Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: October 12, 1965
Cover: January 1966
12 cents
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Steve Ditko
Lettering: S. Rosen
10 pages
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Only for those without faith can there be no hope! The faith of the righteous will never waver!

How does our hero fight a being of unimaginable, godlike power? That’s a hard question for a writer. And the answers don’t always satisfy me. The last time, Dormammu’s sense of honor prevented him from continuing the battle. While this can often be a cop-out, it worked well because Dr. Strange really had suddenly switched to side with Dormammu against the Mindless Ones. He truly won the day through his sense of heroism and righteousness. I liked it.
I like the answer that Stan and Jack have come up with so far when they introduced beings like the Watcher and the Stranger. When the Watcher captured the FF, what can they do? Nothing. Just go along with it. What can the X-Men do against the Stranger? Nothing. Let him do as he wills. Fortunately, what these beings willed was agreeable to our heroes. Not so with Dormammu.
Another answer is for the godlike being to agree to a duel of honor, where he doesn’t use his powers. That’s the answer they go with here. I find it unsatisfying.
Fortunately, this will not be the final battle with Dormammu. And we’ll soon see other heroes face a similar godlike power. In these battles, we’ll see other answers to the question.
That said, once I accept that Dormammu has agreed to this no-powers duel, I find a pretty cool duel. These pincers they use as weapons make for awesome visuals, befitting this series.
Also, in an interesting twist, Dr. Strange still loses the duel.
A favorite moment: Dr. Strange treats Mordo like a fly to be swatted. A single gesture defeats him. Still Mordo tries to say, “Behold me and tremble.” Oh, Mordo. Someone oughta remind you, you’re nothing without Dormammu behind you!

Dormammu gathers before him the Lords of many strange dimensions to witness the duel.
Dr. Strange ponders that nobody on Earth knows he fights for them. Returning again to this idea of a secret war fought on our behalf.

Mordo sees an opening and attacks Dr. Strange with a spell before Strange defeats Dormammu. Well, now what happens? Strange had agreed that the winner could claim Earth. Can Dormammu claim Earth through this treachery?

Is this the end of Dr. Strange?
Rating: ★★★★☆
Significance: ★★★☆☆
Kirby really stepped up his game on Thor recently, but they’re being overshadowed by these Dr. Strange stories, and the Trial of the Gods from Journey Into Mystery #116 falls off the Best We’ve Read.
With this change, Ditko finally overtakes Kirby for the most entries, and Dr. Strange ties with Fantastic Four for the #2 spot in terms of entries.
- May the Hoary Hand of Hoggoth rest lightly on thy brow–Ancient One
- May the Eternal Eye of Agamotto ne’er turn away from thee!–Ancient One
- Dr. Strange
- Dormammu
- Baron Mordo
- Ancient One
- Girl from Dark Dimension
Story notes:
- Dormammu stepped in before Mordo was defeated by Strange. He sends everyone to a neutral dimension.
- Dormammu creates potion to put the Mindless Ones to sleep; this allows him to lower the protective barrier around the Dark Dimension and conserve his power.
- Dormammu sends a summons to the rulers of neighboring dimensions.
- The Lords of the Netherworlds, Overseers of the Dimensions, alien despots, join Strange and the Ancient One in neutral dimension.
- Dormammu challenges Strange to a duel. Winner gets mastery of Earth and the supreme voice in the highest council of the known dimensions.
- Some Lords claim Dormammu battles for them all, for they too are kept from Earth by the Ancient One and Dr. Strange. Others fear that Dormammu will enslave them all, noting the Ancient One has saved them all from Dormammu’s tyranny.
- They will fight with only their minds and the Pincers of Power. No spells or incantations. Dr. Strange agrees to these terms.
- Dr. Strange leaves the Ancient One his amulet and cloak, since he can’t use them in the fight.
- Dormammu has studied art of combat for centuries.
- Dr. Strange uses Judo to defeat Dormammu. turning his strength against him.
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