Thor #136, Story B

There Shall Come a Miracle!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: November 3, 1966
Cover: January 1967
12 cents
Garnished with glory in the Marvel tradition by: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Delineated by: Vince Colletta
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
5 pages

Thor #136Reading orderTales to Astonish #80, Story B
Thor #136ThorThor #137

Never before hath a blessed blanket of rain so caressed the barren wasteland of Nastrond! Rain… which is truly the harbinger of life… the promise of the new day which is yet to be! And, in time to come, the soil shall turn green once more… the grass shall grow, and plants shall sprout above the place where Fafnir fell! For, such is the way of life… life universal.. which can never vanish whilst faith endures!

We come to the finale of the battle in Nastrond. Its king Fafnir had once rebelled against Odin and he and the entire land were sentenced to death in Odin’s wrath. But Fafnir lived on, transformed into a dragon. He now battles Thor for the fate of Nastrond.

It is claimed that if Thor can defeat Fafnir, there will be a miracle in Nastrond.

Continue reading “Thor #136, Story B”

Thor #136

To Become an Immortal!

Featuring: Thor
Release: November 3, 1966
Cover: January 1967
12 cents
A proud phantasmagoria of pageantry, presented by: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Delineated by Vince Colletta
Lettered by Artie Simek
16 pages

Thor #135, Story BReading orderThor #136, Story B
Thor #135, Story BThorThor #136, Story B

I did but provide the time– the setting– But, only in the heart can be found the final enchanted ingredient– men call love!

Let’s reflect on the relationship between Jane, Don, and Thor. To understand this love triangle, we first need to understand the relationship between Don and Thor. And we don’t.

We reflected on the nature of their relationship back in issue 129. It seems Don is Thor and Thor is Don. They have two bodies, but one mind, one set of thoughts, and one heart, one set of feelings.

There is plenty of evidence to contradict that interpretation, but that is how they are usually written. Don is Thor and Thor is Don. Don is mortal and Thor is immortal. Thor is ancient, older than humanity, and had a life long before Don. And Don presumably had a life before Thor, before he found that cane in the mountain. Though we have learned very little about that life, only that he had studied medicine and become a world-renowned surgeon and robotics expert. We’ve seen no glimpses of his past life, nor met any relatives. But presumably he has these things. But now he is Thor. Mind, heart, soul.

In fact, Thor and Don seem closer than Hulk and Banner. Who definitely seem to to be two distinct characters with opinions about the other, who share only some thoughts and feelings.

So where does Jane fit in?

Continue reading “Thor #136”

Thor #135, Story B

The Fiery Breath of Fafnir!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: October 4, 1966
Cover: December 1966
12 cents
Proudly produced by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Delineation: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Sam Rosen
5 pages

Thor #135Reading orderThor #136
Thor #135ThorThor #136

So be it! No matter what may now befall… the flesh of my flesh shall face it as one to the manner born… as only the Thunder God can! The Son of Odin knows full well… evil hath many faces… And, wheree’er it may be found… no matter what its guise… it must be summarily crushed… for such is the will of Odin! Only with the defeat of Fafnir can the dead domain of Nastrond live again! Thus must it be! And that which must be, ever shall be! For such is the wonder! Such is the way! Now, verily… I have spoken!!

We continue the Fafnir saga. Last issue, Volstagg was captured by the dragon king Fafnir.

This issue Thor and his remaining two warrior friends confront Fafnir.

Continue reading “Thor #135, Story B”

Thor #135

The Maddening Menace of the Super-Beast!

Featuring: Thor
Release: October 4, 1966
Cover: December 1966
12 cents
A Stan Lee * Jack Kirby feature fantasy!
Delineation by: Vincent Colletta
Lettering by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Thor #134, Story BReading orderThor #135, Story B
Thor #134, Story BThorThor #135, Story B

“The universe is vast, beloved– and doth contain worlds without limit! One such world shall someday be home for the Knights of Wundagore! Then mayhap a new star shall burn more brightly!”
“And when it does, we two will know the reason why!”

It will be later in the issue before anybody names this new villain. The title and cover suggest his name is the Super-Beast. So that is what we will call him. Though the next issue blurb last issue had referred to him as the Man-Beast.

Super-Beast’s thing is that he has undergone a million years of evolution. He’s a mix not just of man and wolf, but of where man and wolf will be in a million years.

So he knows future karate and generally has knowledge of future combat. He knows science that won’t be discovered by humanity for tens of thousands of years.

But does any of that make sense? Is knowledge an evolutionary or genetic trait?

Continue reading “Thor #135”

Thor #134, Story B

When Speaks the Dragon!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: September 1, 1966
Cover: November 1966
12 cents
A Stan Lee * Jack Kirby pictorial presentation
Delineated by: Vincent Colletta
Lettered by: Artie Simek
5 pages

Thor #134Reading orderThor #135
Thor #134ThorThor #135

In this land once lived an evil race who dared defy regal Odin himself! So monumental was Odin’s wrath, that he laid waste to the countryside, so that nothing here could live!

We get a clean beginning to a new arc. The cleanest break between stories in a while, but I’m still just reading these Tales of Asgard stories alongside the main Thor adventures without regard to their flow.

Thor and his three warrior friends ride to Nastrond. Here there once lived “an evil race” who “dared defy Odin”. So Odin laid waste the countryside so that nothing could live there. This is referred to as Odin’s kingly wrath.

