Tales of Suspense #70

Fight On! For a World is Watching!

Featuring: Iron Man
Release: July 8, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Story: Scribbled and scrawled by: Stan Lee
Illustration: Doodled and dawdled by: Don Heck
Delineation: Battered and blotted by: Mickey Demeo
Lettering: Mumbled and jumbled by: Sam Rosen
12 pages

Tales of Suspense #69, Story BReading orderTales of Suspense #70, Story B
Tales of Suspense #69, Story BTales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #70, Story B

That tone in her voice… I never heard it before!! It’s like she really cares! No matter what happens to me now… that makes it all worth it!

Here we go. Forget the space race. The real question is who can build the better fighting suit of armor. America of the Soviet Union. It’s on!

We get a recap that just samples panels from last issue.

Iron Man’s armor is more than capable of standing against Titanium Man’s onslaught. It’s Tony Stark’s heart that may be unable to take the strain.

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #70”

Tales of Suspense #69

If I Must Die, Let It Be With Honor!

Featuring: Iron Man
Release: June 8, 1965
Cover: September 1965
12 cents
Story by: Stan Lee, the idol of Millions!
Art by: Don Heck, the toast of two continents!
Inking by: V. Colletta, the pride of the bullpen!
Lettering by: Sam Rosen, the last angry letterer!
12 pages

X-Men #16Reading orderTales of Suspense #69, Story B
Tales of Suspense #68, Story BTales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #69, Story B

But, Iron Man must accept the challenge! It’s a matter of national pride… of prestige!

There are many stories I consider iconic. And, usually, who knows how this impression forms. Decades of reading comics and talking about comics has given me a sense of some stories that stand out.

I think of this as an iconic story and I know exactly why I think that. Very early in my Marvel reading, I also collected Marvel cards. The 1990 set had a set of famous battles. This was one of the chosen battles.

We’ve seen one famous battle (per that card deck) before, the Hulk/Thing fight from Fantastic Four #2526. And are currently in the middle of another, the “Nick Fury vs. Hydra” battle begun in Strange Tales #135.

Of course, Titanium Man has one other claim to fame. Paul McCartney selected him alongside Magneto as villains to write a song about. (He also references Crimson Dynamo.)

The MCP wants Iron Man to attend the wedding in the middle of the events of this issue. I don’t see why it can’t just be before this issue. Maybe I’m missing some subtlety. As the issue opens, he’s spent weeks working on this sub-miniature reverser. He could have taken a brief break to attend a wedding.

Continuity does get complicated here though. Avengers #20 is concurrent to Tales of Suspense #70. Avengers #19 takes place in the middle of the Hydra Saga, yet Tony Stark’s life gets complicated starting now, so issue 69 or before is the best chance for his appearances in Strange Tales, including his appearances after the Hydra saga. And of course Iron Man shares a comic with Cap. As Nick Fury does with Dr. Strange, the latter of which we are months behind on reading.

For a reading order, we’ll read the Iron Man/Cap stories, then the Avengers stories, then the Dr. Strange/Nick Fury stories. But we’ll talk about what must be concurrent and what must fit where as we go.

Titanium Man is the Soviet answer to Iron Man. He issues a public challenge to prove Soviet superiority. Titanium is more powerful than Iron, so his armor is more powerful, but also slower and bulkier.

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #69”

Tales to Astonish #76

Uneasy Hangs the Head…

Featuring: Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner
Release: November 4, 1965
Cover: February 1966
12 cents
Story: Stan Lee
Pencilling: Adam Austin
Delineation: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Sam Rosen
12 pages

Tales to Astonish #75Reading orderSgt. Fury Annual 1
Tales to Astonish #75, Story BTales to AstonishTales to Astonish #76, Story B

Where Namor was Prince of the Blood, Krang would have been tyrant! Where Namor ruled by divine right, Krang would have ruled by terror!

The ruler of Atlantis by birthright is again on the throne. Yay for monarchy.

The story was almost over as this issue began. Dorma saved. Krang defeated. It’s been a 7-part arc, but it’s over by page 5 of this issue.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #76”

Tales to Astonish #75

The End of the Quest!

Featuring: Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner
Release: October 5, 1965
Cover: January 1866
12 cents
Story by: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Pencilling by: Admirable Adam Austin
Delineation by : Valorous Vince Colletta
Lettering by: Sagacious Sam Rosen
12 pages

Tales to Astonish #74, Story BReading orderTales to Astonish #76
Tales to Astonish #74, Story BTales to AstonishTales to Astonish #75, Story B

Though I hold life most dear to me, I shall show how a Prince faces death!

It turns out abandoning the quest was the way to complete the quest.

Per Neptune: Every attribute of a Prince is yours… courage, strength, honest… and, most important of all… a heart which can love… a soul which can sacrifice!

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #75”

Tales to Astonish #74, Story B

The Wisdom of the Watcher!

