Tales of Suspense #64

Hawkeye and the New Black Widow Strike Again!

Featuring: Iron Man
Release: January 12, 1965
Cover: April 1965
12 cents
Powerful script by: Stan Lee
Poignant art by: Don Heck
Punchy inking by: Chic Stone
Polite lettering by: Sam Rosen
Plenty of kibitzing by: The Bullpen Gang!
12 pages

X-Men #10Reading orderTales of Suspense #64, Story B
Tales of Suspense #63, Story BTales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #64, Story B

What is this “Bullpen” they refer to?

We just met the “new” Giant-Man. It was really just Giant-Man with a new outfit and gizmo. Similarly, the “new” Black Widow is just the Black Widow with some new gimmicks.

These gimmicks make her more formidable, but still no match for Iron Man.

She can now climb walls and fire a line of suction-tipped nylon, a web of sorts. She is a spider-themed heroine, so it makes sense her gimmicks will have hints of Spider-Man.

We also see the first hints of a possible road to redemption for Black Widow. She has decided she wishes to stop being evil and tells Khrushchev this to his face. He shows her that her parents are his prisoners, and they will be killed unless she cooperates. That Khrushchev is a villain, indeed.

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #64”

X-Men #10

The Coming of… Ka-Zar!

Featuring: X-Men
Release: January 5, 1965
Cover: March 1965
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Jack Kirby
Inker: Chic Stone
Letterer: S.Rosen
20 pages

Tales to Astonish #66Reading orderTales of Suspense #64
X-Men #9X-MenX-Men #11
Marvel Comics #1, Story FPrelude

Stronger than mastodon! Stronger than giant boar! Mighty is Ka-Zar! Lord of Jungle!

The cover claims this comic is introducing Ka-Zar. It’s unclear if that’s true when we just met a Ka-Zar in our last post, introduced almost 30 years earlier.

Same guy? No evidence otherwise, except that he’s somehow moved from the Congo to Antarctica.

I’m so glad they tell us how to pronounce his name. It’s the bane of comics reading. Nobody tells you how to pronounce the names. You think you’re an expert in this stuff, then along comes a movie and you’ve been pronouncing names wrong for decades, and everyone looks at you like an idiot. But now we know: “Kay-Sar”.

My buddy Brian just polled on Twitter about how people pronounced his name when they first read it, and I was forced to admit that I was saying “Kay-Zar” in my head in my ignorant youth. Perhaps if I’d known more German then, I would have different ideas about pronouncing that ‘Z’.

Continue reading “X-Men #10”

PRELUDE: Marvel Comics #1, Story F

Adventures of Ka-Zar the Great

Featuring: Ka-Zar
Release: August 31, 1939
Cover: October 1939
10 cents
Credits: Ben Thompson
From the famous character created by: Bob Byrd
12 pages

Tales to Astonish #66Reading orderX-Men #10

“From the famous character created by Bob Byrd”… I don’t think Ka-Zar was actually yet famous.

Marvel Comics #1 is the comic that started it all. We’ve been slowly reading through its 68 pages. We read the first story, the introduction of the Human Torch, right in the beginning, to coincide with the introduction of the new Human Torch. We soon after read the Sub-Mariner story to prepare for Namor’s return to the modern Marvel Universe in Fantastic Four #4. We took X-Men #1 as an excuse to read the Angel story, despite there being no real connection between that Angel and the Angel of the X-Men.

What’s left to read? The inside front cover has some gags.

There’s a Western story that introduces the Masked Raider. I don’t know if we’ll find an excuse to read it.

There’s a one-off jungle story called “Jungle Terror”.

A one-off text story about racing called “Burning Rubber”.

And this, the story of Ka-Zar.

Unlike the other tales which are (more or less) original concepts, Ka-Zar is adapted from prose stories.

He was introduced in his own magazine, Ka-Zar #1 (1936), and written by none other than Martin Goodman (under the pen name Bob Byrd), who was also the publisher, and remains the publisher of Marvel in 1965.

We’ve already met Ka-Zar when we read Human Torch #5. We saw he rode an elephant and generally worked with the animals to defend Africa from Sub-Mariner’s war upon the Earth.

