The Human Torch Meets Paste-Pot Pete! Featuring: Human Torch Release: October 9, 1962 Cover: January 1963 12 cents Plot: Stan Lee Script: Larry Lieber Art: Jack Kirby Inking: Dick Ayers 13 pages
I think it goes without saying that Paste-Pot Pete is one of the greatest super-villains of all time. And that he has one of the greatest names. And therefore– I will say no more.
The Vengeance of the Scarlet Beetle! Featuring: Ant-Man Release: October 2, 1962 Cover: January 1963 12 cents Plot: Stan Lee Script: Larry Lieber Art: Jack Kirby Inking: Dick Ayers 10 pages
I read this comic in Marvel Masterworks: Ant-Man/Giant-Man vol. 1.
Through the eyes of an ant…
Jack Kirby is a pretty great artist. But he’s also churning out a lot of comics, drawing all 4 of Marvel’s superhero comics to premiere this month. He seems to put most of his energy into making Fantastic Four as good as he can, and treating the others as after-thoughts. But this comic shows plenty of splashes of greatness, beginning with the cool perspective of the first panel, and continuing with Kirby’s depictions of a war with a variety of insects.