Tales of Suspense #50, Story C

Journey’s End!

Featuring: Watcher
Release: November 12, 1963
Cover: February 1964
12 cents
Story plot: Stan Lee
Script + art: Larry Lieber
Inking: S. Brodsky
Lettering: Art Simek
5 pages

The Watcher tells a tale of the distant future, the 21st century.

Wilbur Weems is a shy space pilot, teased by everybody for his general wimpiness. Having no friends or family or much of anything, he volunteers for an apparent suicide mission to investigate a cosmic dust cloud.

I like how the Watcher casually throws in “time-warps” in the list of things encountered, along with meteors and stars.

It turned out the radiation from the cloud wasn’t a danger. Rather, it turned him superhuman. Radiation will do that. He gets invited to live in a utopian society behind the cloud.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

Rating: ★★★☆☆, 50/100
Significance: ★★☆☆☆

Except for the first page, the scans are taken from a reprint in Marvel Collector’s Item Classics #5.

You can find this story through Kindle.


  • Watcher
  • Wilbur Weems

#148 story in reading order
Next: Tales to Astonish #53
Previous: Tales of Suspense #50

Author: Chris Coke

Interests include comic books, science fiction, whisky, and mathematics.

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