Tales to Astonish #63, Story B

A Titan Rides the Train!

Featuring: Hulk
Release: October 1, 1964
Cover: January 1965
12 cents
Only Stan Lee could have written this monumental masterpiece!
Only Steve Ditko could have drawn these powerful panels!
Only Geo. Bell could have inked this sensational saga!
Only S. Rosen would have lettered his name S. Rosen!
10 pages

Journey Into Mystery #119, Story BReading orderTales to Astonish #64, Story B
Tales to Astonish #63Tales to AstonishTales to Astonish #64

We’re nominally on the March books, but we just got up to June with Thor comics and July with X-Men, and now we need to go back to October of 1964 for Hulk stories.

We read the first story of this issue a while back. We’ve been skipping the Hulk stories because they are so intertwined with each other. Hulk is in the middle of a saga that really began in issue 60. We’re going to try to do the whole saga in something like three chunks.

Let’s review the story so far.

Dr. Bruce Banner is a weapons builder on a military base who is frequently absent. General Thunderbolt Ross has little patience for Banner and is uspet his daughter Betty seems so fond of the “weakling”. Of course, Bruce is also the Hulk. He recently decided that strain was the trigger of his uncontrollable changes into a monster with its own personality.

Dr. Banner has built a robotic suit, but a spy has stolen it. Hulk fights the spy in the robot suit. After a couple encounters, the robot is tossed into a bottomless pit.

Major Glen Talbot has been hired as the chief of security, with a particular remit to look into Dr. Banner’s strange behavior and any connection between Banner and the Hulk. He also seems fond of Betty, and the General would much prefer his daughter choose someone like the Major.

Hulk finds himself captured by the military. Rick has been spending time with Captain America and the Avengers, but still feels a debt to the Hulk. He returns to the New Mexico military base and helps Dr. Banner escape the military. This was likely before the Avengers’ battle with Immortus.

We learn the spy was working for someone named the Leader, whose face we do not see. Since the spy failed, the Leader dispatches the Chameleon to investigate what happened. When the Hulk foils Chameleon’s plans, Leader decides to get personally involved. He has just perfected a creation called the Humanoid.

And that’s where we left off.

Continue reading “Tales to Astonish #63, Story B”

Rest in peace, Greg Hatcher

I’d like to take a moment to talk about my friend Greg Hatcher, who passed away just a few days ago. I met him through the internet about 15 years ago in person at the occasional comic convention. We’ve remained friends through the years, and I’m a big fan of his columns about comics and pop culture.

In addition to his writing, he was a teacher who I know touched many students in significant ways. He was a voice of true compassion and enthusiasm in the comics community. We are worse off without him.

Please take the time to check out his column about comics and pulp novels at Atomic Junk Shop. He set the standard for what writing about comics should look like.

Also check out some of his fiction writing, mostly found in anthologies and featuring classic characters like Sherlock Holmes. But you can also find his own creations Dr. Fix-It or the Silver Riders in there. Greg Hatcher on Amazon.

Finally, Greg leaves behind Julie, the sweetest woman in the world. There is a GoFundMe page to help Julie deal with this time and all the burdens that come with it. Consider donating if you are able.

Wherever Greg is, I hope he’s finally finding the time to finish that stack of unread books.

Now what? Now I guess I go on to my next column and talk about some old comics. I think Greg would approve.

Journey Into Mystery #119, Story B

Gather, Warriors!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: June 1, 1965
Cover: August 1965
12 cents
Written with gallantry by: Stan Lee
Drawn with greatness by: Jack Kirby
Inked with grandeur by: Vince Colletta
Lettered with a straight face by: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #119Reading orderTales to Astonish #63, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #119Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #120

Third chapter of the Odinsword Saga. Loki and Thor are almost ready to begin their quest to discover who has broken the Oversword of Asgard.

Loki has more new recruits. His last recruit tried to assassinate Thor.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #119, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #119

The Day of the Destroyer!