The character bears at least some similarity to the Tarzan character of Edgar Rice Burroughs (down to the letters in the name). He was neither the first nor the second nor the last character to bear such a resemblance.

Marvel Comics #1 retells the origin of Ka-Zar from the original prose story.

Continue reading “PRELUDE: Marvel Comics #1, Story F”

Tales to Astonish #66

The Menace of Madam Macabre

Featuring: Giant-Man and Wasp
Release: January 5, 1965
Cover: April 1965
12 cents
Story: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Art: Beamin’ Bobby Powell
Inking: Friendly Frankie Ray
Lettering: Sunny ol’ Sherigail
12 pages

(≈ 100 * 𝜋)
PreludeMarvel Comics #1, Story F
Tales to Astonish #65Reading orderX-Men #10
Tales to Astonish #65, Story BTales to AstonishTales to Astonish #66, Story B

The Giant-Man tale is hogging most of the cover real estate.

Wasp doesn’t seem to be recognized as a co-lead for the second issue in a row. This is just described as a Giant-Man story. The covers have long since omitted her name.

Yes, we are falling farther and farther behind in our Hulk reading.

As before, it’s not actually a new Giant-Man. He just has a new hat.

Madam Macabre is an evil analogue to Giant-Man, with the power to make things shrink or grow. Not knowing she is evil, Giant-Man considers partnering with her, until he learns she thinks they can rule the world together.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #66”

Tales to Astonish #65

Presenting the New Giant-Man

Featuring: Giant-Man and Wasp
Release: December 10, 1964
Cover: March 1965
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Illustrator: Bob Powell
Inked by: Don Heck
Lettering by: Sherigail
12 pages

Fantastic Four #36Reading orderTales to Astonish #66
Tales to Astonish #64, Story BTales to AstonishTales to Astonish #65, Story B

The cover boasts of a new Giant-Man. They just mean a new costume, one which will not prove enduring. The corner box has already been updated with the new look.

We met Bob Powell in Strange Tales #130. He’s taking over two titles this month.

We met Sherigail the letterer once before in issue 55. Various websites, including Marvel’s official site, misattribute the lettering of Sherigail. Nel Yomtov had been kind enough to reach out and let me know that Sherigail is a pseudonym for Morrie Kuramoto.

We’re getting ahead with the Giant-Man/Wasp stories and behind with the Hulk stories in this title. We’ll catch up to the Hulk stories eventually.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #65”

Fantastic Four #36

The Frightful Four!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: December 10, 1964
Cover: March 1965
12 cents
Proudly produced by: Smilin’ Stan Lee and Jolly Jack Kirby
Inked by: Chic Stone
Lettered by: Artie Simek
21 pages

Avengers #14Reading orderTales to Astonish #65
Fantastic Four #35Fantastic FourFantastic Four #37

The main credits are shared between Stan and Jack without specifying who did what.

Fantastic Four has been one of the best of these Marvel superhero titles since the start, but it’s regarded as one of the best comic series ever, which hasn’t yet been obvious. The series gets better at some point. It can be hard to pinpoint the exact point of transition. We noted issue 29 when Kirby started using photo collages as a step toward greatness. The introduction of the Frightful Four in this issue also suggests we are well down the path. Particularly the mysterious Madam Medusa.

Sue and Reed announced their engagement last issue. They’ve now made a public announcement, and the press is excited, underscoring their celebrity status. There will be a big engagement party this issue.

Also, I think Sue’s gotten a haircut. Her hair definitely seems shorter.

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #36”

Avengers #14

Even Avengers Can Die!

Featuring: Avengers
Release: January 12, 1965
Cover: March 1965
12 cents
Plot and editing by: Stan Lee
Script by: Paul Laiken and Larry Lieber
Layouts by: Jack Kirby
Pencils by: Don Heck
Inking by: Chic Stone
Lettering by: S. Rosen
20 pages

Avengers #13Reading orderFantastic Four #36
Avengers #13AvengersAvengers #15

That’s quite the credits listing. Sounds like they were running out of time to get this done and called in every hand they could to meet a deadline. That’s also how this story reads.

