unholy empire ever conceived by man… or demon!

We’ve been hanging out in 1943-44 for this whole series. It’s been pointedly pre-D-Day. The Howlers are based in England because there is no major Allied presence in Europe. They keep sneaking into Europe for their adventures.

These annuals aren’t necessarily set with the monthly comics, so there may be several pre-D-Day comics yet to come. For example, the first annual showed the Howlers reunite in Korea, and the next one will take us to Viet Nam. And we have several more pre-D-Day stories to come in the main title.

June 5. 1944. Normandy. Hitler believes his wall around Europe to be impenetrable. The Howlers once again sneak into France on their most important mission.

Continue reading “Sgt. Fury Annual 2”

Sgt. Fury #32

A Traitor in Our Midsts!

Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: May 10, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Exquisitely non-edited by: Stan Lee
Ecstatically scripted by: Roy Thomas
Excitedly drawn by: Dick Ayers
Elatedly inked by: John Tartaglione
Eventually lettered by: Sam Rosen
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #40Reading orderThor #131
Sgt. Fury #31Sgt. FurySgt. Fury #33

“Now lissen, ya blasted goldbricks, and lissen good! This medic’s come all the way from the States to find out what makes us Howlers tick, an’ anybody that gives him trouble will answer to me! The doc’s here to see to it that none’a you jaw-flappin’ hyenas conks out on a mission! Like the sayin’ goes, a chain’s only as good as its weakest link!”
“Ain’t that pretty, Reb?”
“It sho’ nuff is, Gabe! Hey, Sarge… y’all think up that li’l ol’ speech by yoahself?”

Stan has something of a mixed reputation amongst fans today. One of the common complaints against him is that he took more credit than was due, that he accepted the credit and pay of a writer on works where his role was closer to that of an editor.

As he’s been handing off scripting duties to folks like Thomas and O’Neil, he’s stopped taking writing credit. But still gets his name first in the credits, now as an editor. (Interestingly, Roy Thomas is facing a bit of controversy lately for claiming to much creative credit from his later role as an editor.)

Amusingly, the credits admit Stan is now on vacation and wasn’t able to edit this particular book. So he claims credit for not editing the comic.

And still gets his name at the top of the credits!

We’d recently read a Daredevil comic from the same month where O’Neil had to finish the script because Stan took a vacation.

This actually may be the first comic we’ve come across that Stan Lee claims no credit for.

It’s possible this was Stan’s first vacation in five years.

Continue reading “Sgt. Fury #32”

X-Men #23

To Save a City

Featuring: X-Men
Release: June 2, 1966
Cover: August 1966
12 cents
Edited in ecstacy by Stan Lee
Written in rapture by Roy Thomas
Drawn in delight by Werner Roth
Delineated in depth by Dick Ayers
Lettered in a lawn-chair by Artie Simek
20 pages

POSTLUDEMarvels #3
X-Men #22Reading orderDaredevil #18
X-Men #22X-MenX-Men #24

It is only in this form, in which I have no solid substance, that I can know anything like the thrill of walking again!

Werner Roth had been referring to himself as “Jay Gavin” these last several issues. But now he’s ready to use his real name in the credits.

We pick up where last issue left off, with the X-Men prisoners of Count Nefaria and the new Maggia, with lieutenants picked from an assortment of titles.

Now Nefaria executes his plan, holding Washington DC hostage, blackmailing America, and framing the X-Men.

Continue reading “X-Men #23”

X-Men #22

Divided– We Fall!

Featuring: X-Men
Release: May 3, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Editor emeritus: Stan Lee
Script by: Roy Thomas
Art by: Jay Gavin
Inking by: Dick Ayers
Lettering by: Artie Simek
Colosso by: Irving Forbush Robotics, Inc.
20 pages

Sgt. Fury #31Reading orderX-Men #23
X-Men #21X-MenX-Men #23

And, we did it as a team! No one of us could have done it alone!

The cover shows quite the assemblage of super-villains, with the X-Men reduced to floating heads.

As noted before (such as in the last X-Men arc), I find it interesting when super-villains treated as major threats upon their debut get relegated to henchman status. This starts to get them categorized as miscellaneous villains, but at least keeps them from being forgotten.

The story begins in the Danger Room, the most common place for an X-Men story to begin, then as now. Professor X has created a robot named Colosso for the X-Men to fight. And the robot was created to teach a very particular lesson. He can counter all the powers of the individual X-Men, but they can beat him as a team.

Continue reading “X-Men #22”

Sgt. Fury #31

Into the Jaws of… Death!

Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandoes
Release: April 12, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Written by: Roy Thomas
Illustrated by: Dick Ayers
Inked by: J. Tartaglione
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
20 pages

X-Men #21Reading orderX-Men #22
Sgt. Fury #30Sgt. FurySgt. Fury #32

I guess these big bad nazis plain scared me so much I couldn’t remember a thing!

This is an above-average Sgt. Fury story. It’s got a more intricate plot than usual with some clear stakes. Captain Sawyer gets a larger role, allowing his character to be fleshed out some. And it’s notable for introducing us finally to General Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander. I like that guy.

We saw in last issue’s text box that D-Day was approaching. We see the Howlers training underwater for that mission, dubbed Operation Overlord.

