Featuring: Fantastic Four Release: April 9, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Written by: Stan Lee (The leader!) Drawn by: Jack Kirby (The king!) Inked by: Chic Stone (The master!) Lettered by: Art Simek (The letterer!) 22 pages
Stan’s been doing “clever credits” for a while now, giving all sorts of nicknames to the creators. This one happens to be Kirby’s most famous nickname. He is generally known today as Jack “King” Kirby. This is the first time we’ve seen the “king” nickname in our reading. Can’t confirm whether it’s been used anywhere else before. This project began 20 years into Jack’s rather prolific career.
We turn now to the story, where the Fantastic Four and X-Men meet for the first time. (Well, Human Torch and Iceman had already met…)
We begin with a statue of Thing that has been sculpted by the brilliant Alicia, working by touch alone.
Featuring: Dr. Strange Release: April 9, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Written, with a touch of sorcery by: Stan Lee Drawn, with a dash of necromancy by: Steve Ditko Lettered, with a number 6 pen point by: Art Simek 9 pages
We finish up Strange Tales #122. A couple things to recall from last time. I actually own this comic. And Dr. Strange is now a corner box star.
Dr. Strange, exhausted from recent battles against supernatural evil, falls asleep without proper protective chants, which leaves him vulnerable to Nightmare. This is Dr. Strange’s third battle with Nightmare.
Featuring: Human Torch Release: April 9, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Rapidly written by: Stan Lee Speedily sketched by: Dick Ayers Instantly inked by: Geo. Bell Lazily lettered by: S. Rosen 14 pages
Move over, Johnny. Human Torch now has to share the corner box with Dr. Strange. Getting your face into the corner box is how you know you’ve made it.
And hey! I own this comic. That cover is scanned from my collection. I bought it not all that long ago for $15, which seemed a reasonable price. For those keeping count, this is #3 for comics I actually own in original form.
But now I want to return it. Because of blatant false advertising. The cover clearly says “Dr. Doom does not appear in this story.”
Yet, look here on page 1. Who is that? It’s Dr. Doom!
Turn the page, who do we see on page 3? Dr. Doom again!
Now, these panels are all flashback sequences to the last battle with Dr. Doom. Since it ended with Dr. Doom falling into space, it’s obvious we’ll never actually see him again. Wait… but the note informs us he will return in Fantastic Four Annual 2. How can that possibly be?
Featuring: Daredevil Release: April 2, 1964 Cover: June 1964 12 cents Story: Stan Lee Art: Joe Orlando Inking: Vince Colletta Lettering: S. Rosen 22 pages
The credits have two names that are new to us. Last issue was drawn by Bill Everett, who did an excellent job, but apparently also missed his deadline by a wide margin. Whatever happened, he was not invited back.
The artist is now Joe Orlando, who has been working in comics since the early ’50s, including occasional freelance work for Marvel. This is his first superhero work, previously drawing horror, western, and war comics, most notably for EC Comics. He worked in the comics field for many decades as artist, writer, and editor, most of that time with DC comics. As far as I can tell, this short stint on Daredevil is the last work he’ll ever do at Marvel.
Here’s a peek at some of the work he’d been doing in the previous 13 years.
Vince Colletta had been working as an artist for Marvel for about a decade, primarily on romance comics. He had recently moved toward inking. He will soon become a regular inker over Jack Kirby, and begin a very long run inking Thor. I believe this is also his first ever superhero work.
His work is not always loved by critics or his colleagues. He has a reputation for choosing professionalism over artistry. I see no evidence of this or any other flaw in this particular comic. I will caveat that I haven’t always the best eye for art, nor any particular talent for separating the contributions of the penciler from the inker when I look upon a page.
Featuring: Watcher Release: April 9, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Story plot: Stan Lee Script + Art: Larry Lieber Lettering: Art Simek 5 pages
The Watcher’s emotional state in the previous issue led me to conclude it was an ancient story of the Watcher’s youth. This story is clearly taking place closer to modern times, though still in the past. The Watcher has already set up shop on our moon, which he describes as his temporary domain; he will finally leave this home in Fantastic Four #13. The continents of Earth seem to be in their current position. He must already be an ancient being.
An alien plans to steal Earth’s sun to save his own world. The Watcher distracts him long enough to thwart his plans.
Featuring: Iron Man Release: April 9, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Presented by: Stan Lee and Don Heck Lettered by S. Rosen 5 pages
This is pushing the line between what I’d call a story and what I’d call a special feature at the end of a story. It’s long enough and told in a comics format, so I decided to give it its own entry, but I could have included it at the end of the last one.
This feature fits in where the science fiction tale would normally have gone, but those are done now.
