Featuring: Thor
Release: September 1, 1964
Cover: November 1964
12 cents
Spectacularly written by: Stan Lee
Magnificently drawn by: Jack Kirby
Powerfully inked by: Chic Stone
Eventually lettered by: Art Simek
16 pages
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This image of Thor holding the wounded Jane resembles an extremely common trope in superhero comics. It’s a standard way to depict a character as dead while another mourns them. This is the first time we’ve seen it in our Marvel reading. The Distinguished Competition had a cover with a similar pose a year earlier to depict the death of Robin.

Generally, these are described as “pieta covers”, referring to the resemblance to La Pieta by Michelangelo, in which Mary holds the body of her dead son, Jesus.

This blog post on metropolisplus gives an overview of the trope. Depending on how much of a purist you are, this Thor cover might not quite fit the pieta trope. As Jane is wounded, not dead; and Thor is protecting her, not mourning her. But it’s pretty close.

Last we saw Loki, he was AGAIN imprisoned for his crimes by Odin. Now he’s on Earth again. I would say Odin has the worst prison system, but then we see Loki pays the bail for Cobra and Mr. Hyde, and they are both set free. So it’s a toss up between Asgard and New York.

I like the panel where Loki reveals his true identity.

Loki and Thor describe each other as half-brothers, for what I think is the first time. They had previously been described as brothers. This suggests he and Thor share one parent, but not the other. We know Thor’s father is Odin and that Fricka is the Queen of Asgard, and so likely Thor’s mother, though that has not yet been made explicit.
Thor wonders why a super-villain would choose to take Jane prisoner, despite it having happened over a dozen times before.

Not only is Loki not a prisoner of Odin anymore, he once more seems to be advising Odin. He manipulates the supposedly wise Odin into banishing Thor from Asgard.
But when Thor realizes Cobra and Mr. Hyde are working for Loki, he defies Odin and battles Heimdall to enter Asgard and confront Loki. This seems a pretty server violation of Odin’s edict, and he will appear quite angry, but by the next issue he rarely remembers what he was angry about. Just like he seems to forget Loki’s many crimes. The only thing he ever remembers is that his son is too good for Jane.

Thor uses his hammer to create a time warp, thereby freezing time in the local area to prevent Jane’s imminent death. We’ve seen that he can use the hammer to time travel before, so this isn’t too much of a stretch.

I’m glad this issue has a dramatic cliffhanger, but was not excited to see Thor fight Cobra and Mr. Hyde again. And to see Jane Foster threatened by a super-villain again; the most interesting thing is that Jane is actually badly hurt by the super-villain for once. This is the 10th issue since Kirby’s return to Thor. My expectation was that he would turn around Marvel’s worst title by introducing bold stories focused on gods and myth, stories worthy of Thor. That is not what has happened. He’s simply introduced more competent storytelling and some compelling melodramatic artistry, while recycling the same bland plots.
Side question. How old do we think Dr. Blake is? He’s a respected surgeon, so can’t be that young, but he looks young. I’m guessing he’s in his 30s. I am also in my 30s.
Rating: ★★½, 46/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 2. It is also available in Thor Epic Collection vol. 1: God of Thunder. Or on Kindle.
- Thor/Dr. Don Blake
- Loki
- Jane Foster
- Cobra
- Mr. Hyde
- Odin
- Heimdall
Minor characters:
- Mr. Perkins (patient)
Story notes:
- Loki pays bail for Cobra and Mr. Hyde.
- Loki is Thor’s half-brother.
- Loki directs Mr. Hyde and Cobra to capture Jane.
- Loki has increased the powers of Cobra and Mr. Hyde.
- Jane Foster caught in explosion and badly injured.
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