Thor #130, Story B

The Fateful Change!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: May 3, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Jack Kirby
Inking: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Sam Rosen
Costumes: Asgard Haberdashery
5 pages

Thor #130Reading orderDaredevil #16
Thor #130ThorThor #131

My glorious record proves that Volstagg knows not the meaning of fear! But, why do we race so quickly into a land where death lurks everywhere?

The meandering Odinsword Saga came to an unclimactic resolution, but this led into a couple good issues showing us Ragnarok, the end of Asgard and the death of the gods. That’s led into this story of Thor and friends battling Harokin to retrieve the Warlock’s Eye.

Kirby does cool things with the 5-page/at-most-17-panel format when doing sweeping arcs of abstract history, but it’s limiting when trying to tell a piece of a more standard story. It just doesn’t get very far.

Continue reading “Thor #130, Story B”

Thor #129, Story B

The Hordes of Harokin!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: April 5, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Fabulously written by… Stan Lee
Fantastically drawn by… Jack Kirby
Fastidiously inked by… Vince Colletta
Finally lettered by… Artie Simek
5 pages

Thor #129Reading orderThor #130
Thor #129ThorThor #130

Yet, the Lord of Asgard must first be a monarch– and then a father!

Clean story breaks are hard to find. The Odinsword Saga seems to be over. It bled into stories about the prophecies of Ragnarok. Which brings us here. For his role to be in Ragnarok, Loki is to be punished.

I don’t know if I approve morally of punishing someone for what he might do in the future.

Continue reading “Thor #129, Story B”

Thor #128, Story B


Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: March 3, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Pencilling: Jack Kirby
Delineation: Vince Colletta
Lettering: S. Rosen
5 pages

Thor #128Reading orderThor #129
Thor #128ThorThor #129

For this is the destiny of god and man alike… this is the lesson supreme… all that live must die… but, all that die shall live!

Hey, we come to the 500th Marvel story in our reading order. That’s cool. Thanks to everybody who’s been reading along since the beginning and to those who have joined us recently. We’ve covered almost 5 years of Marvel history and have many more years ahead of us.

I admit somewhat to wishing it were a different comic for this anniversary. It was almost a really cool comic in an early draft of the reading order. But at least we get probably our best Tales of Asgard story yet to mark the occasion. How much can one do in 5 pages? Let’s find out.

Continue reading “Thor #128, Story B”

Thor #128

The Power of Pluto!

Featuring: Thor
Release: March 3, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Stan Lee, writer
Jack Kirby, penciller
Vince Colletta, inker
Artie Simek, letterer
16 pages

Thor #127, Story BReading orderThor #128, Story B
Thor #127, Story BThorThor #128, Story B

Let silence reign! The God of Thunder doth take his rest!! By order of Imperial Odin!

After the battle with Siedring, the wise and mighty Odin has issued an imperial decree: Thor needs a nap.

I like to imagine the herald yelling extremely loudly about how Thor needs his rest.

Most artists who need to draw a bed just draw a bed. But this is Jack Frigging Kirby. And that’s the bed of Thor.

Continue reading “Thor #128”

Thor #127, Story B

The Meaning of… Ragnarok!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: February 3, 1966
Cover: April 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Pencilling: Jack Kirby
Delineation: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Artie Simek
5 pages

Thor #127Reading orderThor #128
Thor #127ThorThor #128

In the name of the omnipotent Odin– in the name of eternal Asgard– by the power of my hammer– for the glory of our cause– onwarrrrd– to victory!

The Odinsword Saga might be over now. Unclear. The story never seemed to be going anywhere and in the end it didn’t go anywhere. The whole thing was a ruse by Odin, who felt his warriors needed a bit of adventure.

So why was the Odinsword cracked if there was no enemy? Was it really cracked? Had it just always been cracked? We’ll never know. We’re moving on.

Continue reading “Thor #127, Story B”

Thor #126, Story B

The Summons!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: January 4, 1966
Cover: March 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Jack Kirby
Inking: V. Colletta
Lettering: Artie Simek
5 pages

Thor #126Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #34
Thor #126ThorThor #127

Thy mission is ended! The danger you have been seeking is here– in the City of the Golden Spires! Return then at once– to Asgard!

Thor and his crew sail to find an unknown foe, but keep facing random dangers. At present, Loki has been captured by Queen Ula of Thryheim, and Thor has come to save him.

Ula wants Thor to be her King. If he agrees, she will release Loki. Else, she will kill his crew.

It’s important to note that Ula had nothing to do with cracking the Odinsword. She is not the unknown foe they are searching for, just a woman who wants to marry Thor.

Continue reading “Thor #126, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #125, Story B

The Queen Commands

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: December 2, 1965
Cover: February 1966
12 cents
None but Marvel’s Stan Lee could tell such a tale!
None but Marvel’s Jack Kirby could draw such a tale!
None but Marvel’s Vince Colletta could ink such a tale!
None but Marvel’s Artie Simek could be such a pussycat!
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #125Reading orderThor #126
Journey Into Mystery #125Journey Into Mystery

We seek no needless battle– though we surrender to none!

“By the bristling beard of Odin”, says the Narrator. An oath Thor exclaimed in the first part of this issue.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #125, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #124, Story B

Closer Comes the Swarm!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: November 4, 1965
Cover: January 1966
12 cents
How gallant, this script by: Stan Lee
How glorious, this artwork by: Jack Kirby
How gracious, this inking by: Vince Colletta
How come? This lettering by: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #124Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #125
Journey Into Mystery #124Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #125

Is it not passing strange that the Grim One– the taker of countless lives in battle–should be so eager to protect the single life of Balder?

Ah, the Odinsword Saga. I made the decision not to read the whole thing at once, but that means we need to remind ourselves where we left off. In theory, the impetus for the Saga is that an unknown enemy has cracked the Odinsword, and Thor is leading a voyage to find the culprit. Along the way, Loki schemes to kill Thor, and the voyage encounters obstacles unrelated to the main quest. They just resolved one, involving a Dragon and Balder blowing a Horn. This issue introduces another such obstacle.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #124, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #123, Story B

The Jaws of the Dragon!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: October 5, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Penciller: JacK Kirby
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #123Reading orderFantastic Four Annual 3
Journey Into Mystery #123Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #124

I’ve lost track of how many issues we’ve been caught in this storm headed for these deadly Pillars, which turn out to be the claws of the Utgard Dragon. But we finally seem to resolve that.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #123, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #122, Story B

The Grim Specter of Mutiny!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: September 2, 1965
Cover: November 1965
12 cents
A Stan Lee story spectacular!
A Jack Kirby pencilling panorama!
A Vince Colletta delineation drama!
An Artie Simek lettering landmark!
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #122Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #123
Journey Into Mystery #122Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #123

Last issue, Balder was about to blow a horn. This issue, he blows the horn. Maybe next issue we’ll find out why.

Last issue opened and ended as they were approaching the dreaded Pillars of Utgard. This issue they are… even closer to the dreaded Pillars.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #122, Story B”