The first page shows some of Iron Man’s major villains:
Black Widow
Mysterious Melter
Mr. Doll
Crimson Dynamo
Jack Frost
It’s not an exhaustive list. I don’t see:
Kala and the Netherworlders
Dr. Strange
Red Barbarian
The Actor
The Mad Pharaoh
One villain is unnamed, and I don’t recognize him.
Featuring: Iron Man Release: April 9, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Written by: Friendly Stan Lee Illustrated by: Faithful Don Heck Lettered by: Fearless Art Simek 13 pages
For the second issue in a row, a comic I own in original form, because it was too hard to find the Watcher story in the back any other way.
The title is, “No one escapes the Mandarin!” Iron Man is currently a prisoner. Willing to bet money someone will escape the Mandarin by issue’s end. (In fact, someone will escape the Mandarin by page 3.)
I need everybody to agree on a couple points. Iron Man is a captive. He is tied up just like he was at the end of last issue. That’s the first point. The second is that he is wearing a different helmet than he was a moment ago. There is a clear lack of bolts down the face. Somebody explain.
Featuring: Watcher Release: March 10, 1964 Cover: June 1964 12 cents Story plot by: Stan Lee Script + Art by: Larry Lieber Inking: Chic Stone Lettering: Art Simek 5 pages
As I mentioned in the last post, this is the first comic in our reading I actually own an original copy of. This story is the reason I have it. I had the Iron Man story already in the Essential Iron Man and Iron Man Omnibus. But at the time, nearly 20 years ago, I couldn’t find the Watcher story anywhere else. So I tracked down the original comic, shelling out several dollars for it, maybe as much as 7 or 8. Definitely more than the 12 cents it should have cost.
The Watcher is unusually passionate at the moment. I think of him as more reserved. Here, he plans to stick to his oath, but it torments him.
That makes me think this tale is set in very ancient times. The modern Watcher is a little more accepting of his role, and this tale takes place in his youth, when he struggled a bit more with his oath.
As I’ve expressed before, the Watcher’s conclusions about morality are wrong. It’s better to act. That said, they fascinate me. Especially stories like this that attempt to explore the morality of his oath.
Featuring: Iron Man Release: March 10, 1964 Cover: June 1964 12 cents Written (in his magic Marvel manner) by: Stan lee Drawn (in his famous flashing fashion) by: Don Heck Lettered (in his smooth subtle style) by: Art Simek 13 pages
We reach a personal milestone for me in this reading. Up to this point, every story I’ve read, I’ve used some form of reprint, often a collection from one of their reprint lines like Marvel Masterworks, sometimes a later comic that happens to reprint the old story.
This comic I own. Cover barely hanging on, brown at the edges, but this is mine. That cover? That’s a scan of my copy. Most of the other covers have been taken from the GCD.
So that’s pretty exciting.
Now for the bad news. The Mandarin returns. Iron Man’s lamest villain yet (despite some stiff competition) is back for round 2.
Iron Man gets a new helmet. The face mask no longer protrudes out, making his head a smoother shape, and there are visible bolts along the mask. I get the bolts along where the facemask meets the helmet, but not sure what the ones down the middle are doing. They won’t be around long. In fact, they’ll disappear mid-story suddenly without any plausible explanation.
It’s a pretty weird look, frankly. It will be better when that middle line of bolts goes away.
Featuring: Avengers Release: May 5, 1964 Cover: July 1964 12 cents Written by the inspired typewriter of: Stan Lee Drawn by the enchanted pencil of: Jack Kirby Inked by the gifted brush of: Chic Stone Lettered by the scratch pen of: S. Rosen 23 pages
As if it wasn’t hard enough trying to figure out how to fit the Avengers’ solo adventures around this title, issue 5 ended with an urgent call from the Teen Brigade to go on a mission unrelated to the Lava Men adventure they just had, which itself was unrelated to the Hulk adventure that started that issue. Leaving almost no space for solo adventures.
Here, the narration informs us they are still on the way to New York to respond to the urgent call, but needed to refuel in Chicago.
Between New York and Chicago, Iron Man and Giant-Man have gotten new costumes, and Wasp has a new hairdo and headpiece.
Captain America meanwhile has new glove magnets and miniature transistors installed in his shield that allow him to control its motion.
Iron Man designed the shield transistors. He is apparently an engineering genius on par with Tony Stark, the man nobody has ever seen him with, despite being Stark’s bodyguard.
And then Thor gives Captain America his mail. Wait? What? I thought this was a refueling stop in Chicago. Where did they get the mail? Where are they?
Not many details in the scene. Some equipment makes it look like a lab. Cap is sitting on a chair, so they seem to not be on a plane or at a refueling station.