Tales of Suspense #77, Story B

If a Hostage Should Die!

Featuring: Captain America
Release: February 10, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Layouts: Jack Kirby
Penciling: John Romita
Inking: Frank Ray
Lettering: Sam Rosen
Kibitzing: Irving Forbush
10 pages

Tales of Suspense #77Reading orderTales of Suspense #78
Tales of Suspense #77Tales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #78

Oh, Cap… Cap… will this war never end? Will we never be able to lead normal lives? How can we speak of love… when the world is in flames… when I don’t even know your name!

With famed romance artist John Romita on pencils, we will learn the story of the “girl from Cap’s past”. There’s going to be some confusion here. A lot of confusion, in fact. So let’s review what we know.

Two issues ago, Cap encountered a female SHIELD agent who reminded him of an old flame. This SHIELD agent has an older sister who once dated a man named Steve Rogers.

We see the final parting of Cap and this woman in his memory. We’ll recall it here for reference.

Not a lot of details about this woman to go off, but enough that this issue will find a dozen ways to contradict them.

A documentary about Cap’s role in the liberation of Paris stirs up Cap’s memories. He notes it’s been over 20 years. He lost her that day and never learned what became of her, if she survived the war or not.

“That lightning and thunder… it’s like the angry roar of the past… trying to capture me again!”

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PRELUDE: Captain America Comics #1, Story B

Case No. 2

Featuring: Captain America
Release: December 20, 1940
Cover: March 1941
10 cents
By: Joe Simon and Jack Kirby
7 pages

The issue’s Table of Contents lists each chapter as a “Case”. The first was “Case No. 1”. This story is “Case No. 2”. Cases 3 and 4 seem to have actual titles, but this one does not.

We read the first “Case” in this comic a little while ago, because I thought Captain America was returning in Strange Tales #114. I was mistaken. I was fooled by the Acrobat in disguise, just like the whole town of Glenville. But I just peeked at the cover of Avengers #4, and it looks like this time Captain America is really going to return.

Yes, I know the old saying. “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… can’t get fooled again.”

But I have a really good feeling that this actually is Captain America. Hence, I would like to review a smattering of his 1940s and 1950s appearances to get a sense of who this fella is and what’s he’s about.

This story is notable for being the first mission of Captain America and Bucky. We learned their origin in “Case No. 1”. Now it’s time for them to go into action.

It’s 1940. Europe is at war. America has stubbornly remained neutral. But there are Axis spies and saboteurs on the homefront, and Captain America and Bucky are ready to deal with them.

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