Featuring: Iron Man
Release: April 9, 1964
Cover: July 1964
12 cents
Presented by: Stan Lee and Don Heck
Lettered by S. Rosen
5 pages

This is pushing the line between what I’d call a story and what I’d call a special feature at the end of a story. It’s long enough and told in a comics format, so I decided to give it its own entry, but I could have included it at the end of the last one.
This feature fits in where the science fiction tale would normally have gone, but those are done now.
The first page shows some of Iron Man’s major villains:
- Black Widow
- Mysterious Melter
- Mandarin
- Scarecrow
- Mr. Doll
- Crimson Dynamo
- Gargantus
- Jack Frost
It’s not an exhaustive list. I don’t see:
- Wong-Chu
- Kala and the Netherworlders
- Dr. Strange
- Red Barbarian
- The Actor
- The Mad Pharaoh
One villain is unnamed, and I don’t recognize him.
We learn about many of the devices in Iron Man’s armor and see how he suits up. Nothing new in the suiting up process, but we get more armor components named than ever before.

We learn why Tony never settles down with any women, and about Happy’s smile.

We then get a pin-up for Pepper Potts. The narration describes her as an imp with of her old freckled look. Now that her make-up hides the freckles, she is described as quite glamorous. The makeover was an attempt to woo her boss. I don’t really approve of any of this. Her freckled look was plenty pretty.

We do finally learn Pepper’s real first name is Virginia, the most significant revelation here.
Rating: ★★★☆☆, 50/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
You can find the story (or feature, if you prefer) in the Iron Man Epic Collection vol. 1 or Marvel Masterworks: The Invincible Iron Man vol. 2.
- Iron Man/Tony Stark
- Happy Hogan
- Pepper Potts
Story notes:
- Details on Iron Man’s suit: kept in slim attache case; dummy shirt always on top; transistorized generator; power booster assembly; miniature electronic power drill; chest device keeps injured heart beating; magnetic power snaps armor into place; flexible belt contains powerful subminiature devices; armor lightweight but strong; additional transistors for built-in radio systems carried in pads at sides; Tony can don armor in seconds.
- Armor transistorized devices: built-in telescopic radio antenna; variable power spotlight; side pods for spare radio parts; belt-buckle housing for equipment storage; magnetic repulsors housed in palm of each iron glove; first aid equipment within flap of boot-top; miniature gyroscope for flight stability; power jets located beneath each iron boot.
- Transistors are secret of speed and strength. The more he pushes them, the shorter the transistors last.
- Armor design inspired by old chain mail armor.
- Pepper: first name– Virginia; age– early twenties; hair– glowing auburn; height– 5’4; weight– 110 lbs.
#201 story in reading order
Next: Tales of Suspense #55, Story C
Previous: Tales of Suspense #55