Larry Lieber had long since left superheroes behind to focus on comics like Rawhide Kid, but he pitches in.

Paul Laiken is a new name to us. This is the only superhero story he’ll ever be involved in writing. I literally think they recruited everybody in the building at the time to help get this one done. It seems like he’ll be best known for his work on the Marvel humor magazine which is totally not a Mad rip-off, Crazy.

Continue reading “Avengers #14”

Avengers #13

The Castle of Count Nefaria

Featuring: Avengers
Release: December 10, 1964
Cover: February 1965
12 cents
Rather exceptional story by: Stan Lee
Somewhat distinctive art by: Don Heck
Fairly compelling inking by: Dick Ayers
Moderately clear lettering by: Artie Simek
20 pages

Tales of Suspense #63, Story BReading orderAvengers #14
Avengers #12AvengersAvengers #14

The cover is pretty off for a Kirby composition. I’m pretty sure Count Nefaria is supposed to be manipulating the controls, but he looks passed out to me.

Solid opening splash page of the Avengers looking furtive near the wanted ad.

The story opens with Iron Man and Thor stopping a fur robbery. Honestly, that seems somewhat beneath them; I’d be more comfortable with such crimes being left to conventional authorities or more down-to-earth vigilantes.

Up to this point, there was no evidence the Avengers were proactively seeking out any types of crimes to stop. They responded to two global threats–the Lava Men and Kang. They occasionally seek out the Hulk to fight, but usually just wait for a villain to attack them. Villains in these stories tend to be much more proactive. But now we learn the Avengers have been actively fighting crime for a while now.

This story introduces the Maggia, an organized criminal organization, perhaps inspired by real-life Mafia.

Continue reading “Avengers #13”

Tales of Suspense #63, Story B

The Origin of Captain America!

Featuring: Captain America
Release: December 10, 1964
Cover: March 1965
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Illustrator: Jack Kirby
Inked by: Frank Ray
Lettered by: Art Simek
10 pages

Tales of Suspense #63Reading orderAvengers #13
Tales of Suspense #63Tales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #64

Rather than trying to tell a new Captain America story, this comic will retell the origin of Captain America. Subsequent adventures will recap his earliest issues and others will be new stories set in World War II.

I can only guess what’s going on here. One, you can imagine Kirby would like a bit of a break from drawing 5 stories a month, and it may be easier on him to retell old tales. Or, perhaps he is looking back on those tales now that he has grown as an artist and is looking to revisit them and tell them better.

I also suspect that Stan is starting to notice how much his readers care about the intercontinuity of the titles, something he probably doesn’t want to think about at all. Telling Captain America stories set in the past saves him the trouble of worrying that they line up with current Avengers comics.

I tend to find the best thing to do with these retellings is just go in depth and try to spot any differences from previous tellings, particularly the original story in Captain America Comics #1 (1941).

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #63, Story B”

Tales of Suspense #63

Somewhere Lurks The Phantom!

Featuring: Iron Man
Release: December 10, 1964
Cover: March 1965
12 cents
Have you the nerve to read this great Stan Lee story?
Should we preserve these thrilling Don Heck drawings?
Dare we observe this unique Dick Ayers inking?
Do we deserve the impact of this Sam Rosen lettering?
12 pages

Strange Tales #130Reading orderTales of Suspense #63, Story B
Tales of Suspense #62, Story BTales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #63, Story B

Introduces a new villain, the Phantom, who is sabotaging Stark’s plant. I thought about naming all the Iron Man villains whose plan has involved attacking or sabotaging Stark’s plant, but it would be easier to name the rest of them.

This resolves the story arc where Tony Stark seemed to be dead. He turns out not to be.

He pretended to be dead because he was trapped in his armor. Yet… trapped in his armor, he could still remove his helmet and gloves, at least. He has always been trapped in the chest plate and just puts clothes over it. So I don’t understand why he couldn’t have just put clothes over the rest of his armor.

Whatever the explanation, he modified a transistor so now only needs the chestplate. Basically, his new invention allowed him to take his pants off.

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #63”