Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: November 4, 1965
Cover: January 1966
12 cents
How gallant, this script by: Stan Lee
How glorious, this artwork by: Jack Kirby
How gracious, this inking by: Vince Colletta
How come? This lettering by: Artie Simek
5 pages
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Journey Into Mystery #124 | Journey Into Mystery | Journey Into Mystery #125 |
Is it not passing strange that the Grim One– the taker of countless lives in battle–should be so eager to protect the single life of Balder?

Ah, the Odinsword Saga. I made the decision not to read the whole thing at once, but that means we need to remind ourselves where we left off. In theory, the impetus for the Saga is that an unknown enemy has cracked the Odinsword, and Thor is leading a voyage to find the culprit. Along the way, Loki schemes to kill Thor, and the voyage encounters obstacles unrelated to the main quest. They just resolved one, involving a Dragon and Balder blowing a Horn. This issue introduces another such obstacle.

Balder is sick from the ordeal, but Hogun sees to his healing, showing the tender side of one known as “The Grim”.

Volstagg tries to blow the horn and thinks his poor playing has drawn violent ire from his shipmates.
These Flying Trolls are something of a precursor for Kirby’s Para-Demons he’ll create for DC, who showed up in the Justice League film.

The problem with this arc is that these Flying Trolls, while cool, don’t have anything to do with why the Odinsword is cracked. It’s another misadventure on the way. Which would be fine, except they are on the way to nowhere in particular.
Rating: ★★★☆☆, 52/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 4.
- Queen Ula
- Balder
- Thor
- Volstagg
- Fandral
- Hogun
- Loki
- Magrat the Schemer
- Kroda
Story notes:
- Flying Trolls of Queen Ula fly out from Stone Hive of Thryheim to the Odinship of Thor.
- Balder lies limp and helpless after blowing horn.
- Hogun brings the Elixir of Recovery.
- Loki schemes.
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Journey Into Mystery #124 | Journey Into Mystery | Journey Into Mystery #125 |
Queen Ula also has a few similarities with Kirby’s “Lightning Lady” from Captain Victory.