Daredevil #19

Alone– Against the Underworld!

Featuring: Daredevil
Release: June 2, 1966
Cover: August 1966
12 cents
Script: Masterful Stan Lee
Art: Magnificent Johnny Romita
Inks: Melodramatic Frank Giacoia
Lettering: Melancholy Sam Rosen
20 pages

Thor #136, Story BReading orderSgt. Fury Annual 2
Daredevil #18DaredevilDaredevil #20

“You’ve got to confess that it was a hoax!”
“But then I’ll never have a chance with Karen!”

Hello. Happy new year. Welcome to this blog. We will be reading along with Daredevil #19, the 548th comic in the story that is the Marvel Universe, by our reckoning.

We’ve had a busy few months and found some complications in the Marvel Universe, which unfortunately delayed this latest entry. I thank the readers for their patience.

Without further ado, let’s try to recall that Foggy has recently been pretending he was Daredevil in order to impress Karen. The ruse led to Foggy finding himself in a Daredevil costume, battling a new super-villain called the Gladiator. This all began when Spider-Man mistook Foggy for Daredevil while searching for the Masked Marauder. The Masked Marauder remains at large.

Foggy does not seem to have learned a lesson from last issue’s shenanigans.

Continue reading “Daredevil #19”

Daredevil #18

There Shall Come a Gladiator!

Featuring: Daredevil
Release: May 5, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Story by: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Art by: Jazzy Johnny Romita
Inks by: Fearless Frank Giacoia
Lettering by: Swingin’ Sammy Rosen
20 pages

Marvels #3POSTLUDE
X-Men #23Reading orderFantastic Four #52
Daredevil #17DaredevilDaredevil #19

Karen is about 99% convinced that I’m really Daredevil! But, she still hasn’t said she’ll marry me!

Next to the credits, we learn Stan had scripted 7 pages before taking a vacation, and that Denny O’Neil finished the script.

We met Dennis O’Neil on the final two issues Ditko’s Dr. Strange, his first comics work. He won’t be at Marvel long. He’ll go on to pretty good things at the Distinguished Competition.

Foggy enters a costume shop featuring various superheroes and villains. Recall how we saw a lot of superhero sculptures from Wally Wood to show off his takes on the characters; this is Romita’s chance to show he’s qualified for a variety of titles. Unfortunately Wood left before trying his hand at other Marvel characters.

Romita will be with Marvel for the rest of his days, and have generally more positive things to say about Stan and their relationship than the artists we’ve been seeing up until now. And Romita will get plenty of chances in the future to draw the characters he’s depicting here.

Continue reading “Daredevil #18”
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