Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: July 8, 1965
Cover: October 1965
12 cents
Written and edited with amazing acumen by: Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn with artistic aplomb by: Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered with ruler and pen by: Artie Simek
10 pages
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Strange Tales #137 | Strange Tales | Strange Tales #138 |
He has been my teacher, my protector– and more than a father!

Welcome to the 420th post in our Marvel reading. A Dr. Strange story seems appropriately psychedelic for the occasion.
Dr. Strange must find Eternity to stop Dormammu. The last two issues have been false steps on the quest. Now he must be more direct. The Ancient One’s mind knows the secret of Eternity. Dr. Strange must take it from there directly. This will be incredibly dangerous to them both.
From a storytelling point of view, the entire issue will be Ancient One lying comatose with Dr. Strange sitting next to him. The drama will play out on the psychic plane. How Ditko keeps us engaged with this is part of his genius. To make a struggle we can understand and appreciate.
The first decision is to bathe the Ancient One in the light of the Amulet. We know from before this strengthens him. But given Strange’s goal, it has duel effects. It will serve to lessen the chances of Ancient One being harmed by Strange’s mental invasion, but it will also make Strange’s task more difficult because it will fortify Ancient One’s mental defenses.

In the end, after struggling to get through Ancient One’s mental defenses, Dr. Strange realizes his only choice is surrender. He must trust the Ancient One, make himself vulnerable, and hope that the Ancient One’s subconscious is able to trust and recognize him in return, and allow him to take what he needs.

The procedure complete, Dr. Strange seeks an isolated spot to perform the dangerous spell.

The spell is strong enough for Mordo to sense, and he comes after Strange, but he is seconds too late. Dr. Strange has left our plane in search of Eternity.
Next up is issue 138. We’ll read both the SHIELD story and the Dr. Strange story. See you then.
- I swear by the Omnipotent Oshtur…
- May the Eternal Vishanti be ever at they side! — Servant
- The Hosts of Hoggoth be praised!
- What in the name of Raggadorr can this mean? — Servant
- By the Shades of the Seraphim, let all that I have commanded come to pass!!
- …by the Moons of Munnopor…
Rating: ★★★★☆, 76/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
The recent Dr. Strange stories are good enough to kick the old ones off the Best We’ve Read page, including his first encounter with the Demon in Strange Tales #128.
- Dr. Strange
- Ancient One
- Ancient One’s servant
- Baron Mordo
Story notes:
- Dr. Strange must pry the secret of Eternity from the Ancient One’s mind in order to save him, and defeat Mordo and Dormammu.
- Dr. Strange describes Ancient One as teacher, protector, and more than a father.
- Dr. Strange described as the true disciple and the favored one.
- Dr. Strange bathes Ancient One in the light of the Amulet. This will serve to protect the Ancient One, but also increase his mental defenses and make Strange’s task harder.
- Ancient One subconsciously deflects Strange’s mental onslaught by erecting a shield, then fires a bolt of pure power, shocking the Mystic Eye into closing and becoming powerless.
- When the Amulet fails, Dr. Strange turns to telepathy.
- Ancient One resists with a mental mind trap. Then a second which feeds Strange’s brain hallucinations.
- Dr. Strange projects thoughts into Ancient One’s brain, then allows Ancient One’s mind to probe him, trusting and surrendering himself.
- Comic unable to reveal exact words Strange invoked.
- Amulet grows into doorway.
- Once again Mordo fails to reach Strange before he steps into a portal. Mordo never knows how to find Strange until he casts spells.
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Strange Tales #137 | Strange Tales | Strange Tales #138 |
I was gonna get this blog post out, but then I got high…
A segment of the first page was used at the very bottom of the cover, shrunken to almost nothing. But it was what captured my eye at the little grocery store spinner rack. In a moment, several other kids spotted it and were right behind me at checkout, then outside on the grass, all of us reading Ditko. Woe be unto the distributor who delivered too few copies during the Eternity Serial!
When I was a kid, Dr. Strange wasn’t on my list of purchases. Thank you though.