Thor #126

Whom the Gods Would Destroy!

Featuring: Thor
Release: January 4, 1966
Cover: March 1966
12 cents
Stan Lee the literary lion!
Jack Kirby the pencilling pussycat!
V. Colletta the delineating dragon!
Artie Simek the lettering looks it!
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #125, Story BReading orderThor #126, Story B
ThorThor #126, Story B

“By the cloven hooves of Pan!! What doth it take to defeat the Son of Odin!??!” “A stronger arm! A stouter heart! A nobler soul! And none doth Hercules possess, thou blabbering, blustering, boastful buffoon!”

This is the first issue of Thor. It’s also the 126th issue of Thor.

Which is a little confusing. Last month (well, last week for us), we read Journey Into Mystery #125, which starred Thor, as it has for the last 40+ issues. Now the comic will just be called Thor.

Why not call it Thor #1?

For complicated and probably shady legal and financial reasons, they found it more sensible to keep the numbering of the old magazine.

Thor’s name has been prominent on cover going back to issue 104. But it’s no longer “Journey Into Mystery with the Mighty Thor”. It’s just: “The Mighty Thor”. The official title as seen in the indicia is simply “Thor”.

Starting a new superhero title that keeps the numbering of the horror title will become a common practice… though not soon. We’ll talk more at the end of this post about Marvel’s history of naming comics. Let’s get into the comic, starting with the title.

Continue reading “Thor #126”

Journey Into Mystery #125

When Meet the Immortals!

Featuring: Thor
Release: December 2, 1965
Cover: February 1966
12 cents
Bombastically written by: Stan Lee
Brilliantly drawn by: Jack Kirby
Beautifully inked by: Vince Colletta
Bashfully lettered by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #124, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #125, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #124, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #125, Story B

But even a Thunder God has the right to love!

We come to Thor’s final adventure in Journey Into Mystery, the series concluding after 125 issues. We’ll see next month what they have instead. Such a finale would be a good time for an overview of the series as a whole, but I gave a summary to celebrate the 100th issue, so I’ll just point to that. It may even spoil what’s coming next month.

“By the bristling beard of Odin,” Thor exclaims. We’ll start hearing that oath a lot. Have we heard it before? I failed to note it if we did.

Thor’s battle with the Demon concludes pretty readily and Thor takes the final Norn Stone to return to Odin.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #125”

Journey Into Mystery #124

The Grandeur and the Glory!

Featuring: Thor
Release: November 4, 1965
Cover: January 1966
12 cents
Story by: Stan (The Man) Lee
Pencilling by: Jack (King) Kirby
Delineation by: Vince (the Prince) Colletta
Lettering by: Artie (Sugar Lips) Simek
16 pages

Daredevil #14Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #124, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #123, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #124, Story B

“Those arms of his can crush concrete! And yet!–“
“He’s holdin’ that kid as gently as if she was made outta egg-shells.”

Stan has a different nickname for the creators every issue it seems. But this is not the first time he’s referred to himself as “The Man” and to Jack as “King”, and these nicknames are the ones that will stick with them across the decades. Despite its rhyming qualities, “Vince the Prince” will not stick. I have no comment on the prevalence of this nickname for Artie.

The newsstand is selling the latest issue of Strange Tales, emphasizing what I’ve noted before: just how great a month for comics this is, perhaps the best in Marvel’s history.

Thor is reading a newspaper which is reporting on the Demon. As we’ve noted, there are no really clear stopping points in Thor’s saga anymore. Most ongoing threads resolved last issue, except last issue also began this Demon story, which is still just getting started; Thor and the Demon will finally meet in this issue’s final panels. That story involves a Vietnamese Witch Doctor finding a Norn Stone, so ultimately still traces back to the Trial of the Gods from issue 116 and Thor’s battle with the Viet Cong in issue 117. Jane remains in the hospital from smoke inhalation after being kidnapped by Harris Hobbs, as we saw in issue 122. While the Demon saga will resolve itself next issue, this issue, as the cover notes, also introduces Hercules to the mix, and a story which will continue on. The last year of Thor tales have covered a very short span of time.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #124”

Journey Into Mystery #123, Story B

The Jaws of the Dragon!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: October 5, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Penciller: JacK Kirby
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #123Reading orderFantastic Four Annual 3
Journey Into Mystery #123Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #124

I’ve lost track of how many issues we’ve been caught in this storm headed for these deadly Pillars, which turn out to be the claws of the Utgard Dragon. But we finally seem to resolve that.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #123, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #123

While a Universe Trembles!

Featuring: Thor
Release: October 5, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Fantasy to dazzle thy senses, written by: Stan Lee
Drama to quicken thy pulse, illustrated by: Jack Kirby
Beauty to nourish thine eyes, embellished by: Vince Colletta
Balloons to compound thy confusion, lettered by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #122, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #123, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #122, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #123, Story B

…It’s like being in the center of the universe! Like being part of– eternity!

Notice the credits use “thy” and “thine” everywhere, words Thor is today famous for using, but that Stan is only slowly starting to pepper into his speech. On this very page, he refers to Hobbs as “you” and not “thee”.

Where did we leave off? Harris Hobbs kidnapped Jane to get a picture proving Thor was Donald Blake. Thor seems to have forgiven Hobbs and agreed to take him to visit Asgard. Meanwhile, Loki and the Absorbing Man have declared war on Asgard. When we left off, the Absorbing Man was confronting Odin with his own power.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #123”

Journey Into Mystery #122

Where Mortals Fear to Tread!

