Fantastic Four #48

The Coming of Galactus!

Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: December 12, 1965
Cover: March 1966
12 cents
Stan Lee, writer without peer!
Jack Kirby, penciller of the year!
Joe Sinnott, inker most sincere!
Artie Simek, how’d he get in here!
20 pages

Tales of Suspense #78, Story BReading orderFantastic Four #49
Fantastic Four #47Fantastic FourFantastic Four #49

My journey is ended! This planet shall sustain me until it has been drained of all elemental life! So speaks Galactus!

There’s a lot going on in this issue, and a lot to say. So we’ll break it into sections.

The end of the Inhumans saga

We were reading the Inhumans saga in Fantastic Four #4447. And it wasn’t done. Maximus, the mad would-be king of the Inhumans, was just about to wipe out all humanity with his weapon.

Despite this cliffhanger, we left the saga behind to check in on the rest of the Marvel Universe. We’ve read 70 other stories over the 9 months since we left ourselves hanging. The story concludes this issue. Prior to issue 44, the longest FF saga was 3 parts in the previous 3 issues, #4143, clocking in at 60 pages. Before that, the longest FF saga was the 2-part #3940, clocking in at 40 pages.

We’ve already ready 4 issues and 80 pages of the Inhumans arc, and we’re not done! Here we are on the 5th issue. Since this issue is another 20 pages, does that mean it’s a 100-page long saga?

I would say no. I would put it at about 86.7 pages.

That’s right. There are less than 7 pages left.

The Fantastic Four have found the Great Refuge within the Andes. Black Bolt wants them to leave immediately. Reed wants Black Bolt to stop hiding from humanity. Crystal and Johnny want each other.

And Maximus… he fires his “atmo-gun”, which will send vibrations that only affect humans into the air, leaving the Inhumans the rulers of the world.

And the resolution of this apocalyptic moment?

Continue reading “Fantastic Four #48”

Tales of Suspense #78, Story B


Featuring: Captain America
Release: March 10, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Wondrous words by: Stan Lee
Awesome art by: Jack Kirby
Incredible inking by: Frank Giacoia
Lop-sided lettering by: Artie Simek
10 pages

Tales of Suspense #78Reading orderFantastic Four #48
Tales of Suspense #78Tales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #79

…the world will soon tremble before the power of– Them!

In Captain America’s recent battle with Batroc, Batroc was working for some secret cabal. In the pages of Strange Tales, we learned the Fixer was working for some secret cabal called Them. They had some plot involving miniature brains. I don’t know if these two cabals are connected.

Nick Fury confronts Captain America at Avengers HQ. This is their first meeting in the present. Captain America refers to him as “Sarge”, but it’s Colonel Fury now. They reference fighting together, presumably referring to Sgt. Fury #13. That is the only prior meeting we know of.

When Fury notes Cap hasn’t aged much, Cap says Fury seems pretty well-preserved himself. Is this just a compliment? Or a first hint that Fury uses some form of special formula to keep himself young. They last met 20 years ago. Fury could have been in his ’20s then and ’40s now.

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #78, Story B”

Tales of Suspense #77, Story B

If a Hostage Should Die!

Featuring: Captain America
Release: February 10, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Layouts: Jack Kirby
Penciling: John Romita
Inking: Frank Ray
Lettering: Sam Rosen
Kibitzing: Irving Forbush
10 pages

Tales of Suspense #77Reading orderTales of Suspense #78
Tales of Suspense #77Tales of SuspenseTales of Suspense #78

Oh, Cap… Cap… will this war never end? Will we never be able to lead normal lives? How can we speak of love… when the world is in flames… when I don’t even know your name!

With famed romance artist John Romita on pencils, we will learn the story of the “girl from Cap’s past”. There’s going to be some confusion here. A lot of confusion, in fact. So let’s review what we know.

Two issues ago, Cap encountered a female SHIELD agent who reminded him of an old flame. This SHIELD agent has an older sister who once dated a man named Steve Rogers.

