Amazing Spider-Man #26

The Man in the Crime-Master’s Mask!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: April 8, 1965
Cover: July 1965
12 cents
Stealthily scripted by: Stan Lee
Painstakingly plotted and drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lovingly lettered by: S. Rosen
20 pages

Sgt. Fury #19Reading orderAmazing Spider-Man #27
Amazing Spider-Man #25Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #27

The issue credits Ditko for the plot. Ditko has probably plotted most of these stories and has been largely responsible for the writing. But he has only so far been credited as the artist, with Lee taking the writer’s credit. Lee’s role is that of editor and making the final script off Ditko’s notes. Most of the storytelling is done through the art, which is entirely by Ditko, accompanied by notes as to what is happening and what type of thing each character might be saying.

The first page serves as a detailed teaser for the comic. Crime-Master is a new character to us, but we are told his identity will be a mystery. Green Goblin was introduced in issue 14; he’s yet to be caught, and his face has always been hidden from us, so his identity remains a mystery. Issue 10 revolved around the mystery of the Big Man’s identity. He turned out to be meek Frederick Foswell of the Daily Bugle. Ditko’s noting this plot will resemble plots we’ve seen, but also take its own twists. We now have three crime bosses or former crimes bosses with a secret.

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Amazing Spider-Man #24

Spider-Man Goes Mad!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: February 11, 1965
Cover: May 1965
12 cents
Mighty script by: Stan Lee
Powerful art by: Steve Ditko
A lotta lettering by: S. Rosen
20 pages

Tales of Suspense #65, Story BReading orderStrange Tales #132
Amazing Spider-Man #23Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #25

I declared last month’s cover the best we’ve yet seen. Two months earlier, I’d declared it that cover. I really don’t want to keep doing that, but man, look at that crazy cover. It brings to mind Ditko’s roots in weird horror tales, and captures some of the madness of his Dr. Strange work.

The comic more than lives up to the cover.

The opening splash is also excellent. It shows Spider-Man haunted by the same ghost images of his villains, but makes it clear that’s a psychiatrist’s office, and it’s Spidey in the chair. And from the look on the doctor’s face, not about to receive a favorable diagnosis regarding his mental stability.

Aunt May is still struggling with the bills, and Peter plans to make more money taking pictures of Spider-Man to help out. Remember the theme of responsibility. Most often, it’s assumed his responsibility is to do good as Spider-Man, but he also has a responsibility to his aunt.

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Amazing Spider-Man #23

The Goblin and the Gangsters

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: January 12, 1965
Cover: April 1965
12 cents
Written in the spell-binding style of Stan Lee
Illustrated in the magnificent manner of Steve Ditko
Lettered in the frenzied fashion of Artie Simek
20 pages

Fantastic Four #37Reading orderSgt. Fury #16
Amazing Spider-Man #22Amazing Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man #24

Maybe I should start writing down a list of my favorite covers (I do like lists). Early on, there weren’t many, so I was confident when we came across a great one, I could call it my favorite cover yet. Now I’m beginning to wonder. This is a great cover. Is it the best cover yet? Maybe.

I appreciate the Green Goblin on this cover. And only on this cover. Outside of this cover, he’s a lame villain. For evidence, let’s look inside the comic.

Green Goblin is trying to set himself up as a local crimelord. By the time I was reading comics, local crimelords were guys like the Kingpin, who looked the part better to my mind. I suspect Marlon Brando’s Godfather left an indelible impression of what a crimelord should look like to me and to many, but this predates that by several years. Still… they can do better. Lucky Lobo has a much better “crimelord” look.

The previous kingpin had been Frederick Foswell, the Big Man. He looked the part better. Coincidentally, Foswell returns, having been released from prison. He was the leader of every mob in town, behind numerous crimes, yet he was released after less than a year and given his old job back.

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Amazing Spider-Man #10

The Enforcers!

Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: December 9, 1963
Cover: March 1964
12 cents
Written by: Smiling Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Swinging Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Sparkling Sam Rosen
22 pages

Warning that spoilers follow. You may not want to read this post until you go read the comic and learn the shocking identity of the Big Man! Otherwise it will be revealed unceremoniously in my character listing.

Once again, we see clever credits. Several comics released this month had them.

The Enforcers remind me somewhat of Dr. Doom’s henchmen we met in last month’s Fantastic Four. But the Enforcers are the better team of henchmen and will prove more enduring. In fact, Big Man is the “big” villain of this issue, with the Enforcers his henchmen. But the Enforcers will become the more famous villains.

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