Tales to Astonish #37

Trapped by the Protecter!/Face-to-face with the Protecter!
Release: August 2, 1962
Cover: November 1962
12 cents
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Penciler: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
13 pages

I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: Ant-Man/Giant-Man vol. 1. I took the credits above from the collection. I see no credits within the story itself.

I guess people can hear him now

In his first outing, a difficulty Ant-Man had was that nobody could hear him in ant-size. They haven’t specifically addressed how he overcame that, but he clearly has. Perhaps speakers are built into his helmet.

Again, we see Ant-Man as the most active superhero, using his ants to patrol so he can find his way to crime scenes and help investigate. This will become an increasingly common practice for people in this world, but nobody else is really doing it yet.

Who just rents a jewelry store on a whim?

As part of a trap, Henry Pym rents a jewelry store. That doesn’t sound cheap, suggesting a certain affluence on Dr. Pym’s part. It seems like it would have been easier to have his ants stake out other jewelry stores.

This story introduces the evil Protecter, who is extorting jewelers by threatening to destroy their merchandise with a disintegrating ray. The story has a lot of beat similarity to the Human Torch tale we recently read. There is a villain, and it ends with an unmasking of the villain, who turns out to be the only other character the story bothered to name. We also learn other secrets of the villain, like in this case he didn’t really have a disintegrating ray. He just created a flash and quickly (and entirely implausibly) gathered up gems and sprinkled sand. (How long is that flash? This is a guy in a big mechanized suit– how fast is he?)

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #37”

PRELUDE: Journey Into Mystery #47, Story B

It Hides Under the Ground!
Release: February 25, 1957
Cover: June 1957
10 cents
Credits: Carl Wessler and Syd Shores
4 pages

The story offers no credits. I took the above from the Grand Comics Database.

We just met Odin in Journey Into Mystery #85. That was his Marvel Age introduction. But of course the company had been publishing all sorts of fantasy tales for decades, often drawing from mythology. The CMRO reckons Odin’s introduction into its “expanded order” as Adventures Into Terror #26. I fear I have not read that issue.

I will give us a glimpse of an old Odin story, from 5 years earlier in the same Journey Into Mystery series.

This tale follows a pretty standard format. There is a less-than-reputable lead engaging in immoral activity, and a fantastic twist which serves him justice, often an ironic form of justice.

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Journey Into Mystery #85

Trapped by Loki, the God of Mischief!/The Vengeance of Loki!/
Release: August 2, 1962
Cover: October 1962
12 cents
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Penciler: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
13 pages

I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 1. The credits above come from the collection. I see no credits within the comic itself.

This is a pretty exciting story for me. I like the character of Thor, but what excites me most is the mythological world surrounding him. The first 2 issues told of a man in Thor’s body battling aliens and Commies. Now we finally get to Asgard.

“Beyond our segment of time and space, there exists Asgard, the citadel of the Norse gods, which is connected to earth by a rainbow bridge called the Bifrost!”

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Tales to Astonish #36

The Challenge of Comrade X!
Featuring: Ant-Man
Release: July 10, 1962
Cover: October 1962
12 cents
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Penciler: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
13 pages

Some time has passed since the previous issue, which ended with Henry Pym pondering: “Will I ever be forced to become Ant-Man again?”

Turns out, it didn’t take much forcing. He immediately began positioning himself to find and stop crime, and has made a name for himself, trusted by the police and public.

The FF stories used a similar gap. Had their first tale tell of their first adventure, but jumped forward for their second tale, to where their heroism had already become routine and they had gained public acceptance.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #36”

Our cast so far

We highlight here the characters we have met. We’ll note in parentheses when the character was introduced, when we met them in our Marvel Age reading if they’re older characters, when notable aliases were introduced, and when they were killed. If no other death issue is given, they were killed/destroyed/lost in their first appearance.

The easiest way to find all appearances of a given character we have covered is to follow the tags within the post.

The original stars

These are the major characters and groups who star or will star in their own stories from the earliest days of the Marvel Age, the ones we are trying to track.

Breakout characters

These characters/groups were introduced as side characters in other books, but have gone on to be featured in their own stories and become stars.

Major villains

Major supporting characters

Other major characters

Notable Groups and Races

Intro of group and when each character joined or was introduced as a group member

Middling villains

Somewhere between my major villains and my minor villains

Minor villains

Less significant villains. Henchmen, non-recurring characters, etc.

Other characters of some note

Minor characters who have appeared, of at least some note.


Incredible Hulk #3

Banished to Outer Space/The Origin of the Hulk!/The Ringmaster
Featuring: Hulk
Release: July 3, 1962
Cover: September 1962
12 cents
Credits: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
24 pages

I read this story in Incredible Hulk Omnibus vol. 1, which notes Dick Ayers is the inker. He is uncredited within the issue itself.

