I made an error in a blog post from last April regarding Marvels #0. I’ve since corrected the post, but wanted to reflect on the error, as I find it more significant than a typo on a blog post. It’s correcting a fundamental decades-old misunderstanding on my part regarding something of great personal significance.
I credited the writing of the story in Marvels #0 to Kurt Busiek, who in fact had nothing to do with its writing. Why do I find this error on my part so significant? Because Kurt Busiek is one of my all-time favorite writers, because Marvels is one of my all-time favorite stories, because Marvels #0 is one of my all-time favorite single issues, and because it ends with one of my all-time favorite quotes, a quote I thought was my favorite Kurt Busiek quote.
…on that day of my freedom in 1939, this world had its first confrontation with the fantastic. The golden age of miracles would begin, and in the years to come, the world would know the presence of the unnatural and extraordinary as part of reality.
The quote is due either to Alex Ross or Steve Darnall or both.
How long was I confused on this point? 20 years. Why did I get confused in the first place?
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