Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: June 2, 1966
Cover: August 1966
12 cents
Lee wrote it!
Kirby drew it!
Colletta inked it!
Simek lettered it!
5 pages
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Thor #131 | Thor | Thor #132 |
So! Thou wouldst trifle with Volstagg? Know you that my very belly is more than a match for a dozen such as thee!

It’s been a minute. We were in the middle of the Harokin/Warlock’s Eye saga. I’ve decided not to worry about the flow of the Tales of Asgard feature, and just read them as back-ups to the Thor comics, as they were published. So because we paused Thor’s story in the main stories, we paused here.
But now it’s been 9 months and we need to remember things. Harokin has used the Warlock’s Eye to conquer Muspelheim. Thor looks enough like Harokin that he thinks he can disguise himself as Harokin and do some subterfuge.
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