Strange Tales #142, Story B

Those Who Would Destroy Me!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: December 12, 1965
Cover: March 1966
12 cents
Extravagantly edited and written by… Stan Lee!
Painstakingly plotted and drawn by… Steve Ditko!
Lovingly lettered and bordered by… Artie Simek!
10 pages

Strange Tales #142Reading orderStrange Tales #143
Strange Tales #142Strange TalesStrange Tales #143

I was born to battle the forces of evil– and though death be my reward, I would have it no other way!

Ditko’s time on this title draws short, and Lee is starting to hand off more and more of his scripting duties. So this is the final Dr. Strange story to be written by the team of Lee and Ditko. (I use the word “team” a bit loosely, as Ditko is by this point utterly refusing to even speak to Stan Lee.)

Dr. Strange’s adventures had been characterized by stories that fit entirely within 10 pages. Then his first battle with Dormammu lasted two issues and 20 pages, the size of a normal Spider-Man or Fantastic Four comic.

Then Strange Tales #130 ended with a cliffhanger. Dormammu and Mordo had teamed up; they’d seriously injured the Ancient One, and Dr. Strange was on the run. Without a break, Dr. Strange struggled against this duo of foes for a full 12 issues. Then finally it seemed as though Mordo and Dormammu were defeated, and Dr. Strange could rest.

But not quite! The woman from the Dark Dimension who befriended Strange remains a prisoner. Dormammu was humbled by Strange but remains a threat. And Mordo’s servants remain at large, and in fact have planted a bomb in Dr. Strange’s sanctum, and the last issue ended with the bomb about to go off.

We then paused and checked in with the many other Marvel titles. That was 8 months ago our time. Thank you for your patience in learning what’s up with that bomb. We won’t quite see the resolution of all the threads at present, but at least we’ll resolve this bomb question.

It’s actually a clever resolution. This cleverness is important as sometimes it seems Dr. Strange could maybe magic his way out of anything, so it’s good when we understand how. The villains left an ordinary bomb, because he would have sensed a mystical trap. And they erased traces of their presence, so he would not detect they had been there.

But… he sensed no trace of evil presences! And knew Mordo had been there recently, thus realizing someone had used a spell to eliminate traces of evil presences! See, clever. Anyways, this puts him on guard, and he finds the bomb. It was a close one, though.

And while he evades the bomb, he’s caught in the shockwave and captured by the baddies.

Mordo’s servants don’t know what’s happened in the Dark Dimension. They just know they can’t contact Mordo. They are unaware Dormammu had him banished for being a pathetic loser.

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Strange Tales #141, Story B

Let There Be Victory!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: November 11, 1965
Cover: February 1966
12 cents
Dialogue and captions: Stan Lee
Plot and artwork: Steve Ditko
Lettering and more lettering: Artie Simek
10 pages

Strange Tales #141Reading orderAvengers #21
Strange Tales #141Strange TalesStrange Tales #142

…I must destroy him! And destroy him I shall!! For I am truly– the Dread Dormammu!!

Chapter 12. Dr. Strange had defeated and humiliated Mordo, so Dormammu challenged Strange directly to a duel of honor for the fate of Earth. They fought using “pincers of power”. Dr. Strange was on the edge of victory when the treacherous Mordo intervened and struck a cowardly blow, leaving Dr. Strange defeated.

And so we continue the Eternity Saga.

Notice the plotting credit for Ditko. He’s plotted every Dr. Strange story.

Generally these stories have really been 9 pages, with the opening splash page serving as a sort of cover for the issue, since the actual issue covers always go to Nick Fury. However, this time Ditko seems to need all 10 pages, so a lot of plot is covered on the opening splash page.

Dormammu banishes Mordo for daring to presume he needed help. That’s the end of that partnership and Mordo’s last bow for this story.

Then Dormammu gallingly still tries to claim his prize despite clearly cheating.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #141, Story B”

Strange Tales #139, Story B

Beware…! Dormammu is Watching!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: September 9, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Script by sterling Stan Lee
Art by stalwart Steve Ditko
Lettering by stoical Artie Simek
10 pages

Strange Tales #139Reading orderStrange Tales #140
Strange Tales #139Strange TalesStrange Tales #140

Where they employ power, you must employ wisdom– the wisdom of the just, the righteous, the fearless!

Dormammu is plainly the “big bad” of this series. Mordo is the lieutenant. It’s time for the big confrontation with Mordo.

I really appreciate what Ditko is doing with Strange’s fists on that opening page. He does the best things with fingers.

Mordo is supplied by near limitless power. But he lacks the wits and will of Dr. Stephen Strange.

And so the final battle begins.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #139, Story B”

Strange Tales #137, Story B

When Meet the Mystic Minds!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: July 8, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Written and edited with amazing acumen by: Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn with artistic aplomb by: Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered with ruler and pen by: Artie Simek
10 pages

Strange Tales #137Reading orderStrange Tales #138
Strange Tales #137Strange TalesStrange Tales #138

He has been my teacher, my protector– and more than a father!

Welcome to the 420th post in our Marvel reading. A Dr. Strange story seems appropriately psychedelic for the occasion.

Dr. Strange must find Eternity to stop Dormammu. The last two issues have been false steps on the quest. Now he must be more direct. The Ancient One’s mind knows the secret of Eternity. Dr. Strange must take it from there directly. This will be incredibly dangerous to them both.

From a storytelling point of view, the entire issue will be Ancient One lying comatose with Dr. Strange sitting next to him. The drama will play out on the psychic plane. How Ditko keeps us engaged with this is part of his genius. To make a struggle we can understand and appreciate.

The first decision is to bathe the Ancient One in the light of the Amulet. We know from before this strengthens him. But given Strange’s goal, it has duel effects. It will serve to lessen the chances of Ancient One being harmed by Strange’s mental invasion, but it will also make Strange’s task more difficult because it will fortify Ancient One’s mental defenses.

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