Sigh. This time last week I would have been tuning in to the latest episode of Wandavision. Alas, it has come to an end. Where to get my fill of Wanda and Vision now? Well, the answer is obvious. Comics!
I loved Wandavision very much. I spent the past several weeks pulling out comics from my boxes that Wandavision brought to mind. My nightstand has been a stack of Vision and Scarlet Witch comics constantly on the verge of tipping over. I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve been reading and more.

I’d like to give you an overview of the history of Vision and Scarlet Witch in the comics, point out some of the stories which seemed like direct influences on Wandavision, and make some recommendations of what you can read if you are craving more of Wanda and Vision.

The history of these characters can actually be quite convoluted. I’m not inclined to spare you any details.

HOWEVER, we will not be attempting to understand Wanda’s powers today. That… will have to wait for another day.
Due to its length, this post is broken into 5 pages:
- Origins: The introduction of Wanda and Vision. (1939-70)
- Love story: Wanda and Vision meet, fall in love, and get married. (1970-75)
- Family: Wanda and Vision deal with their extended family, buy a house in the suburbs, and grow their family. (1976-86)
- Things fall apart: Wanda and Vision find there is no happily ever after. Plus: Jimmy Woo, Monica Rambeau, and SWORD. (1989-2017)
- Reading recommendations: Comics suggested for fans of Wandavision.