Doing the work means taking inventory. Stare every decision you’ve made in the face and own each one. You are powerful enough to evolve. That’s where the magic is, and that’s where you find your light. It will be bright and endless. It cannot be destroyed. It is infinite. It is you.

Welcome to a new feature I’m trying, called Reading Topical Comics. The idea is that I will choose a comic related to a recent Marvel multimedia property, and read through it. Blogging as I read.
For example, we all watched and loved the Dr. Strange movie last night. And it’s possible some people want to learn more about his newfound ally, America Chavez.

A delicate issue with this feature will be spoilers. I hate spoilers, and recognize someone may have been sick yesterday and unable to see the film. Sometimes the very existence of a character in a film is a spoiler. America is featured heavily in the trailers. I’ll keep this post nearly spoiler-free. If you are the one person who hasn’t seen Doctor Strange yet, this post shouldn’t reveal any more about the film than the trailers. We’re mostly just going to read a comic about America.
Continue reading “Who is America, from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”