Featuring: Thor
Release: September 2, 1965
Cover: November 1965
12 cents
Written with compassion by: Stan Lee
Drawn with comprehension by: Jack Kirby
Inked with competence by: Vince Colletta
Lettered for compensation by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #121, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #122, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #121, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #122, Story B

I gave him strength to challenge a god– but even Loki could not give him valor to match that of Thor!

Odin gets the center stage on a pretty awesome cover.

Thor had been merely stunned at the end of last issue. Absorbing Man really seems unable to best Thor, so Loki brings him to Asgard.

It is of course against the law of Odin to bring mortals to Asgard.

Three basic dangling plot threads: Absorbing Man; Jane’s kidnapping; the lost Norn Stone. Plus the general overarching plot that Loki is probably scheming. We won’t check in on the Norn Stone this issue. After all, it’s a rock. It’s just sitting there where Thor dropped it. We’ll resolve the Jane subplot.

Let’s look to that now. We saw Jane’s kidnapper last issue in a hood, his identity unrevealed.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #122”

Journey Into Mystery #121

The Power! The Passion! The Pride!

Featuring: Thor
Release: August 3, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Another towering triumph for Stan Lee, writer!
Another fabulous feat for Jack Kirby, illustrator!
Another amazing achievement for Vince Colletta, delineator!
Another day, another dollar for Artie Simek, letterer!
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #120, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #121, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #120, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #121, Story B

But, no matter how awesome the odds may be, I am son of Odin, Prince of Asgard! I would ever choose the eternal sleep, rather than a moment’s cowardice!

Kirby’s taken some artistic license with that cover. He metaphorically depicts Thor as gigantic compared to the city and bystanders caught in their battle. Absorbing Man is literally gigantic. But Thor is not, and I don’t think forced perspective is enough to justify Thor’s apparent size compared to those buildings.

As the length of stories is expanding, so is the length of action scenes. We pointed out that Fantastic Four #42 was entirely action start to finish, with the set-up and wrap-up in surrounding issues. This isn’t entirely that, as there are some interludes. We need to check on Jane. And Loki. And that lost Norn Stone. But most of the page count is just Thor battling Absorbing Man.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #121”

Journey Into Mystery #120, Story B

Set Sail!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: July 1, 1965
Cover: September 1965
12 cents
Told by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Jack Kirby
Inked by: Vince Colletta
Lettered by: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #120Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #121
Journey Into Mystery #120Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #121

“What madness is this, Volstagg!!? I thought thou feared neither man nor beast!!”
“In truth, I do not–!! But that is neither man nor beast– It is– my wife!!”

This is the fourth chapter of the Odinsword Saga. Let’s recap. The Odinsword was cracked by a mysterious enemy, so Thor is embarking on a quest to discover who is responsible. They are almost ready to leave.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #120, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #120

With My Hammer in Hand!

Featuring: Thor
Release: July 1, 1965
Cover: September 1965
12 cents
Written in the fire of inspiration by: Stan Lee
Drawn in the flame of dedication by: Jack Kirby
Inked in the heat of devotion by: Vince Colletta
Lettered in the other room by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Sgt. Fury Annual 1Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #120, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #119, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #120, Story B

There! It is done! My hammer can strike once more!

Continuity. How do these many titles all fit together? At present, Thor is the character making it the most difficult. It’s been over 6 issues since his title has given him a chance to breathe, yet we squeezed his last Avengers adventure in there somehow. We’re going to have to squeeze in a wedding somewhere. By the time of the wedding, his hammer should be intact, and he should have formally resigned from the Avengers.

At present, his hammer is broken and he is not yet aware of the new Avengers.

There will be difficulties and contradictions to come, so just remember where we are. Loki cheated in the Trial of the Gods. Thor must get the Norn Stones to Odin as proof. En route, he encountered the Destroyer, who destroyed his hammer. Loki has been punished and sentenced to serve Ularic for his role in awakening the Destroyer. Prior to the Trial of the Gods, Thor had defeated the Absorbing Man by turning him into helium and sending him drifting into space. Somewhere in all that, he also fought the Viet Cong and joined the Avengers against the Masters of Evil. He has not been in contact with the Avengers since that battle, and much has changed. He has not returned to Asgard since the Trial of the Gods.

We open with Thor at a Pittsburgh factory, repairing his hammer. I would have guessed more mystical means would be needed. With Dwarves or such. Maybe Pittsburgh is more mystical than I think. (I have at least one regular reader from Pittsburgh; perhaps he can tell me.)

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #120”

Journey Into Mystery #118

To Kill a Thunder God!

Featuring: Thor
Release: May 4, 1965
Cover: July 1965
12 cents
A story steeped in splendor by: Stan Lee
Artwork bathed in beauty by: Jack Kirby
Inking dipped in drama by: Vince Colletta
Lettering couched in clichés by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #117, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #118, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #117, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #118, Story B

We are now 2 months ahead of everything else in our Thor reading because it’s all just flowing together. Thor still hasn’t returned to Asgard with the Norn Stones that will prove Loki cheated in the Trial of the Gods.

He is still flying with Kim, whose entire family was recently killed by her Communist brother.

In the early (generally awful) Thor stories (#83-100), the villains were pretty lame. Loki was the only real stand-out. A couple others, like Radioactive Man, had potential. When Kirby became the primary artist and the stories started to improve, we got some better villains: Executioner, Enchantress, and Grey Gargoyle.

Now that the series is kicking into high gear, we are getting great villains. We recently met Absorbing Man and now get introduced to the Destroyer.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #118”