We see the final parting of Cap and this woman in his memory. We’ll recall it here for reference.

Not a lot of details about this woman to go off, but enough that this issue will find a dozen ways to contradict them.

A documentary about Cap’s role in the liberation of Paris stirs up Cap’s memories. He notes it’s been over 20 years. He lost her that day and never learned what became of her, if she survived the war or not.

“That lightning and thunder… it’s like the angry roar of the past… trying to capture me again!”

Continue reading “Tales of Suspense #77, Story B”

Strange Tales #145

Lo! The Eggs Shall Hatch!

Featuring: Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD
Release: March 10, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Designer: Jack Kirby
Penciller: Don Heck
Inker: Mickey Demeo
Letterer: Sam Rosen
Badge polisher: Irving Forbush
12 pages

Strange Tales #144, Story BReading orderStrange Tales #145, Story B
Strange Tales #144, Story BStrange TalesStrange Tales #145, Story B

A simple smoke grenade should do the job nicely in this instance… and it won’t cost the taxpayers as much as a noisy, explosive grenade! For we guardians of the public trust must ever have the average citizen’s interests close to our hearts!

Quite the opening page. Somewhat disturbing.

Curious if it inspired images in the modern horror series, Locke & Key.

Where were we? The Druid wants to destroy SHIELD for some reason. He pretends to have mystical powers, but technology underpins everything he does. Oh, and we just met the eager new recruit, Jasper Sitwell.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #145”

Strange Tales #144

The Day of the Druid!

Featuring: Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD
Release: February 10, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Writer: Stan Lee
Designer: Jack Kirby
Penciller: H. Purcell
Inker: M. Demeo
Letterer: Sam Rosen
12 pages

Daredevil #17Reading orderStrange Tales #144, Story B
Strange Tales #143, Story BStrange TalesStrange Tales #144, Story B

It is given to few men to serve the forces of SHIELD… and those of us who are chosen dare not take the challenge lightly!

We are back for the new year! And Howard Purcell is back on art. He was credited with an assist last issue, but now is credited as the penciller, with Kirby as the “designer”. Which presumably means layouts by Kirby, finished pencils by Purcell, followed by inks by Esposito. Or something like that.

Strange Tales has oddly shared its pages of late between the spy stories of Nick Fury and the mystical stories of Dr. Strange. It seems like the writer has finally mixed up the two and tossed a Dr. Strange villain into Nick Fury’s story.

Continue reading “Strange Tales #144”

Thor #130, Story B

The Fateful Change!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: May 3, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Jack Kirby
Inking: Vince Colletta
Lettering: Sam Rosen
Costumes: Asgard Haberdashery
5 pages

Thor #130Reading orderDaredevil #16
Thor #130ThorThor #131

My glorious record proves that Volstagg knows not the meaning of fear! But, why do we race so quickly into a land where death lurks everywhere?

The meandering Odinsword Saga came to an unclimactic resolution, but this led into a couple good issues showing us Ragnarok, the end of Asgard and the death of the gods. That’s led into this story of Thor and friends battling Harokin to retrieve the Warlock’s Eye.

Kirby does cool things with the 5-page/at-most-17-panel format when doing sweeping arcs of abstract history, but it’s limiting when trying to tell a piece of a more standard story. It just doesn’t get very far.

Continue reading “Thor #130, Story B”

Thor #130

Thunder in the Netherworld!

Featuring: Thor
Release: May 3, 1966
Cover: July 1966
12 cents
Stan the Man Lee, Writer
Jack King Kirby, artist
Vince the Prince Colletta, delineator
Artie Pussycat Simek, letterer
16 pages

Thor #129, Story BReading orderThor #130, Story B
Thor #129, Story BThorThor #130, Story B

” Let there be no further battle! Only the weakling seeks to prove his strength at every turn!”
“Thy words have wisdom, Thor– even as thy limbs have power enow to make Hercules pause! Henceforth, I shall call thee friend!”
“And I thee!”
“What riotous revels we shall enjoy together! What battles we shall share, at each other’s side!”
“Alas, Olympian– revels are not for such as me– And, my hammer swings only for justice– never for the thrill of battle alone!”
“But, what good then to be a god?”
“Thy careless query, Hercules, is far more profound than you suspect!”