There are perhaps three distinct stories here, but we’ll treat them in one entry.

Banished to Outer Space

The first story concerns General Ross’ ‘Plan H’ to banish the Hulk into space in a rocket. This story perhaps inspired a modern story where Hulk was banished into space and landed on what became known as Planet Hulk, by Greg Pak and Carlos Pagulayan. Planet Hulk was adapted into an animated movie, and it partly formed the basis of the film Thor: Ragnarok.

This story picks up right where the previous one left off, the very same night. Hulk is trapped safely away in the underwater cell they built. The decision to let Hulk free requires some stupidity on Rick’s part. He is tricked by General Ross, but his actions are absurd and merely serve the plot.

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Journey Into Mystery #84

The Mighty Thor vs. the Executioner
Release: July 3, 1962
Cover: September 1962
12 cents
Credits: Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
13 pages

I read this comic in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 1. The issue doesn’t seem to have formal credits, but the first page has the signatures of Kirby and Ayers. The collection’s table of contents notes Stan Lee and Larry Lieber are the writers.

Correction: “Only my hammer and I…”

There’s a revolution in the country of San Diablo (mi español es muy rusty, but I think that translates to “Saint Devil”, which suggests the requirements for sainthood have really loosened). A pro-communist dictator has seized power, but is engaged in civil war with a democratic faction. The dictator is called the Executioner because he executes a lot of people. Dr. Don Blake travels on a medical expedition to help out in San Diablo. The Executioner interferes as he wants the people weak and subservient. But, well… Thor.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #84”

Fantastic Four #6

Captives of the Deadly Duo!/When Super-Menaces Unite/When Friends Fall Out!/Trapped!/The End… Or the Beginning?
Release: June 12, 1962
Cover: September 1962
12 cents
Credits: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
24 pages

I read this in Fantastic Four Omnibus vol. 1. The table of contents credits Dick Ayers as the inker. The original comic just credits Lee and Kirby.

All posts regarding Fantastic Four comics featuring Namor are henceforth dedicated to my mother.

The plot of the story concerns Dr. Doom and Prince Namor the Submariner joining forces. It’s not clear if their duo has a name, and anyway the alliance won’t last long. Dr. Doom refers to them as the Diabolical Duo, which is what the cover calls them. So perhaps that’s official. But the story title calls them the Deadly Duo.

Notably, these are the first recurring nemeses for the FF, uniting the villains of the two previous issues.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #6”

Tales to Astonish #35

The Return of the Ant-Man

The Return of the Ant-Man/An Army of Ants!/The Ant-Man’s Revenge!
Featuring: Ant-Man
Release: June 5, 1962
Cover: September 1962
12 cents
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Penciler: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
13 pages

Journey Into Mystery #83Reading orderFantastic Four #6
Tales to AstonishTales to Astonish #36

So great a discovery must not melt into nothingness! I must concoct the serums again!

The credits are taken from the table of contents for Marvel Masterworks Ant-Man/Giant-Man vol. 1. The book’s table of contents gives the credits I put above. I don’t see any credits in the actual issue.

June 5, 1962. Marvel introduces Spider-Man. And their take on the mythological Thor. Also: their scientist Henry Pym gets a costume and superhero identity and becomes Ant-Man. A decent chunk of the cast of Avengers: Endgame was introduced on that day. Stan Lee was involved in all three. Jack Kirby designed Thor and Ant-Man and was involved in initial designs for Spider-Man, before Steve Ditko came on board. Larry Lieber was involved in scripting for both the Thor and Ant-Man stories. That’s a lot of simultaneous creativity going on for a small group of people.

To recap, in Tales to Astonish #27, we met Dr. Henry Pym. He was a mad scientist type, in a story that seemed similar to many others of the time, likely intended as a one-off. We get a recap in this issue, which describes it as a “nightmarish story”. I mean, I guess if you hate ants.

But 8 issues later, Henry Pym returns. At the end of the last story, he decided his shrinking serum was too dangerous and destroyed it. Here, we learn he had a change of heart a few weeks later. He decided to concoct a new serum and hide it away until the world was ready. Wait… if he still thinks the world isn’t ready for the serum, why make a new one only to hide it? Why not just wait to make the new batch? Unless you expect an urgent need for it?

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #35”

Amazing Adult Fantasy #13, Story B

Great Zeus
Release: March 1, 1962
Cover: June 1962
12 cents
Story: Stan Lee
Art: Steve Ditko
5 pages

Zeus decides to head to earth to guide humans away from the path of self-destruction. At first, people think he is a crackpot. But when they see his powers, several agents want to sign him up. He is overwhelmed by the agents and retreats to Mount Olympus

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