Featuring: Thor
Release: June 1, 1965
Cover: August 1965
12 cents
Who but Stan Lee could have written this tale?
Who but Jack Kirby could have drawn it?
Who but Vince Colletta could have inked it?
Who but Artie Simek could be called Artie Simek?
16 pages

Mystic Comics #6PRELUDE
Journey Into Mystery #118, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #119, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #118, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #119, Story B

Interesting grid layout for the cover. Haven’t seen too many of those from Kirby. I’m guessing that’s because something went very wrong here. As all four cover panels are just taken from the interior art.

Either Kirby didn’t finish a cover or his cover was rejected. This looks like somebody scrambling at the last minute to get something, anything on the cover before the book got printed.

This is the June issue of Thor. We’ve read almost consecutively since January and are now 3 months ahead of the rest of our reading. We’re going to pause after this issue, despite the inconclusiveness of the ending. We need to check in on our other heroes. Because we’re mostly in March with our reading, I don’t want to worry too much about June things right now. Like, let’s not focus on the fact that “Marvel Comics Group” has apparently become “Marvel Pop Art Productions”. We’ll reflect on that when we reach June properly.

For now, a recap. Loki has helped an evil and unnamed hunter locate the Temple of Darkness, which housed the Destroyer, a mindless being imbued with the power of Odin who would one day defend Earth in its hour of need. The Destroyer took the hunter’s mind, and has awakened too early, and thinks Thor is who it’s meant to destroy.

It’s already destroyed his hammer.

But Thor really just wants to bring his bag of Norn Stones to Odin to prove Loki cheated in the Trial of the Gods. All-wise, all-seeing Odin is not aware of these Stones because he’s currently taking a nap.

Loki likes to torment Thor, but is afraid his latest scheme will result in Thor’s death. He doesn’t mind Thor being dead, but fears the punishment of Odin if he is blamed. He has thus attempted to wake Odin and save Thor, but was thrown in prison for it.

Whew. That’s where we left off.

Oh, and the Destroyer was moments away from killing Thor, and still is.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #119”

PRELUDE: Mystic Comics #6

The Destroyer

Featuring: The Destroyer
Release: July 31, 1941
Cover: October 1941
10 cents
Story by: Stan Lee
By: Jack Binder
15 pages

Journey Into Mystery #118, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #119

We just met the Thor villain, the Destroyer. It seems a good time to look back to Marvel’s original Destroyer, an early Stan Lee co-creation from 1941.

He is introduced in Mystic Comics #6. You may recall we’ve already read the story from Mystic Comics #4 which introduced the original Black Widow.

In our normal 1965 reading, we just saw Thor take his part in the Vietnam War. Marvel was willing to take a clear stand in a conflict. The Vietnam War is a much more controversial one amongst Americans, and Lee’s take in that story was entirely in line with US policy.

This story takes a clear stance against the Nazis, something historically less controversial, but that was not at the time well-aligned with US policy. And US opinion on the war in Europe was far from homogeneous when this was released in July 1941.

Stan describes a war between democracy and dictatorship, and the Destroyer is a hero who will specifically destroy the Nazi hordes.

Germany is then criticized for a lack of press freedom, claiming only German official propaganda is released, and that the truth is being hidden.

Continue reading “PRELUDE: Mystic Comics #6”

Journey Into Mystery #118, Story B

The Crimson Hand!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: May 4, 1965
Cover: July 1965
12 cents
Story by: Stan Lee the legend teller!
Art by: Jack Kirby the legend maker!
Inking by: Vince Colletta the legend portrayer!
Lettering by: Sam Rosen the letterer!
5 pages

PRELUDEMystic Comics #6
Journey Into Mystery #118Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #119
Journey Into Mystery #118Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #119

This is the second part of what I’ll dub the “Odinsword Saga”. Unlike most sagas which we’ll try to read all together, I’ve deemed this one reads best one chapter at a time, as the backups to the main Thor feature.

To recap, warriors of Asgard were getting restless, when Odin revealed the Oversword was broken, and directed Thor and Loki to go on a quest to learn who was responsible.

Now Thor is visiting Morduk the map maker.

Is that candle holder a monstrous hand? That’s cool.

Morduk warns Thor’s course will take him… into the unknown.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #118, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #118

To Kill a Thunder God!

