Thor #135

The Maddening Menace of the Super-Beast!

Featuring: Thor
Release: October 4, 1966
Cover: December 1966
12 cents
A Stan Lee * Jack Kirby feature fantasy!
Delineation by: Vincent Colletta
Lettering by: Artie Simek
16 pages

Thor #134, Story BReading orderThor #135, Story B
Thor #134, Story BThorThor #135, Story B

“The universe is vast, beloved– and doth contain worlds without limit! One such world shall someday be home for the Knights of Wundagore! Then mayhap a new star shall burn more brightly!”
“And when it does, we two will know the reason why!”

It will be later in the issue before anybody names this new villain. The title and cover suggest his name is the Super-Beast. So that is what we will call him. Though the next issue blurb last issue had referred to him as the Man-Beast.

Super-Beast’s thing is that he has undergone a million years of evolution. He’s a mix not just of man and wolf, but of where man and wolf will be in a million years.

So he knows future karate and generally has knowledge of future combat. He knows science that won’t be discovered by humanity for tens of thousands of years.

But does any of that make sense? Is knowledge an evolutionary or genetic trait?

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