Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: December 9, 1963
Cover: March 1964
12 cents
Written by: Magical Stan Lee
Drawn by: Mystical Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Mysterious Sam Rosen
8 pages

As we noted in the last post, this issue represents the first time Dr. Strange has appeared on the cover of a comic. He’s allotted a small horizontal strip at the bottom of the cover. He’s on his way to becoming a star.

We again see Dr. Strange’s adventures no longer bear the “Master of Black Magic” subtitle. In fact, I think the stories will soon stop using the phrase “black magic” completely, even though the first several issues mentioned it constantly.
We also get some “clever credits”. It seems to be Stan’s new thing. We just saw it in our last Fantastic Four story (released the same day) and we’ll see it again in other stories out this month.
“Silence!” the unusually forceful narrator commands us, the readers.

In the Bavarian Alps, Herr Braun greets Frau Lieber. It’s likely not a coincidence that she shares a surname with Stanley Lieber, who signs his work “Stan Lee”.

Dr. Strange can tell the farmer is possessed because he’s too unfriendly to be a Bavarian. Logic checks out.

Dr. Strange calls the villagers “brainless rabble”. Tell us how you really feel about us mere commoners, Doctor.

We get some good word-smithing on Stan’s part: “power of imagination… the gossamer thread of which dreams are woven!” At least, I presume the phrasing is Stan’s. If so, it’s a good contribution to a series where Ditko is likely doing most of the heavy lifting.
Dr. Strange suggests stories such as this are the true origins of much folklore. True events believed to be nothing but stories. This idea is actually pretty central to the Marvel Universe. All the old stories and legends we know seem to turn out to be real at one point or another. We’ve met Thor and Merlin and learned the true origins of Medusa. Dracula is probably lurking around somewhere.

- Dread power of the Vishanti/Grey Specter of the Vishanti
- Name of the mighty Mormammu (?)
- All the mystic forces of the shadow worlds
- Hosts of darkness
When he said Mormammu, I think he meant Dormammu. In fact, the Marvel Masterworks reprinting changes the text to read “Dormammu”. “Mormammu” was perhaps a typo. Or maybe Dr. Strange messed up the invocation, which probably would anger Dormammu. Maybe this is the cause of all that’s to come.
We get a few more clues into who these beings are. Dr. Strange seems to refer to Vishanti and Mormammu (perhaps Dormammu) as ancient sorcerers. Dr. Strange seems to refer to himself as the master of these powers. You’re not the master of powers you can’t even correctly name, Stephen.

Rating: ★★★½, 60/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: Dr. Strange vol. 1. You can also find the story in Dr. Strange Epic Collection vol. 1: Master of the Mystic Arts. Or on Kindle.
- Dr. Strange
Minor characters:
- Frau Lieber
- Herr Braun
Story notes:
- Dr. Strange has earthly scanner, a globe that tells him where supernatural forces are at work.
- Invaders from another dimension are possessing Bavarian villagers.
- Amulet leads Dr. Strange to dimensional doorway.
- Aliens called “Possessors”.
#153 story in reading order
Next: Amazing Spider-Man #10
Previous: Strange Tales #118