Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: February 11, 1965
Cover: May 1965
12 cents
Though there be many writers, none but Stan Lee could have penned this tale!
Though there be many artists, none but Steve Ditko could have drawn this tale!
Though there be many letterers, none but Artie Simek was available when we needed him!
10 pages
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Eternity! If only Strange could know of– Eternity!

Again, the splash page serves as the cover.

Again, I love the noirish atmosphere of rain-soaked desperation that Ditko creates. This is a man on the run, who feels the whole world closing in.

Oh, Stan. Stan, Stan, Stan. Four issues ago Dr. Strange encountered a minor sorcerer he knew as the Demon. Ditko has plainly brought back the same character. Certainly, Dr. Strange would remember this person. Yet he gives no hint or reference to the fact that he and this guy just fought. Who was supposed to have renounced the mystic arts at Strange’s command. But who apparently got a better offer from Mordo. Strange mentions none of this, perhaps because Stan doesn’t recognize the guy. And we’re pretty near the point where Steve stopped speaking to Stan, which doesn’t help.
So why do I call this the Eterntity Saga? Probably has something to do with the Ancient One briefly regaining consciousness and shouting “Eternity” repeatedly.

Why do I love this story so? I love the intensity of the hounding so far, the spy story feel. I love some of the mystical stuff to come. I love how much more of Dr. Strange’s world we meet. But all that and it has some great humor. Dr. Strange decides to face the Demon disguised as a bumbling mystic wannabe seeking to challenge Dr. Strange.
It’s that blend of genres on styles on display. This arc will take us from noirish espionage thriller to mind-bending cosmic saga, but along the way, we pause for a bit of comedy.
And then how does he defeat the Demon in the end? Some spell? No, he just punches the dude.

Now, there’s a lot of confusion to come about what these mystic objects are called. Dr. Strange has his amulet. He’s also got this orb. What is the Eye of Agamotto? Well, we’ll have plenty of time to be confused. But here it seems pretty clear it refers to the orb. Though Mordo refers to the same object as the Orb of Agamotto. Hmmm…
We check in with that unnamed girl from the dark dimension. And meet her dad.

Anyways, no more servants, proxies, or wraiths. It’s Mordo vs. Strange.

More than that, in the end Dormammu decides to possess Mordo directly to deal the final blow.

Dr. Strange seems to recognize the voice. He says, “Of course!! I should have guessed!! I should have known!” That makes it sound like he’s uncovered the secret of his mystery foe. This will cause confusion.
Here’s the final narration as Dormammu/Mordo* deliver the killing stroke. “As the darkness gathers, there is time for nothing–! Nothing, save the thunderous silence of the swirling stygian void!”
Is Dr. Strange dead? Maybe this isn’t a 17-part saga after all. Let’s read the next issue just in case. Maybe there will be a funeral or something. To fill the last 14 chapters.
This saga continues to dominate our Best We’ve Read page. No more room for the introduction of Ant-Man from Tales to Astonish #35. Ant-Man just gets no respect.
* If Dormammu/Mordo are going to combine like that, they need one of those hip couple names like the celebrities get. What do people think of Dormordo? Let’s make it trend.
Rating: ★★★★½, 84/100
Significance: ★★★★☆
- “Let the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak surge forth” — The Demon
- The Vishanti be praised!
- By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, I command thee, Awesome Agamotto…
- Baron Mordo
- Dr. Strange
- Demon
- Ancient One
- Tibetan Hermit
- Dormammu
- Girl from Dark Dimension
- Father of Girl from Dark Dimension
These damn character lists. “Tibetan Hermit”. “Girl from Dark Dimension”. “Father of the Girl from the Dark Dimension”. Like “Mordo’s Servant” from last issue, I know all these characters eventually get names. But we just don’t know them yet.
Story notes:
- In New York, Dr. Strange tips the taxi driver a dollar. The driver seems pleased.
- Dr. Strange finds one of Mordo’s mystic demons in his home, apparently the Demon from issue 128.
- The Demon senses Strange’s ethereal presence and calls upon the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to find him, but Strange escapes undetected.
- All-seeing Eye of Agamotto can reveal source of Mordo’s powers. But Mordo had put a spell trap on it.
- Dormammu grows impatient with partnership.
- Girl’s father is closest disciple of Dormammu.
- Dr. Strange outmatched against Mordo, when Mordo is powered by Dormammu.
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Or maybe “Mordammu?” Or “Dormordammu.” “Mordormammu?” 😂