Featuring: Tales of Asgard Release: July 2, 1964 Cover: September 1964 12 cents Fantastically written by: Stan Lee Faithfully drawn by: Jack Kirby Fabulously inked by: Vince Colletta Finally lettered by: Art Simek 5 pages
The Tales of Asgard features have recently spotlighted Balder and Heimdall before him. Now we are back to tales of a young Thor.
This is a pretty simple tale in which Thor battles Trolls to free their captives.
Featuring: Tales of Asgard Release: February 4, 1964 Cover: April 1964 12 cents Masterfully written by: Stan Lee Magnificently illustrated by: Jack Kirby Majestically inked by: Chic Stone Meritoriously lettered by: Art Simek 5 pages
This is how it all begins. Quite literally.
The story of Thor’s early days continues. He is now an adult and wields the magic hammer. We see now the story of the dawn of humanity on Earth, and Thor’s role in the tale.
The tale begins in the mountains of Asgard, where the dwarfs dwell. We are told the dwarfs forge all the weapons of Asgard. However, not quite all. We learned in the main story of this issue that Odin himself forged Thor’s hammer. That fact is affirmed in this very story.
Sindri is the king of dwarfs and has built the magical ship, Skipbladnir. It’s a tiny ship that magically grows to full-size when needed. Skipbladnir will transport Thor to Mirmir.