Fantastic Four #54

Whosoever Finds the Evil Eye–!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: June 9, 1966
Cover: September 1966
12 cents
Script: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Art: Jolly Jack Kirby
Inking: Jovial Joe Sinnott
Lettering: Snarlin’ Sam Rosen
20 pages

Sgt. Fury Annual 2Reading orderX-Men #24
Fantastic Four #53Fantastic FourFantastic Four #55

My name is Prester John… and long have I travelled the world, seeking to unravel the mysteries of mankind! That is why men have ever called me… the Wanderer! And, the sights I beheld… the secrets upon which I stumbled… were far beyond description… yea, almost beyond belief itself… Can I ever forget those lonely mountain peaks from which I barely escaped with my life… after finding a savage race who thrived only in the land of endless snow…? And, I wonder if time has erased the glory of Cathay… where I witnessed the flight of giant projectiles… like roaring comets, soaring high into the heavens! Even madness did I encounter… such as the time I crossed the angry sea only to find a tribe who studied the stars… and who insanely proclaimed Earth to be round, like some great spinning egg shell! But, the greatest triump of my life was finding the fabled isle of Avalon! Avalon… hidden realm of miracles without end! Avalon… whose wizards created mighty machines which harnassed the natural forces of the universe!! Alas, that those same forces should have destroyed their own land… causing them to vanish forever from the sight of men!

Still in Wakanda, the Fantastic Four and Black Panther play a baseball game.

When Reed and Sue go off to “shmooze”, Ben exclaims, “What a revoltin’ development!” Not the first time he’s used the phrase in response to Reed and Sue going off to shmooze. We’d seen it before in Fantastic Four #35. Brian Cronin traces the evolution of the phrase from Life of Reily to Daffy Duck to Ben Grimm here.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #54”

Fantastic Four #52

The Black Panther!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: April 12, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Script by: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Art by: Jolly Jackie Kirby
Inking by: Gentleman Joe Sinnott
Lettering by: Hammy Sammy Rosen
20 pages

Daredevil #18Reading orderFantastic Four #53
Fantastic Four #51Fantastic FourFantastic Four #53

The time has come for the Black Panther to stalk once more!

I’m going to repeat something I’ve been saying for the last year’s worth of Fantastic Four stories: just how impressive this moment in time is. What they accomplish in four consecutive stories arcs is unparalleled in comics history. Unprecedented and unequalled. To introduce the Inhumans, then have that story bleed into introducing Galactus and the Silver Surfer, then have that story bleed into the seminal “This Man This Monster”, to then immediately follow that up with the introduction of the Black Panther. Next issue will introduce the villainous Klaw and tell the origin of the Black Panther.

That’s a run of 10 incredibles issues. This run was preceded by the famous wedding, which was preceded by an epic three-part battle with the Frightful Four, which was preceded by one of their most iconic battles against Dr. Doom over the previous two issues…

The comic has been on fire with a sustained level of quality no other comic series has ever reached.

It can’t last forever. Fantastic Four #54 is a solid but ultimately forgettable comic. Though the stretch of stories that follow is also excellent, on par with anything except this incredible 10-issue stretch.

Let’s dive into the story without further hyperbolic build-up, and then we’ll take some time at the end to reflect on this new character we’ve just met, the Black Panther.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #52”

Fantastic Four #50

The Startling Saga of the Silver Surfer!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: February 10, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Jack Kirby
Inks: Joe Sinnott
Lettering: S. Rosen
20 pages

Fantastic Four #49Reading orderFantastic Four #51
Fantastic Four #49Fantastic FourFantastic Four #51

Master! For the first time I realize the dread enormity of what you plan to do! You must not tamper with other worlds! You cannot destroy the entire human race!

Would you hesitate to tread upon an ant hill? These creatures are of no consequence to Galactus!

These are not ants, Master! They think… they feel… they have even created the primitive civilization which we see all about us!

Master! Say we may leave this world! My heart grieves at battling one with whom I shared… a universe!

You speak of me as though I am a monster! Do not the humans themselves slay the lesser beasts for food… for sustenance? Galactus does no less!

Galactus is not evil! He is above good.. or evil! He does what he must… for he is Galactus!

Emulate the Watcher! Stand and observe! Try to fathom the cataclysmic forces which have been unleashed! For you shall never see their like again!

Long have I cherished the stumbling, bumbling, but always aspiring human race!

Consider the courage they display! Though they are still in their infancy, you must not disdain them! Did not your race… and mine… evolve from such humble beginnings? Do they not possess the seed of grandeur within their frail, human frames?

And at last I perceive the glint of glory within the race of man! Be ever worthy of that glory, humans… be ever mindful of your promise of greatness! …For it shall one day lift you beyond the stars.. or bury you within the ruins of war!! The choice is yours!!

Generally, my plan is to pick a single quote from each issue to open these posts. I cheated last issue and am doing so again this issue. Too many great quotes. Also too many great images.

This isn’t the worst cover we’ve seen, but it is the most disappointing. Compare it to the awesome first page.

That’s a cool image. But the cover? No Galactus? The FF just as floating heads? Just a shot of the Silver Surfer. With the corner of the cover devoted to Johnny at college? What?

Notice they seem to have gotten the coloring of Galactus basically right now. Purple over red, wearing pants. Still bare arms, but that’s fine. Third time’s the charm. Here’s how it looks in the digital version with modern coloring.

I think the conclusion of the Galactus saga is excellent, but the structuring of this issue is again weird. To appreciate that, I’d like to peek ahead a few pages.

