Thor #130, Story B

The Fateful Change!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: May 3, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Jack Kirby
Inking: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Sam Rosen
Costumes: Asgard Haberdashery
5 pages

Thor #130Reading orderDaredevil #16
Thor #130ThorThor #131

My glorious record proves that Volstagg knows not the meaning of fear! But, why do we race so quickly into a land where death lurks everywhere?

The meandering Odinsword Saga came to an unclimactic resolution, but this led into a couple good issues showing us Ragnarok, the end of Asgard and the death of the gods. That’s led into this story of Thor and friends battling Harokin to retrieve the Warlock’s Eye.

Kirby does cool things with the 5-page/at-most-17-panel format when doing sweeping arcs of abstract history, but it’s limiting when trying to tell a piece of a more standard story. It just doesn’t get very far.

We do learn Thor and Harokin look enough alike for Thor to imitate his enemy in a ruse.

The ruse doesn’t seem Thor’s style. I associate him more with beating his foes with a hammer.

Yes, this is to be continued. But I’m letting the main story dictate when we read this title. So we’ll pause this story here and come back to it whenever it seems best to read Thor #131.

Here’s the letters page for the issue.


  • Volstagg
  • Hogun
  • Fandral
  • Thor
  • Harokin

Story notes:

  • Harokin has used the Warlock’s Eye to conquer Muspelheim.
  • Thor sends the others to the dungeon to free Muspelheim’s garrison, while Thor searchers for Harokin.
Thor #130Reading orderDaredevil #16
Thor #130ThorThor #131

Author: Chris Coke

Interests include comic books, science fiction, whisky, and mathematics.

2 thoughts on “Thor #130, Story B”

  1. Hi, first time commenter, longtime reader. While I do feel that Thor masquerading as Harokin does seem a bit out of character for such a big brawler, it does feel in keeping with that one Norse myth where he dresses as a woman to fool a giant, which I swear Kirby adapted for a “Tales” installment at some point. Of course, Thor complained the entire time that such a role didn’t feel comfortable for him, so go figure.

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