Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Enjoy 2024!

Welcome to 2024! Thanksgiving and Christmas time got a bit busy around here, so it’s been a bit now since we’ve seen an update. And I know you’re all as eager as I am to learn how Nick Fury and SHIELD deal with the menace of the Druid!

It’s a new year, and we’re hoping to get going strong again. Some very exciting Marvel stories coming up soon!

Happy new year!

2020 has been a complicated year, but it did afford me unexpected free time to work on this blog. I thank you all for reading along.

This seems a good time for something of a midterm exam on the blog. So here we go. On the website Sporcle, I made a quiz. It asks you to name all the heroes and villains from the first 230 entries in our Marvel Universe reading. I counted 200 significant characters, as well as 100 slightly less significant characters, who appear as easter egg bonus answers. Can you name all 300?

The quiz is here: https://www.sporcle.com/games/chriscoke/original-marvel-age-characters

Good luck!