Perhaps it’s worth reflecting on how righteous Odin really is here. Or how wise. Thor does not take this time to reflect. He just seems rather impressed by what to me seems like Odin’s utter madness.

Continue reading “Thor #134, Story B”

Thor #134

The People-Breeders!

Featuring: Thor
Release: September 1, 1966
Cover: November 1966
12 cents
A Stan Lee * Jack Kirby fantasti-classic!
Inked by: Vince Colletta
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
16 pages

Thor #133, Story BReading orderThor #134, Story B
Thor #133, Story BThorThor #134, Story B

I am accomplishing… in one brief experiment, what nature would take a million centuries to achieve!

I loved the Galactus saga and the character of Galactus. Fans of the era also loved Galactus. What to do with that? Move on and never see him again? Or recycle the Galactus story again? The former is better than the latter. Best is to use him sparingly when there is a new story to tell about him.

With these ageless characters like Eternity and Galactus, we must remember that years to us may be like moments to them. How many different times should they run into humans in those brief moments? Eternity had noted Dr. Strange was the second mortal to ever stand in his presence. The first must have been a few centuries earlier, like yesterday to Eternity.

Galactus had been devouring planets for eons, but Earth was the first planet he attempted to consume that contained an advanced civilization. So you expect it to be some time before it comes up again. And since he vowed to never consume the Earth and Galactus’ word is “cosmic truth itself”, we expect he’ll never do that again.

So when would we see Galactus? Well, Galactus is the devourer of worlds. Ego is the living planet. Conflict seems almost inevitable.

Why the conflict now, when both are ageless? Perhaps Thor’s battle with Ego attracted Galactus, and it’s not just coincidence.

Either way, Galactus journeying into the Black Galaxy to confront Ego a galaxy away from Earth is a good and sensible use of the character. A character I am excited to see again. As long as they don’t overdo it, and the stories they tell with him are new stories.

Continue reading “Thor #134”

Thor #133, Story B


Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: August 2, 1966
Cover: October 1966
12 cents
A Stan Lee-Jack Kirby production
Inked by: Vince Colletta
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
5 pages

Thor #133Reading orderThor #134
Thor #133ThorThor #134

From out of the mists she hath come… She… before whom all who live must one day bow!

As we saw in the last post, my version of this comic has been well looted of pages, and this entire story has been absconded with. So we’ll look to the digital version for our images.

The battle with Harokin and his Warlock’s Eye to retake Muspelheim was entirely forgettable. But it led to this fairly unique coda, two issues devoted to the death of Harokin. Last issue was an ominous and ritualistic issue about acceptance of death. A drumbeat, an approaching black horse…

Now is time for Harokin to make his last journey.

Continue reading “Thor #133, Story B”

Thor #133

Behold… The Living Planet!

Featuring: Thor
Release: August 2, 1966
Cover: October 1966
12 cents
Star-studded script: Stan Lee
Planet-pounding pencilling: Jack Kirby
Real Rigellian rendering: Vince Colletta
Lots of little lettering: Artie Simek
16 pages

Thor #132, Story BReading orderThor #133, Story B
Thor #132, Story BThorThor #133, Story B

Every part of this planet upon which we stand is verily a part of Ego! He is everywhere– he is everything! He is a living world!

I’d like to say I own this comic, but really I own some fraction of this comic, as a lot of pages have been ripped out of my copy. I’m sure I didn’t know that when I bought it. I’m not too picky about condition. I look for “readable” copies… but readable includes having all the pages.

Wonder what I paid for it. I have no idea because I have tens of thousands of these things. Not even sure where I bought it. Probably at some comic convention with a couple hundred other comics I thought would help me complete the Marvel Universe so that one day I could read through all of them in order. Presumably it was pretty cheap– that’s what I was always looking for.

I spoke at length about how cool I thought it was when Ditko introduced a being that was also a universe. So of course I also think it’s cool when Kirby introduces a being who is also a planet. Not as cool as being a universe, of course. But still cool.

Thor is also impressed, and you figure this is a guy who’s been around and seen some stuff. He says that the planet developed a face right in front of them and then they heard it speak.

Now, even if a planet could speak, there’s presumably no way it could transmit that voice across space. Unless the substance of this Black Galaxy is really different from our universe. Or unless the planet is broadcasting its speech through some other means than sound, some form of transverse wave.

Reminder of where we are. Tana Nile has conquered Earth via a Space Lock. The Space Lock was controlled from Rigel, so Thor went there to free Earth. The Rigellians agreed to free Earth if Thor dealt with the menace of the Black Galaxy. So here is Thor, accompanied by a Recorder, confronting Ego, the living planet.

Continue reading “Thor #133”

Thor #132, Story B

The Dark Horse of Death!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: June 30, 1966
Cover: September 1966
12 cents
Script writing: Stan Lee
Picture drawing: Jack Kirby
Panel inking: Vince Colletta
Word lettering: Sam Rosen
Armor polishing: Irving Forbush
5 page

Thor #132Reading orderThor #133
Thor #132ThorThor #133

Well do I know that ominous drumbeat! It summons the Great Black Stallion of Doom! It means the death of a mighty warrior is near at hand!

The battle is won. Harokin defeated and Muspelheim liberated.

Thor and this three warrior friends take a bath.

Continue reading “Thor #132, Story B”