Fantastic Four #43

Lo! There Shall Be an Ending!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: July 8, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Daringly written by Stan lee
Dazzlingly drawn by Jack Kirby
Dramatically inked by Vince Colletta
Docily lettered by Artie Simek
20 pages

Fantastic Four #42Reading orderDaredevil #9
Fantastic Four #42Fantastic FourFantastic Four #44

You thought you were the equal of the Fantastic Four– and nobody is!

Another great cover, and showing off Kirby’s versatility. Last issue had a cover beautiful in its simplicity, focused on two men locked in combat. Now we see a lot of complexity, that intricate machinery Kirby is so famous for drawing, but where the complexity frames the emotion of a defeated Fantastic Four.

When we left off, the Frightful Four had brainwashed Ben and Johnny into joining them. Now it’s up to Reed and Sue to fight off 6 enemies and restore their teammates’ minds. The startling conclusion of a 3-part battle.

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