Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: October 8, 1964
Cover: January 1965
12 cents
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Written by: Stan Lee
Lettered by: S. Rosen
20 pages
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I find the credits interesting. I know that eventually Stan and Steve will fall out over a number of problems, including Stan not giving Steve proper credit for his role in the book. I don’t know where they are at this moment in time. Not long ago, we read the Amazing Spider-Man Annual in which Ditko illustrated a story that poked fun at their working relationship. It seemed in good humor and implied to me a mostly positive working relationship.

The credits for this issue also seem to be in good humor. But Ditko has no involvement with the credits. They’d be added after he turns in the art. They are all Stan and Sam. Perhaps Steve appreciated the humor… or perhaps he did not. I have no way of knowing.
“Many readers have asked why Stan’s name is always first on the credits! And so, big-hearted Lee agreed to put Stevey’s name first this time! How about that?!!”
“…But we still have a feeling that sneaky Stan put something over on us!”
In a similar vein, the letters page notes that Steve is drawing 40 pages a month and “still finds time to argue with Stan for a few hours each week”. Again, seems good-humored on Stan’s part, at least.
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