Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandoes
Release: April 12, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Written by: Roy Thomas
Illustrated by: Dick Ayers
Inked by: J. Tartaglione
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
20 pages
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I guess these big bad nazis plain scared me so much I couldn’t remember a thing!

This is an above-average Sgt. Fury story. It’s got a more intricate plot than usual with some clear stakes. Captain Sawyer gets a larger role, allowing his character to be fleshed out some. And it’s notable for introducing us finally to General Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander. I like that guy.

We saw in last issue’s text box that D-Day was approaching. We see the Howlers training underwater for that mission, dubbed Operation Overlord.
We’ll learn it’s set for either June 5 or June 6. We have likely finally reached 1944 in Sgt. Fury’s history. We also learn the Howling Commandos will play an important role. But we don’t learn what that is. The details are in a document seen only by Eisenhower and Sawyer before Eisenhower destroys it.

The Germans would very much like to know what’s in that document, so Nazi spies capture Happy Sam and bring him to France for interrogation.
It’s implied but not very explicit that Sam has been tortured. But of course all he ever reveals is his name, rank, and serial number.

Nick has no doubt that Sam would die before he talked. Eisenhower can’t take that risk, so he’s sending bombers to destroy the entire site. He’ll give the Commandos just a 30 minute lead to try to get the Captain out before the bombs go off.

Amusingly, a tank crew mistakes the battle inside headquarters for a wild party.

Here are the letters pages:

This Hulk sweater has always amused me.

Rating: ★★★☆☆, 53/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I own both the original comic and a reprint in Sgt. Fury #92.
- Sgt. Nick Fury
- Dino Manelli
- Dum Dum Dugan
- Izzy Cohen
- Rebel Ralston
- Gabe Jones
- Percy Pinkerton
- Captain “Happy Sam” Sawyer
- General Eisenhower
- Valkyrie
- Siegfried One
- Reinhard
- Major Frobrich
- Gerhard
Story notes:
- Howlers underwater cutting a sub net.
- Underwater training exercises for D-Day prepared by G-2.
- Captain Happy Sam Sawyer off to London, where he has spent much time lately.
- Sam learns target dates for D-Day are June 5 and 6.
- Sam notes clerk seems curious about file.
- Spy codenamed Valkyrie. Calls Siegried One.
- Document Y-2603 details Howlers’ part in D-Day. Eisenhower destroys it, so only he and Sam know of it. Sam vows to protect the info with his life.
- London in blackout because top brass is expecting Luftwaffe raid.
- Spies capture Sawyer, though he puts up a fight. Sam recognizes the ring leader as the suspicious clerk.
- Sam attempts to fight so they’ll kill him and not get the information.
- E-Boat takes Happy Sam away.
- Major Frobrich of the SS will interrogate Sawyer.
- Frobrich considers Sawyer a Howling Commando. Frobrich looks to succeed where Von Strucker failed.
- Captain Sawyer’s serial number: 05-292-810.
- Nazi plane interrupts Howlers’ training with message from Major Frobrich.
- Message claims they know of D-Day plans from Sawyer; Fury knows this is a lie and takes note to Eisenhower
- Howlers parachute into France to rescue Sam.
- Allied bombers take out base; Howlers take tank to Channel.
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Stan is now able to farm some titles to Roy by this time, and we begin to see some of his, obviously effective, marketing. Only a few more years, and Marvel will be free of National’s distribution arm.