Featuring: Hulk
Release: September 2, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Dreamed up by: Stan Lee!
Designed by: Jack Kirby!
Drawn by: Bob Powell!
Delineated by: Mickey Demeo!
Doodled by: S. Rosen
10 pages

Tales to Astonish #74Reading orderTales to Astonish #75
Tales to Astonish #74Tales to AstonishTales to Astonish #75

I am the Watcher! That is enough! That answers all!

Tales of Suspense #60 was released in September 1964, a full year earlier. That began Marvel’s first extended saga. The threat of the Leader has united the disparate threads and arcs from that issue until this one. At the time, Marvel stories were self-contained things. Just a few years earlier, they tended to fit into under 10 pages. The full-issue 20-page long Fantastic Four epics stood out in their length. Since then we’ve had the occasional 2-part arc, often two standalone issues that tie together. Because Dr. Octopus or Dr. Doom hadn’t quite been defeated in the previous issue.

This month, Dr. Strange begins a proper 2-part arc against Dormammu. About 4 months after the debut of Tales of Suspense #60, Thor’s title followed suit. Journey Into Mystery #114 moved away from discrete stories to a series of interconnected threads, which we are still untangling 6 issues later and nowhere near done with. Three months later, Dr. Strange’s story (also by Ditko) would follow suit, beginning a 17-part saga we are almost ready to sit down to read.

Thor and Dr. Strange have the benefit of a consistent creative team. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Vince Colletta have brought consistency to Thor, just as Lee and Ditko have with Dr. Strange.

This saga opened with a variety of artists attempting the impossible task of inking Ditko before Kirby took over again briefly, before moving to the current state where Kirby does the layouts for another artist to fill in with art. Too many artists across these 15 issues. No consistency of anything.

Let’s review the story so far. It began with an unnamed spy stealing a robotic suit of armor Banner had designed for the military. Hulk dealt with the robot, but found himself a prisoner of General Ross. Meanwhile, Major Talbot joined the base with the express intention of learning Banner’s secrets, and also possibly stealing Betty’s heart. Then Chameleon attacks the base, working for the mysterious Leader, whose face we don’t see. We learn the spy from the previous issues had also been an agent of the Leader. See how the loose connections work? We finally meet the Leader, and learn he is also a victim of a Gamma-based accident, which gave him green skin and a powerful mind. He has created something called the Humanoid, which he sends against the Hulk. Rick reveals Hulk’s secret to the President to clear Bruce’s name. When Banner is conducting his next military experiment, more Humanoids attack. In the wake of the battle, he finds himself a prisoner aboard a Soviet sub and taken behind the Red Curtain. His adventures there don’t have much to do with the Leader, but it spins directly out of and into confrontations with the Leader. There’s always a cliffhanger to tie the arcs together. Hulk breaks free of the Soviets and ends up in Mongolia. And soon becomes a prisoner of the Leader. The military raid the Leader’s complex and shoot and kill Banner. By transforming into Hulk and staying that way, Hulk is able to stay alive. But then the military raid Hulk’s lab and he has no choice but to turn to the Leader for help. This time, Hulk willingly joins the Leader. The Leader sends Hulk to the planet of the Watcher to steal the Ultimate Machine. But first he will have to battle the most powerful creature in the galaxy.

Whew. That’s almost a story. Let’s see how it all ends.

Hulk is famous for battling monsters. But he hasn’t had much of a chance to yet in his career, usually facing off against the US military. Here we go. Finally. A Hulk-sized foe for the Hulk.

The Watcher relocates their battle to a barren land. While this might seem like an act of interference from one forbidden to interfere, there’s an explanation…

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #74, Story B”

Tales to Astonish #74

When Fails the Quest!

Featuring: Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner
Release: September 2, 1965
Cover: December 1965
12 cents
Devastating drama by: Stan Lee
Shattering spectacle by: Adam Austin
Explosive embellishment by: Vince Colletta
Cataclysmic Calligraphy by: Sam Rosen
12 pages

Tales to Astonish #73, Story BReading orderTales to Astonish #74, Story B
Tales to Astonish #73, Story BTales to AstonishTales to Astonish #74, Story B

Though I am an Ancient of Atlantis, this one last deed can I do for the land we hold so dear!

After five pretty repetitive issues, finally we’re getting somewhere. Still two more issues after this one to resolve Namor’s dust-up with Krang, but at least the structure is starting to change.

Namor has abandoned his quest to save Dorma from the Faceless Ones. Since he had no idea where to go next in his quest anyway, why not.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #74”

Tales to Astonish #72, Story B

Within the Monster Dwells a Man!

Featuring: Hulk
Release: July 1, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Thrills, as only Stan Lee’s story can provide them!
Power, as only Jack Kirby’s layouts can create it!
Drama, as only Mickey Demeo’s artwork can present it!
Sound effects, as only Sam Rosen’s pen point can letter them!
10 pages

Tales to Astonish #72Reading orderTales to Astonish #73
Tales to Astonish #72Tales to AstonishTales to Astonish #73

I mustn’t change… I won’t let myself change…!! For… if I change… I die!!