Continue reading “Sgt. Fury #31”

X-Men #20

I, Lucifer

Featuring: X-Men
Release: March 3, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Expertly edited by: Stan Lee
Skillfully scripted by: Roy Thomas
Perfectly penciled by: Jay Gavin
Ideally inked by: Dick Ayers
Laxly lettered by: Artie Simek
20 pages

Sgt. Fury #30Reading orderX-Men #21
X-Men #19X-MenX-Men #21

As usual, a mob seldom makes the right decision!

With this issue, Roy Thomas takes over as regular writer on The X-Men, a position he will hold for the next two years. Some sources suggest Stan gave a writing assist on this and the next issue, but Stan is only credited as Editor. (Of course, even as editor, Stan’s credit goes first.)

It begins with fake X-Men, villains seeking to ruin their reputation.

As Mark had previously noted in comments, you can spot the villains by the smoking of cigarettes.

Heroes smoke pipes.

Continue reading “X-Men #20”

Strange Tales #144, Story B

Where Man Hath Never Trod!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: February 10, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Edited with percipacity by: Stan Lee
Written with precocity by: Roy Thomas
Plotted and illustrated with profundity by: Steve Ditko
Lettered with the windows closed by: Artie Simek
10 pages

Strange Tales #144Reading orderStrange Tales #145
Strange Tales #144Strange TalesStrange Tales #145

How dare you make a request of the great Tazza! In the name of Satannish the Supreme, you shall join the other unmoving forms in my hallowed halls…

We are in what I see as the spinning-the-wheels phase. We had an extremely tense and fast-paced adventure that took us from issues 130-141. Then it slowed down. Mordo was defeated. Dormammu was humbled. Loose plot threads included servants of Mordo’s to deal with, and this woman who had helped Strange, who was now a prisoner of Dormammu. We’ve spent the last couple issues dealing with Mordo’s servants and now we’ll go look for this unnamed woman.

Dormammu was beaten with yet another vow to not move against Strange. But there’s a loophole if you read the fine print. Dormammu agreed not to attack Strange on Earth. But if the good Doctor travels to another dimension…

Continue reading “Strange Tales #144, Story B”

Strange Tales #143, Story B

With None Beside Me!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: January 11, 1966
Cover: April 1966
12 cents
Edited and rehashed by: Stan Lee
Written and rewritten by: Roy Thomas
Plotted and drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered and blotted by: Artie Simek
10 pages

Strange Tales #143Reading orderTales of Suspense #75, Story B
Strange Tales #143Strange TalesStrange Tales #144

And just like that, Stan Lee is not writing this series any more. He’s been the credited writer since the beginning, and isn’t quite done as the regular writer. But he’s off for the next half dozen issues or so. Last issue was his final collaboration with Ditko on the character of Dr. Strange. Maybe for the best as they no longer get along by this point.

Roy Thomas is Marvel’s young writer that Lee will increasingly be leaning on to take the burden of scripting some of these titles. He’s now the regular scripter on Sgt. Fury, but is only on Dr. Strange for the next two issues.

Either way, this is really Ditko’s comic. Whoever is scripting is just there for finishing touches.

We’re kind of maybe still in the middle of the Eternity Saga. Mordo defeated. Dormammu humbled. That woman missing. The Ancient One off searching for her. Mordo’s minions causing trouble. Dr. Strange with his hands and face bound, and his amulet and cloak stolen.

In this issue, Strange defeats the disciples and recovers his amulet and cloak.

Notably, we still don’t get the name for either disciple. The man will eventually be named Kaecilius, and he’ll be the main villain in the first Dr. Strange film, played by Mads Mikkelsen.

The woman will be known as Adria. It will be 16 years before either shows up again.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #143, Story B”

Sgt. Fury #29


Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: February 10, 1966
Cover: April 1966
12 cents
Explosive editing by: Stan Lee
Seething script by: Roy Thomas
Pulsating pencils by: Dick Ayers
Invigorating inking by: John Tartaglione
Lacksadaisal lettering by Sam Rosen
20 pages

Sgt. Fury #28Reading orderDaredevil #15
Sgt. Fury #28Sgt. FurySgt. Fury #30

Armageddon… that the day when good and evil are supposed ta lock horns for the last time… with the good guys comin’ out on top! ‘Course, I know we went through that ‘war to end war’ jazz before! Still, a guy can’t help hopin’–! Yeah, every once in a while, I get ta thinkin’… mebbe this one will be the last war! Mebbe—

We met Roy Thomas in his first Marvel story featuring Millie the Model. He’s since done other work for Millie and for Kid Colt Outlaw. He has a couple other credits out there because he’d submitted some story ideas to other companies before landing the Marvel gig, and they’re now seeing print. We saw him a second time on a confusingly credited issue of Iron Man that seemed like they’d recruited everybody around.

This will be his first ongoing series. He’ll script the next 12 issues of Sgt. Fury. And the first time any of these Marvel titles have seen Stan Lee take a break of longer than a couple issues. Stan Lee has penned his last Sgt. Fury script. Without much fanfare.

Of course, Stan Lee still gets his name first in the credits. He is indeed the editor for this and all the titles.

It’s worth noting that right away Thomas will start referencing the continuity of earlier issues.

Thomas picks up where Lee left off with a tense face-off between Fury and his archnemesis, Baron Strucker. Strucker has a switch which will blow up the entire city; Fury a trigger to blow the building they are both in.

Except Fury is bluffing. His explosives aren’t wired yet.

Continue reading “Sgt. Fury #29”