Strange Tales #137, Story B

When Meet the Mystic Minds!

Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: July 8, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Written and edited with amazing acumen by: Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn with artistic aplomb by: Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered with ruler and pen by: Artie Simek
10 pages

Strange Tales #137Reading orderStrange Tales #138
Strange Tales #137Strange TalesStrange Tales #138

He has been my teacher, my protector– and more than a father!

Welcome to the 420th post in our Marvel reading. A Dr. Strange story seems appropriately psychedelic for the occasion.

Dr. Strange must find Eternity to stop Dormammu. The last two issues have been false steps on the quest. Now he must be more direct. The Ancient One’s mind knows the secret of Eternity. Dr. Strange must take it from there directly. This will be incredibly dangerous to them both.

From a storytelling point of view, the entire issue will be Ancient One lying comatose with Dr. Strange sitting next to him. The drama will play out on the psychic plane. How Ditko keeps us engaged with this is part of his genius. To make a struggle we can understand and appreciate.

The first decision is to bathe the Ancient One in the light of the Amulet. We know from before this strengthens him. But given Strange’s goal, it has duel effects. It will serve to lessen the chances of Ancient One being harmed by Strange’s mental invasion, but it will also make Strange’s task more difficult because it will fortify Ancient One’s mental defenses.

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