It Hides Under the Ground!
Release: February 25, 1957
Cover: June 1957
10 cents
Credits: Carl Wessler and Syd Shores
4 pages

The story offers no credits. I took the above from the Grand Comics Database.
We just met Odin in Journey Into Mystery #85. That was his Marvel Age introduction. But of course the company had been publishing all sorts of fantasy tales for decades, often drawing from mythology. The CMRO reckons Odin’s introduction into its “expanded order” as Adventures Into Terror #26. I fear I have not read that issue.
I will give us a glimpse of an old Odin story, from 5 years earlier in the same Journey Into Mystery series.
This tale follows a pretty standard format. There is a less-than-reputable lead engaging in immoral activity, and a fantastic twist which serves him justice, often an ironic form of justice.
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