Amazing Spider-Man #4

Nothing can stop… the Sandman!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: June 11, 1963
Cover: September 1963
12 cents
By: Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
21 pages

Tales of Suspense #45Reading orderFantastic Four #18
Amazing Spider-Man #3Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #5

You teen-agers are all alike– You think the world owes you a living! Now go out and get me some shots of Spider-Man, and don’t come back till you do!

The covers so far have mostly been single images. Here, the cover is itself a comic. It’s not a common artistic choice, perhaps because it forces the images to be smaller. But it effectively shows off the range of Sandman’s powers.

Lee and Ditko share the credits for this issue with a simple “By”, rather than breaking up who did the story and who did the art.

In 4 issues, this series has introduced:

  • Chameleon
  • Vulture
  • Tinkerer
  • Dr. Octopus
  • Sandman

That’s 5 enduring villains, and at least 3 iconic ones.

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POSTLUDE: Ultimate Spider-Man #4

With Great Power
Release: December 6, 2000
Cover: February 2001
Story: Bill Jemas and Brian Michael Bendis
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Mark Bagley
Inks: Art Thibert and Dan Panosian
22 pages

Continuing to read the adaptation of the Spider-Man story from Amazing Fantasy #15 into Ultimate Spider-Man #1-5. This issue covers the events of page 8 and the first two panels of page 9 in the original story.

It dedicates 4 pages to Norman Osborn, finally becoming Green Goblin. His assistant, Justin, appears dead. Harry and Dr. Octavius look quite wounded.

This big scary monster has literally nothing to do with the story yet.

4 pages are dedicated to Spider-Man’s wrestling career, including its end. The analogue in the original was his television career, which didn’t explicitly end in the original story. Perhaps it will be addressed later on. The previous issue had explained the mask/anonymity thing in terms of him being a kid who wouldn’t be allowed to wrestle otherwise. But now that schtick has gotten him into trouble. Somebody has stolen the petty cash and he gets the blame.

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