Recall where we were. Galactus is about to destroy the entire world in order to convert its resources into energy to feed himself. His herald has been convinced by Alicia that human life matters, so Silver Surfer has decided for the first time in countless eons to defy his master. Meanwhile, the Human Torch has journeyed across the universe to the giant space station that is Galactus’ home, to find the one weapon that may yet save them.

With all that to wrap up ahead of us, this is page 15.

We meet Coach Thorpe, who is very concerned his college football team is performing poorly. And his star quarterback is giving him attitude.

I cannot even begin to explain the surreality of the contrast between the first and fifteenth page of this comic.

Maybe it will make sense as we go on.

It won’t.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #50”

Fantastic Four #48

The Coming of Galactus!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: December 12, 1965
Cover: March 1966
12 cents
Stan Lee, writer without peer!
Jack Kirby, penciller of the year!
Joe Sinnott, inker most sincere!
Artie Simek, how’d he get in here!
20 pages

Tales of Suspense #78, Story BReading orderFantastic Four #49
Fantastic Four #47Fantastic FourFantastic Four #49

My journey is ended! This planet shall sustain me until it has been drained of all elemental life! So speaks Galactus!

There’s a lot going on in this issue, and a lot to say. So we’ll break it into sections.

The end of the Inhumans saga

We were reading the Inhumans saga in Fantastic Four #4447. And it wasn’t done. Maximus, the mad would-be king of the Inhumans, was just about to wipe out all humanity with his weapon.

Despite this cliffhanger, we left the saga behind to check in on the rest of the Marvel Universe. We’ve read 70 other stories over the 9 months since we left ourselves hanging. The story concludes this issue. Prior to issue 44, the longest FF saga was 3 parts in the previous 3 issues, #4143, clocking in at 60 pages. Before that, the longest FF saga was the 2-part #3940, clocking in at 40 pages.

We’ve already ready 4 issues and 80 pages of the Inhumans arc, and we’re not done! Here we are on the 5th issue. Since this issue is another 20 pages, does that mean it’s a 100-page long saga?

I would say no. I would put it at about 86.7 pages.

That’s right. There are less than 7 pages left.

The Fantastic Four have found the Great Refuge within the Andes. Black Bolt wants them to leave immediately. Reed wants Black Bolt to stop hiding from humanity. Crystal and Johnny want each other.

And Maximus… he fires his “atmo-gun”, which will send vibrations that only affect humans into the air, leaving the Inhumans the rulers of the world.

And the resolution of this apocalyptic moment?

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #48”

Fantastic Four #46

Those Who Would Destroy Us!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: October 12, 1965
Cover: January 1966
12 cents
Story by our leader, Stan Lee
Illustrations by our idol, Jack Kirby
Inking by our star, Joe Sinnott
Lettering by our letterer, Artie Simek
20 pages

Fantastic Four #45Reading orderFantastic Four #47
Fantastic Four #45Fantastic FourFantastic Four #47

Although I die– I die– free!

Who is Black Bolt? He’s fast. He’s strong. Strong enough to stagger the Thing with one blow. The antenna on his mask converts electrons into his strength and speed.

He doesn’t speak.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #46”

Fantastic Four #45

Among Us Hide… The Inhumans

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: September 9, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Incredible story by: Stan Lee!
Incomparable pencilling by: Jack Kirby!
Invincible inking by: Joe Sinnott!
Inevitable lettering by: Artie Simek!
20 pages

Fantastic Four #44Reading orderFantastic Four #46
Fantastic Four #44Fantastic FourFantastic Four #46

I know how it feels to be a misfit– to haveta depend on your strength– because you aint got anythin’ else to offer anyone!

This is an incredible moment in Marvel’s history. The same month that introduces the Inhumans, the Eternity Saga comes to a climax as Dr. Strange engages Baron Mordo in final battle. And the Master Planner Saga begins in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. (We’ll read that story right after this one.)

Plus X-Men meet the Sentinels; SHIELD vs. Hydra; Odin vs. Absorbing Man. These coming months are the best period in Marvel’s history.

Gorgon has captured Medusa. Dragon Man has captured Sue. The remaining FF members are caught in a collapsing building caused by Gorgon’s shock wave kick.

Thing seems particularly down on himself: “I’ve been nothin’ but a thorn in yer sides for months anyway!” In fairness, he did quit the team and join the Frightful Four.

The Torch too. “I failed you–both of you–when you needed me the most!” Quite the pity party here.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #45”

Fantastic Four #44

The Gentleman’s Name is Gorgon!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: August 10, 1965
Cover: November 1965
12 cents
Dreamed up by: Stan Lee
Sketched down by: Jack Kirby
Inked in by: Joe Sinnott
Lettered around by: S. Rosen
20 pages

Avengers #25Reading orderFantastic Four #45
Fantastic Four #43Fantastic FourFantastic Four #45

I’ve had enough of this domestic bliss bit! Hanging around here is like being on the set of Ozzie and Harriet!

“The world’s greatest comic magazine!” That’s what is says on the cover. Despite being a comic not as good as the company’s own Dr. Strange or Spider-Man stories. But it’s always been one of Marvel’s best comics and has gotten continually better. We’ve noted assorted leaps forward in quality, such as in issues 13, 29, 35, 36, 38, 39… At some point, we enter into the great era of Fantastic Four. And if we weren’t there already, we’re definitely there now.

One missing ingredient was Joe Sinnott on inks. Often cited as Kirby’s best inker. He’s not entirely new, as he inked the introduction of Dr. Doom back in issue 5. He’d also been the regular artist on Thor for a bit, but did a pretty terrible job. He later recalled in interviews that he hadn’t realized at the time anybody expected these comics to be good. He took the Thor assignment as a job to churn out some disposable work. He seems to take this Fantastic Four assignment more seriously.

Why are Joe’s inks special?

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #44”