Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: June 9, 1966
Cover: 1966
25 cents
Stan Lee, editor extaordinary
Roy Thomas, scripter superlative
Dick Ayers, penciler pre-eminent
John Tartaglione, inker infallible
Sam Rosen, letterer lamentable
24 pages
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Countless ships… squadrons of high-flying B-17’s, and medium-range bombers…170,000 American and British troops– all part of the mightiest armada ever assembled by man! All dedicated to the overthrow of the most unholy empire ever conceived by man… or demon!

We’ve been hanging out in 1943-44 for this whole series. It’s been pointedly pre-D-Day. The Howlers are based in England because there is no major Allied presence in Europe. They keep sneaking into Europe for their adventures.

These annuals aren’t necessarily set with the monthly comics, so there may be several pre-D-Day comics yet to come. For example, the first annual showed the Howlers reunite in Korea, and the next one will take us to Viet Nam. And we have several more pre-D-Day stories to come in the main title.

June 5. 1944. Normandy. Hitler believes his wall around Europe to be impenetrable. The Howlers once again sneak into France on their most important mission.
They meet up with Francois of the French Resistance, who we recall from Sgt. Fury #21.

The ambitious plan is to stage a fake party allegedly put on by the Nazi high command, to lure several local Kommandants. They are misled by flattery, rumors that Hitler himself may attend the party, and promises of frauleins.

The party does not go well for the Kommandants.

The next stage of the plan is to blow up a Luftwaffe base. The Western front is low on planes, because they have been mostly committed against Russia, as part of Hitler’s strategy.

Unfortunately the Howlers get captured after the attack.

Colonel Von Papen interrogates the Howlers and deduces their attack is a prelude to a large-scale attack. He warns Hitler of his suspicions. But Hitler finds the idea ludicrous and dismisses it.

With moments to spare before their execution, the French Resistance saves the day and rescues the Howlers.

Late in the night back in England, it’s a moment of decision for General Eisenhower. Are the conditions right? Is the element of surprise intact?

Nazi commanders suspect an attack is imminent. But where? Rommel’s theory is the attack will come at Pas-De-Calais, where the English Channel is narrowest. Hitler has gone to bed.
June 6, 1944. Dawn. Omaha Beach. Normandy.

I’ll give Ayers a lot of credit here, though probably helped by tighter scripting from Thomas than Lee had ever given. Focusing this scene on the guard at the wall works well. A guard who expects no attack. It gives us a fairly spectacular scene.
Operation Overlord. D-Day. “The mightiest armada ever assembled by man.”
Commandos have done their part taking out planes and bunkers, and now head to the beach to help the men ashore.

Sgt. Nick Fury rouses the troops and leads them to the beach.

By the end, Fury’s shirt is appropriately war-torn.

This comic isn’t quite Saving Private Ryan. The art doesn’t show us the horror of it all. The narrator does note every inch is won with blood and tears, though we don’t visually see any American casualties. Fury reflects on the casualties the art doesn’t show us, the brave men laying back on Omaha Beach.

Over 2000 American troops died at Omaha Beach, but more than 30,000 made it safely into France. Over the course of the day and night, across 5 beaches and several air drops, over 150,000 Allied troops–American, British, and Canadian–landed in Europe. A single day that decided the course of human history.
Rating: ★★★☆☆, 56/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
- Rebel Ralston
- Sgt. Nick Fury
- Gabe Jones
- Dum Dum Dugan
- Percy Pinkerton
- Izzy Cohen
- Dino Mannelli
- Francois
- Colonel Von Papen
- Adolf Hitler
- Eva Braun
- General Eisenhower
Minor characters:
- Hans (German soldier)
Story notes:
- Howlers in water beneath Normandy beach; they’d been training in the Channel for a month.
- Nazis believe Fortress Europa is immune.
- Reb lassos the dog, then tranquilizes him; Howlers take out soldiers.
- Cohen and Manelli disguised as German soldiers.
- Dino has forged papers from G-2 signed by Himmler to allow him to requisition a German motorcycle, and the Sergeant is fooled.
- Manelli delivers a message to the Kommandant that Himmler is giving a party for them at a nearby chateau. The Kommandant suggests Hitler himself may attend and the phony lieutenant doesn’t dissuade him of the notion.
- Another Kommandant feigns reluctance, but is curious about frauleins.
- At the party a French butler informs the commander that Himmler is delayed; he is actually a Resistance member.
- Izzy captured trying to get last planes; a concussion grenade takes out the rest of the team.
- Howlers cannot give up information about Operation Overlord.
- Hitler orders the Commandos executed and does not believe the Allies can make a large scale attack against Europe.
- Von Papen readies firing squad to execute Commandos.
- BBC relayed coded messages to the Resistance.
- Eisenhower orders the go ahead.
- Most of German army is north of the Seine, too far to help in time.
- Only 3 German planes left, thanks to Commandos.
- Pinkerton throws grenade to take out machine gunner.
- Pinky takes shrapnel in leg.
- Izzy showed Gabe how to tape 4 grenades together and wire their pins to pull with one tug.
- Commandos depart for England, as troops move into Europe.
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