Tales to Astonish #30, Story A

The Return of the Gorilla-Man
Release: January 9, 1962
Cover: April, 1962
12 cents
Credits: Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
7 pages

The issue has no credits. The Grand Comics Database identifies the artists as Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers, and guesses the writing credits are due to Stan Lee and Larry Lieber. I think Marvel only had two writers at the time, so this is a reasonable guess.

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PRELUDE: Men’s Adventures #26, Story D

Gorilla Man

Featuring: Gorilla Man
Release: November 20, 1953
Cover: March, 1954
10 cents
Credits: Robert Q. Sale
6 pages

I read this story in the Agents of Atlas collection.

Robert Q. Sale signed the issue as the artist. Not certain who wrote the words. I don’t know Sale. An internet search reveals little about him. He pencilled some 500 weird or war comics in the ’50s and ’60s, sometimes under the pen name Bob Q. Siege. He’s a very good artist, capturing vivid facial expressions, effectively evoking the nightmarish and kinetic mood.

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Tales to Astonish #28

I am the Gorilla-Man

Featuring: Gorilla-Man
Release: November 9, 1961
Cover: February, 1961
12 cents
Credits: Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
7 pages

This is a tangential story, but it seemed worth including. Unlike Henry Pym last issue, Herr Radzik is a mad scientist bent on evil. He’ll also become less prominent of a character.

He is an evil scientist who invents a ray to switch bodies. He first changes places with a cat (I perhaps would have stayed there) and then decides a gorilla will be the ultimate form. His ambitions involve stealing money as a gorilla, and such. But, once he puts the gorilla into his body, the gorilla is able to use its new human brain to outsmart him and lock him in a zoo.

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