Fantastic Four #21

The Hate-Monger!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: September 10, 1963
Cover: December 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Jack Kirby
Inked by: George Bell
22 pages

The cover tells me not to dare reveal Hate-Monger’s identity. I fear that I am going to have to do just that. Spoilers ahead.

This is George Roussos’ first time on Fantastic Four and the effects are noticeable. He makes less effort than the other inkers to smooth out Kirby, and if anything only emphasizes the sharp angles of the faces, creating a more exaggerated style. The first page is meant to show the FF looking angry and hate-filled, so perhaps is not the ideal introduction to his take on the characters.

The first page lets me know this will be the most unusual, thought-provoking tale I will read this season. Often, Stan uses hyperbole in these opening pages. But I think the ending (yes, the one I plan to spoil; you are warned) more than lives up to Stan’s promises.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #21”

Strange Tales #115, Story B

The origin of Dr. Strange

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: September 10, 1963
Cover: December 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Steve Ditko
8 pages

We learn the origin of Dr. Strange, one of the greatest superhero origins ever. Probably the second-greatest. It will thus be only the second Marvel Age story I give the (presumably) coveted 5-star rating.

A brilliant surgeon cared only for wealth and fame. When an accident damaged his hands, his desperate quest to be able to operate again led him to seek out a mystic healer. There he learned of the nature of black magic and the threat to the world posed by Mordo. He spent years studying under the Ancient One to become a master of black magic.

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Strange Tales #115

The Sandman Strikes!

Featuring: Human Torch
Release: September 10, 1963
Cover: December 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Dick Ayers
13 pages

Stan really doesn’t know what he has. Strange Tales #115 includes one of Marvel’s all-time greatest stories, yet the cover shows not a hint of that. It focuses entirely on a mediocre Human Torch tale.

We get another villain crossover. We haven’t seen too many yet. Dr. Doom has shown up in the pages of Spider-Man. That’s pretty much the only one unless you want to count Loki showing up in the Avengers.

But now, Spider-Man’s foe Sandman will menace the Human Torch. Spider-Man himself might pop in to say hello. (Actually, he’ll pop in to express that he’s upset Human Torch took on his villain.)

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Amazing Spider-Man #7

The Return of the Vulture

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: September 10, 1963
Cover: December 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
21 pages

Spider-Man gets his first repeat villain. Stan claims readers demanded his return. But, well, Stan always says that.

Spider-Man is overconfident his same gadget will work, but Vulture had modified his wings to nullify Spider-Man’s gadget. Spider-Man is defeated in their first encounter and sprains his arm. He’ll have to fight Vulture again one-handed.

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Sgt. Fury #4

Lord Ha-Ha’s Last Laugh!

Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: September 3, 1963
Cover: November 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Jack Kirby
Inked by: G. Bell
22 pages

The cover lets us know that one Commando will fight no more after this mission. Comic covers of the time are full of exaggerated dramatic assertions. This is not one of those.

George Roussos is fast becoming one of the more regular inkers, using the pseudonym George Bell. This is his first time on Sgt. Fury. Dick Ayers handled the inking for the first 3 issues.

The opening page is a good test for me to see if I’ve been paying attention. Last issue offered the name of each character on the opening page. This time the question is whether I can identify each Commando to fill out my character section below. Sgt. Fury and Dum-Dum are distinctive, and I know them well from many later comics. Gabe Jones is clear, the only black man on the team. Fortunately, Dino Manelli is combing his hair; that comb is a signature; recall he’s a famous Hollywood actor. The scraggly guy is Izzy Cohen. That leaves the two blonde guys to not mix up, and I had to peek at the previous issue. I think the green hat is meant to be distinctive for Rebel Ralston, making the other one Junior Juniper. Junior is freckled, but that’s not obvious in this picture.

Continue reading “Sgt. Fury #4”

The Avengers #2

The Space Phantom

Featuring: Avengers
Release: September 3, 1963
Cover: November 1963
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Jack Kirby
Inking: Paul Reinman
22 pages

Cover box of the second issue matches the first. Wasp is still left out. Ant-Man has not yet been updated to Giant-Man.

Now that Ant-Man is Giant-Man, his strength is at least vaguely in the same class as the rest of his male teammates. The giant-formula has not been shared with his partner, the Wasp. And will not be any time soon.

Thor comments on Hulk’s outfit. We saw a similar exchange in Avengers #1½.

Notice Hulk clearly has 3 toes on each foot.
Continue reading “The Avengers #2”

POSTLUDE: Avengers #1½

The Death-Trap of Doctor Doom!

Featuring: Avengers
Release: September 29, 1999
Cover: October 1999
250 cents
Written by: Roger Stern (filling in for Stan Lee)
Art by: Bruce Timm (filling in for Jack Kirby)
24 pages

The cover promised us a mystery villain, but I feel like the opening page spoils the surprise a bit by putting his name in the title. Even if I missed that clue, the villain would be revealed by page 3. Spoiler: It’s Doctor Doom.

Sorry, Tom. Nobody can really replace Irving Forbush.

Roger Stern is a nerd who grew up reading and obsessing over these same comics we have been reading, so the comic of course slides perfectly neatly into our continuity. It references stories we’ve recently read, and has all the characters right where they should be in their various arcs.

Continue reading “POSTLUDE: Avengers #1½”

What kind of year has it been?

Happy anniversary to this blog. On April 6, 2019, I started a project I had meant to do for many, many years and began a read-through of the Marvel Universe. I started this blog in case anybody wanted to follow along.

At least a few people seem to want to. I can usually guarantee about 50 readers per day, and often get more than 100. I thank you all for reading along.

My most faithful reader is my mother, who also helps me correct my inevitable typos. She’d read some of this era of Fantastic Four comics in her youth, specifically the issues involving the Sub-Mariner.

Many thanks as well to the maintainers and contributors of all the sites listed on my Resources page. Those sites serve as a guide for this journey.

Continue reading “What kind of year has it been?”

Journey Into Mystery #98, Story C

Odin Battles Ymir, King of the Ice Giants!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: September 3, 1963
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Jack Kirby
Inked by: Don Heck
5 pages

In this same issue, we saw Thor’s lackluster battle against Cobra. There is also a prose story taken from an old issue of Uncanny Tales, and a new Larry Lieber sci/fi tale. And then this. The second installment of the “Tales of Asgard” series.

We get more detail on a battle spoken of in the previous issue. We see Odin’s great war against Ymir and the Ice Giants. A simple enough tale, but told with a bold forcefulness. This is a better use of Kirby’s talents than a lot of what he has been doing of late.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #98, Story C”

Journey Into Mystery #98

Challenged by the Human Cobra!

Featuring: Thor
Release: September 3, 1963
Cover: November 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Don Heck
13 pages

The issue begins with Thor throwing a temper tantrum. “It isn’t fair!” he cries. The narrator notes it may surprise us to see a superhero throw a temper tantrum. No, I’ve been reading Fantastic Four.

Of course I imagine Thor’s voice sounds like Tommy Wiseau as he shouts.

An ex-convict named Klaus is bitten by a radioactive cobra and gains the powers of a cobra. This is pretty well-established as what happens when radioactive creatures bite you.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #98”