Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: September 8, 1966
Cover: December 1966
12 cents
Stan (The Man) Lee, writer
John (Ring-a-ding) Romita, artist
Artie (stout-hearted) Simek, letterer
20 pages
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Petey-O, you’re right from Groovesville!
Aunt May had been trying to set up Peter with Anna Watson’s niece since he was in high school. Her matchmaking finally paid off, and Peter met Mary Jane Watson at the end of last issue.
She was not quite as ugly as he’d feared.

Dinner is going well, but there are other things going on that will affect Peter’s life. For example, the Rhino is breaking out of prison. They took him out easily with some smoke gas last issue. But maybe they ran out of smoke gas?
Oh, and Ned and Betty are officially engaged!

Peter is quite flirtatious with Mary Jane. He’d had a lot of difficulty with girls when we first met him, but he’s long since come out of his shell. Mary Jane we learn is taking drama lessons to be an actress. She likes to dance and seems like the life of any party.

“Petey-O, you’re right from Groovesville,” she says. Stan had a good ear for how the actual youth of the time actually talked.
The panel of Mary Jane dancing to the TV is a defining moment for who the character is and what she’s about. It would be another 80 issues before Gerry Conway redefined the character with the click of a door closing.
But then the news of Rhino’s escape reaches TV. After avoiding her for months if not years, what excuse can he give to blow off their first meeting?
Turns out he doesn’t need one. She wants to go see the Rhino with him! That’s very convenient. Almost too convenient…

Matt Murdock has returned, presumably after escaping from Owl’s island. He considers going after the Rhino, who is causing damage and endangering lives, but Spider-Man fought Rhino last time, so Spider-Man deserves first crack at him this time. That’s a weird code these superheroes have. You’d think the people in danger would be more important…
Rhino used to be after money. But now all he wants is revenge against the guy who foiled his last scheme to make money. This is pretty common as motivations go.
We learn Rhino’s origin. He was chosen for being stupid, and enemy agents had scientists give him the Rhino skin. He thinks the suit has increased his intelligence as well as his strength. I find that suspect.

Peter was able to get out of Mrs. Watson’s house. But he’s still with Mary Jane. How does he get away from her to actually fight Rhino? Actually, he has a pretty valid-sounding excuse. He’s a photographer and needs to go get pictures.
Apparently MJ thinks Spider-Man is “the dreamiest”.

Spider-Man is handily defeated by the Rhino, and saved by a cop. We get a lot of dialogue about how great cops are.

We met Dr. Curt Connors in Amazing Spider-Man #6, when he was transformed into the Lizard. Cured of that, he became a friend to Spider-Man, and helped him save Aunt May during the Master Planner Saga. He now seems to be Spider-Man’s go-to guy for science help.

Fortunately, Connors’ days as a Lizard are behind him. Or are they? He reflects that if he could only control the Lizard, he may be able to defeat the Rhino. Idle reflections, I hope.
Once again, Spider-Man saves John Jameson from the Rhino. Once again, Jonah Jameson is unimpressed.

Big news for Flash Thompson. He’s been drafted to go fight in Vietnam. The gang that Peter is almost maybe not quite a part of is breaking up.
And Aunt May remains unwell. Was it selfish of Peter to buy his own bike and consider his own apartment when she’s struggling to afford medicine. Is he neglecting his responsibility to her?
Peter has to cancel his next date with MJ because May needs him. She seems non-bothered about being blown off. After all, he’s been blowing her off for months if not years.

Curt Connors had once again been a big help. But I’m finding myself not so certain he’s left the Lizard entirely in the past. Given that the next issue blurb reads, “The Lizard crawls again!”
Rating: ★★★★☆, 74/100
Significance: ★★★★☆
As I’ve mentioned often, the Eternity Saga is one of my all-time favorite comic sagas, so I’m a little sad to no longer find space for its climactic chapter in Strange Tales #141 amongst the Best We’ve Read.
I read this story in Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection vol. 3: Spider-Man No More.
- Spider-Man/Peter Parker
- Rhino
- Frederick Foswell
- Ned Leeds
- Betty Brant
- J. Jonah Jameson
- Anna Watson
- Aunt May
- Mary Jane Watson
- Matt Murdock
- Foggy Nelson
- Dr. Curtis Connors
- Flash Thompson
- Gwen Stacy
- Harry Osborn
Story notes:
- Tranquilizers have worn off and Rhino is escaping.
- Betty is showing off the ring; she and Ned are engaged. Foswell had expected it to be Betty and Peter.
- Jameson admits (without Pete around) that Peter is his best photographer.
- Mary Jane finds Peter dreamy despite his short hair and likes his bike. Peter realizes he was wrong to avoid her for months. MJ invites Peter to the living room to watch the “boom tube”. She starts dancing to the music on TV.
- Mary Jane is an actress, but undiscovered. She spends her time taking drama lessons.
- News interrupts song to note Rhino broke out.
- Anna notes Peter hadn’t eaten much.
- It’s Mary Jane’s idea to go see the Rhino just as Peter was trying to find an excuse to sneak away.
- Foggy upset that Rhino broke out; Matt has returned.
- Rhino hired by professional spies who have loyalty to no nation, and thought he would be useful because he’s stupid.
- The experiment took months, until eventually a molecular adhesive was applied which would become like a second skin.
- Rhino notes his intelligence increased with his power.
- Peter tells MJ he wants to get photos for the Bugle.
- Spider-Man sets camera on automatic, 10-second interval, wide-angle lens, automatic zoom…
- Frederick Foswell observing scene with Rhino.
- Rhino is faster than expected and knocks down Spidey.
- Cop saves Spider-Man, noting Rhino can’t change direction easily mid-charge.
- Rhino thinks he’s killed Spider-Man and goes searching for Col. Jameson again.
- Camera almost falls when webbing evaporates.
- Peter finds a small piece of Rhino hide on the stone.
- Foswell thinks Jonah will like the story of a cop saving Spider-Man.
- Peter takes MJ home in exchange for a date tomorrow.
- Peter’s bonus for the Rhino photos is a key to the washroom.
- Colonel Jameson transferred to hospital in Westchester.
- Jameson is assured the government is paying his medical expenses, and that John should be fine within the week.
- Dr. Connors agrees to analyze the Rhino sample.
- Peter calls Aunt May to let her know he’ll be studying, when actually he’s going after the Rhino.
- Connors always impressed by Spider-Man’s science skills.
- Connors reflects that the Lizard might be able to defeat the Rhino, but Spider-Man notes it’s too dangerous.
- Spider-Man stakes out John Jameson’s hospital room.
- Guard tries to explain to Rhino the spores have faded and Jameson is useless now.
- Specialty webbing melts Rhino’s artificial hide.
- Jameson Sr. blames Spider-Man for all this, but John is grateful to be saved by Spider-Man for the fourth time.
- Flash has to report for draft physical.
- Aunt May is weak; prescription is empty; Peter realizes she is low on money.
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