Featuring: Iron Man
Release: August 8, 1863
Cover: November 1963
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Interpreted by: Steve Ditko
Refined by: Don Heck
18 pages

Interesting credits this issue. “Interpreted by”, “Refined by”. But more interesting than the colorful descriptors used is the name of the person doing the interpreting: Steve Ditko. Currently the artist on Marvel’s two best series: Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. Iron Man has not been very good. Can Ditko turn it around?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: Probably not in a single issue. This is probably the best Iron Man story since his first appearance, but the character still hasn’t reached his potential. And he won’t while wearing that clunky costume…

This is a good villain for Iron Man. The Melter. He melts iron.
One of my least favorite superhero tropes is when a writer has the hero be more concerned about the villain than they should be. Stan is walking a line here. On the one hand, Stark’s concerns are legitimate. The Melter is easily able to dissolve his helmet–which would reveal his secret–or his chestplate–which would kill him. That said, the Melter is not some unbeatable villain. From a defensive standpoint, you just need to avoid his ray. From an offensive standpoint, you just need to do almost anything. A single punch should be enough to defeat him.

Stark beat him by designing aluminum armor. Quite the assumption that the ray which could melt iron would have no effect on aluminum. But it all worked out.
Stark is in trouble with Congress for the second issue in a row. Is this the same Senator from last issue? I can’t tell. CMRO thinks it is. It’s not even obvious to me which person was the Senator last issue. If it’s the guy with the bowtie who doesn’t say anything, I could believe that’s the same person this issue. If it’s the talkative one, it doesn’t match.

Stan notes next issue will feature “One of the greatest artist and writer teams”. The writer he is referring to his himself. Humble much, Stan?

Rating: ★★★½, 60/100
Significance: ★★★★☆
I read this story in The Invincible Iron Man Omnibus vol. 1. You can also find it in the Iron Man Epic Collection vol. 1 or Marvel Masterworks: Iron Man vol. 1. Or through Kindle.
- Bruno Horgan/The Melter
- Anthony “Tony” Stark/Iron Man
- Pepper Potts
- Happy Hogan
- Miss Glitter
Minor characters:
- Joe (man changing tire)
- Chuck (Long Island Plant worker)
Story notes:
- Metal in military tanks provided by Stark Enterprises seems to melt.
- Melter has melting ray.
- Melter is an old rival of Stark’s out for revenge. He also wants to weaken the US Armed Forces. It’s because he lost a defense contract to Stark Industries.
- Stark has soundproof secret underground passageway.
- Melter had heard Iron Man worked for Stark.
- Miss Glitter most famous name in Hollywood. She had a date with Stark, but he stood her up.
- Bela Lugosi reference.
- Stark called before Congressional Committee.
- Melter escapes.
#113 story in reading order
Next: X-Men #2
Previous: Amazing Spider-Man #6