Where were we. Banner has a bullet in his brain. Only alive so long as he stays in Hulk form. He has Banner’s intelligence, but his personality seems darker, more like Hulk’s. The equipment he needs to maintain his Hulk state is in his secret lab, which has been uncovered by the military, who are closing in.

His only way out is to accept an offer of help from his enemy, the Leader.

The Leader is Hulk’s opposite. Both exposed to gamma radiation, Hulk received the world’s most powerful body, while Leader received the world’s most powerful brain. Together, they could be unstoppable.

The Leader transforms Hulk into electro-waves to transport him to Italy. “Matter-portation”, he calls it. Star Trek premieres next year; did the writers read this comic?

I appreciate the Leader’s science experiments; they’ll get this story a higher score. His ambition is to create a new life.

He secretly exposed Hulk to a gas that he himself has built up an immunity to. Similar to what one might do with iocaine powder.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #72, Story B”

Tales to Astonish #72

A Prince There Was!

Featuring: Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner
Release: July 1, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Written in majesty by: Stan Lee
Drawn in grandeur by: Adam Austin
Inked in splendor by: Vince Colletta
Lettered in the suburbs by: S. Rosen
12 pages

Tales to Astonish #71, Story BReading orderTales to Astonish #72, Story B
Tales to Astonish #71, Story BTales to AstonishTales to Astonish #72, Story B

A Prince of the Blood must be true to his duty… though the sorrow in his breast be more than he can endure!

Once again, Namor gets to dominate the cover. Only the slightest mention that this is also Hulk’s comic.

To be completely honest, stories with a repetitive format get a bit dull to discuss. I can only make fun of how identical the plots are in so many different ways. Last issue, Namor defeated the creature guarding a clue on his quest, found the clue, went to the next spot, found a creature guarding the next clue. To be continued. Guess the plot of this issue?

Meanwhile, the Krang/Dorma drama continues. We get a new development there as he banishes her to the realm of the Faceless Ones for rejecting him.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #72”

Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2

The Wondrous World of Dr. Strange!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: June 1, 1965
Cover: 1965
25 cents
Written and edited by the toast of Marvel: Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn by the boast of Marvel: Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered by the ghost of Marvel: Sam Rosen
20 pages

Amazing Spider-Man #28Reading orderSgt. Fury #21
Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1, Story CAmazing Spider-Man AnnualAmazing Spider-Man Annual 3

“May the Vishanti watch over thee!”
“And may your amulet never tickle!”

This is a great comic, but it seems like they forgot to make a cover for it. It’s actually a decent picture by Ditko with the many Spider-Men of various poses and sizes. But a picture of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange would be in order. A missed opportunity as Dr. Strange gets so few cover appearances, sharing his title with Human Torch or Nick Fury.

Next week, we will read Strange Tales #136, except not the entire issue. We’ll skip the Dr. Strange story, just as we have skipped the Dr. Strange Stories from #130-135. And I appreciate your patience, I really do.

I decide what order to read these in based on when they came out and when the stories take place, sometimes heavily weighting either one over the other on a whim.

Because Dr. Strange appears in this story and an upcoming Fantastic Four story, and I judged there’s no room for him to do so after #130, we are holding off on the Dr. Strange stories until after these two guest appearances.

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I think Dr. Strange and Spider-Man are Marvel’s two best titles at the moment, courtesy of the fact that I think Steve Ditko is the greatest graphic storyteller of all time.

They finally meet. For sort of the first time. They had a brief meeting in the last Amazing Spider-Man Annual.

Now that’s what the cover should have looked like.

As far as Dr. Strange knows, this is the first meeting between him and Spider-Man. He and Peter Parker have briefly crossed paths, and it seems likely that Peter would remember the encounter while Strange would not.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2”

Amazing Spider-Man #28

The Molten Man!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: June 8, 1965
Cover: September 1965
12 cents
Written and edited with loving care by Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn with talent rare by Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered with a vacant stare by Sam Rosen
20 pages

Journey Into Mystery Annual 1Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man Annual 2
Amazing Spider-Man #27Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #29

Your Uncle Ben would have been so proud of you.

Check out that cover. It’s based on effects Ditko has used before, of letting the blue of Spider-Man’s costume blend into black shadow and disappear, but here fully realized. The negative space defines the cover.

The issue opens picking up on a subplot from last issue. Flash and Peter had a fight; Peter was in trouble until Flash went to the Principal and accepted blame. The matter resolves itself. But leads into Peter and Flash noticing that something is bothering Liz.

Weirdly, Peter calls her Liz Hilton. He knows her name is Liz Allan, but must have been momentarily confused. Mrs. Watson shows some similar confusion later in the issue, referring to her niece Mary Jane as her daughter. Weird.

Continue reading “Amazing Spider-Man #28”