If I must drink blood, let it be the blood of the corrupt– of those who deserve to die. The blood of the guilty.

Check out that the cover comes in a bag. That means they don’t want you to open it, because it’s a collectors item if it stays in the bag. You can tell it’s a collectors item, because it says so on the cover. But only if it stays in the bag.
Here’s a thought question for the audience. If I make a comic and think it’s good and worth reading, how much effort would I go to to convince you not to read it after buying it? Reflect on that.
So we’ve got this idea now for Reading Topical Comics. While topical, they may not always be timely. We just talked about last night’s Dr. Strange movie. Now let’s talk about last month’s big Marvel hit, Morbius.
By “talk about it”, I mean let’s read a single Morbius comic and hope that tells us enough about the character to appreciate the movie.

The premise of Morbius is that he’s a science fiction vampire, so he has the powers of a vampire and the bloodlust, but his powers are rooted in superhero science, not fantasy. And he’s not undead; he’s a living vampire. Morbius was introduced as a villain/antihero in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. Which is why Sony has the rights to make a movie out of him. Morbius was able to help Spider-Man with a limb-based condition.

And Sony seems to be planning to make a movie out of every side character from the pages of Spider-Man comics they can find. As a huge fan of Spider-Man comics, I am all for this.
I’d prefer they be good.
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