Featuring: Captain America
Release: March 10, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Wondrous words by: Stan Lee
Awesome art by: Jack Kirby
Incredible inking by: Frank Giacoia
Lop-sided lettering by: Artie Simek
10 pages
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…the world will soon tremble before the power of– Them!
In Captain America’s recent battle with Batroc, Batroc was working for some secret cabal. In the pages of Strange Tales, we learned the Fixer was working for some secret cabal called Them. They had some plot involving miniature brains. I don’t know if these two cabals are connected.

Nick Fury confronts Captain America at Avengers HQ. This is their first meeting in the present. Captain America refers to him as “Sarge”, but it’s Colonel Fury now. They reference fighting together, presumably referring to Sgt. Fury #13. That is the only prior meeting we know of.

When Fury notes Cap hasn’t aged much, Cap says Fury seems pretty well-preserved himself. Is this just a compliment? Or a first hint that Fury uses some form of special formula to keep himself young. They last met 20 years ago. Fury could have been in his ’20s then and ’40s now.
Fury tells Cap about Them, a group of scientists dedicated to overthrowing the government. They are soon attacked by an android sent by Them.

We see members of Them. They have these beekeeper outfits they describe as “ornate trappings, to strike fear and dread into the hearts of those who serve us– and those who oppose us as well.”

Uh, as far as outfits designed to strike fear into people’s hearts, I think Batman had a better idea.
Someone called the “Imperator” is in charge of Them.
Captain America had written Nick Fury about a job, but never heard back. We know that’s because Hydra intercepted the letter. Cap is now too committed to the Avengers to join SHIELD.

Nick Fury came to see if Cap knew anything about Them. He was not seeking the Avengers’ help. SHIELD will take it from here. Fury does leave Cap a SHIELD A-1 Priority badge in case he needs to get in touch.
Captain America refers to a biochemist on the Avengers’ team. He must mean Dr. Pym, suggesting this takes place after Goliath rejoined the team, and so after Avengers #29.
Up next, the Fantastic Four conclude their battle with Maximus of the Inhumans. And maybe some other stuff happens that issue.
Rating: ★★★☆☆, 55/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I’d give this a 4-star rating if this introduced AIM. But we don’t meet AIM. We meet Them.
- Captain America
- Nick Fury
- Chemical Android
Story notes:
- Fury confronts Cap during training session at Avengers HQ.
- Cap warns Fury Shock Rollers are dangerous.
- It takes Cap a moment to recognize Fury.
- Fury has a model of a brain SHIELD recovered from Them. Dropped in a hydroponic tank of chemicals, it would have grown into a real full-sized brain.
- Humanoid emerges from strange craft outside Avengers HQ. Creature turns orange and sears through wall as though made of acid.
- Fury describes creation as an android, or an artificial man.
- Android shoots flame and has chemicals strapped to body it can mix to change the composition of its body at will.
- Cap activates automatic frigi-defense circuit.
- Cap had given rest of Avengers afternoon off.
- Android uses chemicals to de-ice, then turns to iron.
- Them describes creature as “chemical android”.
- Them were behind Metallo and the Fixer. They consider the attack an error.
- Artifical life will soon reach batallion strength.
- Android fingers glow like live coals.
- Anroid electrifies himself.
- Cap concerned Android may turn himself into Uranium 235 and destroy city.
- Fury drops SHIELD knockout pellet down Android’s throat.
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