Stan the Man Lee. Jack King Kirby. Every issue Stan’s had new nicknames for the creative team. We’ve seen this particular set of nicknames before. And we’ll see it again. These are the nicknames that will stick for Stan and Jack. The Man and The King.

The issue’s title is “Thunder in the Netherworld”. Seems like a missed opportunity to call it “Thunder Down Under”.

Hercules had stupidly signed a contract saying he’d rule the Netherworld and let Pluto free. Hercules thought it was a movie deal. Zeus is enforcing the contract. Hercules’ only way out is for a champion to fight in his stead, to challenge Pluto and the armies of the dead to win Hercules’ freedom.

Thor is that champion.

Continue reading “Thor #130”

Thor #129, Story B

The Hordes of Harokin!

Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: April 5, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Fabulously written by… Stan Lee
Fantastically drawn by… Jack Kirby
Fastidiously inked by… Vince Colletta
Finally lettered by… Artie Simek
5 pages

Thor #129Reading orderThor #130
Thor #129ThorThor #130

Yet, the Lord of Asgard must first be a monarch– and then a father!

Clean story breaks are hard to find. The Odinsword Saga seems to be over. It bled into stories about the prophecies of Ragnarok. Which brings us here. For his role to be in Ragnarok, Loki is to be punished.

I don’t know if I approve morally of punishing someone for what he might do in the future.

Continue reading “Thor #129, Story B”

Thor #129

The Verdict of Zeus!

Featuring: Thor
Release: April 5, 1966
Cover: June 1966
12 cents
Stan Lee, writer
Jack Kirby, penciller
Vince Colletta, inker
Artie Simek, letterer
16 pages

Thor #128, Story BReading orderThor #129, Story B
Thor #128, Story BThorThor #129, Story B

I have received plaudits and accolades from the highest and mightiest of mortals, yet, the words you have spoken shall gladden my heart for as long as memory endures!

Thor and Hercules have beaten back Pluto in Los Angeles, but Pluto escaped, and still has Hercules’ signed contract, which will condemn Hercules to rule the Netherworld in his place. Thor has returned to New York.

People usually credit the turnaround in the Thor stories to Kirby taking more control and bringing in his interest in mythology. But Stan also pulls his weight. I actually have to make a hard choice to get a pull quote out of the issue. I found at least four good options. The first I considered was the most humorous, where Thor shouts to the New York crowd: “The endless prattle of thy voices proves wearisome to mine ears!” Stan seems to have Thor’s Shakespeare-lite dialogue down now.

This unnamed taxi driver is a favorite character of mine. Thor’s sentimental words to him are what I chose for the pull quote above. The cabbie had been a soldier, and thus Thor finds a kindred spirit. He’d fought in World War II, and been wounded in Anzio, Italy, which would have been in 1944.

Continue reading “Thor #129”

Thor #128, Story B


Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: March 3, 1966
Cover: May 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Pencilling: Jack Kirby
Delineation: Vince Colletta
Lettering: S. Rosen
5 pages

Thor #128Reading orderThor #129
Thor #128ThorThor #129

For this is the destiny of god and man alike… this is the lesson supreme… all that live must die… but, all that die shall live!

Hey, we come to the 500th Marvel story in our reading order. That’s cool. Thanks to everybody who’s been reading along since the beginning and to those who have joined us recently. We’ve covered almost 5 years of Marvel history and have many more years ahead of us.

I admit somewhat to wishing it were a different comic for this anniversary. It was almost a really cool comic in an early draft of the reading order. But at least we get probably our best Tales of Asgard story yet to mark the occasion. How much can one do in 5 pages? Let’s find out.

Continue reading “Thor #128, Story B”