Featuring: Thor
Release: May 4, 1965
Cover: July 1965
12 cents
A story steeped in splendor by: Stan Lee
Artwork bathed in beauty by: Jack Kirby
Inking dipped in drama by: Vince Colletta
Lettering couched in clichés by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #117, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #118, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #117, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #118, Story B

We are now 2 months ahead of everything else in our Thor reading because it’s all just flowing together. Thor still hasn’t returned to Asgard with the Norn Stones that will prove Loki cheated in the Trial of the Gods.

He is still flying with Kim, whose entire family was recently killed by her Communist brother.

In the early (generally awful) Thor stories (#83-100), the villains were pretty lame. Loki was the only real stand-out. A couple others, like Radioactive Man, had potential. When Kirby became the primary artist and the stories started to improve, we got some better villains: Executioner, Enchantress, and Grey Gargoyle.

Now that the series is kicking into high gear, we are getting great villains. We recently met Absorbing Man and now get introduced to the Destroyer.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #118”

Journey Into Mystery #117, Story B

The Sword in the Scabbard!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: April 1, 1965
Cover: June 1965
12 cents
By: Stan Lee + Jack Kirby
Inking: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #117Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #118
Journey Into Mystery #117Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #118

For 20 issues, these Tales of Asgard stories have been short stories that resolved in 5 pages. Now, a large saga begins. At least 11 parts, and even then it just rolls into the next saga.

For reading order, I like to keep story-arcs together. Based on that, I could read all 11 parts at once. This is what the CMRO recommends. It actually recommends reading the next 17 back up stories together.

But I also like to keep issues together. It seems weird to get out a comic, read half of it, put it away, then get it out again later to read the other half. Though we have done that sometimes in the name of keeping arcs together. For example, we read the last 5 Human Torch stories from Strange Tales without reading the corresponding Dr. Strange stories. We’ll have to get the comics back out of the box.

How to balance these two goals (keep a story together vice keep a physical comic together) is subjective, and I’m making a subjective call here: reading these Tales of Asgard stories together doesn’t improve the story in any way. I think they read best as they were published, as episodes in the back of the main Thor comic, to be read after that month’s Thor story. And that’s how we’ll read them. We’ll keep Thor story arcs together as best we can and let the main stories set the reading rhythm. That means it may take us a while to finish the Odinsword Saga. I think that will be okay.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #117, Story B”

Journey Into Mystery #117

Into the Blaze of Battle!

Featuring: Thor
Release: April Fools Day, 1965
Cover: June 1965
12 cents
Regally written by: Stan Lee
Dazzlingly drawn by: Jack Kirby
Invincibly inked by: Vince Colletta
Lonesomely lettered by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Journey Into Mystery #116, Story BReading orderJourney Into Mystery #117, Story B
Journey Into Mystery #116, Story BJourney Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #117, Story B

We’re still spinning out of the events of issue 114, when Loki kidnapped Jane. This led directly to last issue’s Trial of the Gods, a challenge which Loki won by cheating, right as last issue closed.

We pick up precisely where we left off. For continuity’s sake, Thor is still without his cape. He’ll get another one when they get home.

This issue, Thor finds himself entangled in the Vietnam war. Marvel heroes have been fighting Communists for as long as we’ve been reading, often in Vietnam. The nature of US involvement in Vietnam was changing drastically, as this comic was published just 7 months after the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Here, we see the civil war that ravages South Vietnam, as South Vietnamese farmers face the terror of the Viet Cong, guerilla forces supported by the North Vietnamese.

Before we get to Viet Nam, we have unresolved plot points from last issue. Who won the Trial of the Gods? Will Jane be rescued from Enchantress and Executioner?

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #117”

Journey Into Mystery #116, Story B

The Challenge!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: March 4, 1965
Cover: May 1965
12 cents
Story: Stan Lee
Pencilling: Jack Kirby
Inking: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Artie Simek
5 pages

Journey Into Mystery #116Reading orderJourney Into Mystery #117
Journey Into Mystery #116Journey Into MysteryJourney Into Mystery #117

Another early scheme of Loki. While Thor flirts with Princess Rinda, Loki schemes with King Hymir. Hymir issues two challenges Thor is honor-bound to accept. Those who fail Hymir’s challenges become his slaves.

Continue reading “Journey Into Mystery #116, Story B”