Featuring: Dr. Strange
Release: October 8, 1963
Cover: January 1964
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
8 pages

Since when is 8 pages feature-length?
We see Dr. Strange and Nightmare go at it again. Nightmare is the ruler of the Dream Dimension. He has found a way to put some humans into an endless sleep, which will trap them as his prisoners.

This greatly reminds me of the 1988 DC comic, Sandman #1, by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg. That tells the story of Sandman, also ruler of the dream dimension, and the plot of the issue involves a very similar sleeping sickness.

This story is a good example of what Ditko is best known for on this series, depicting weird and impossible dimensions.
Dr. Strange consults the Book of the Vishanti, which contains every known counter-spell. Dr. Strange possesses the only known copy. There is some consistency to the references already in this series. The Vishanti was one of the mystic beings invoked by the Ancient One last issue.

The other beings Ancient One had invoked–the Dread Dormammu and the All-Seeing Agamotto–are also invoked this issue. Dr. Strange adds to the list the “powers that dwell in darkness” and the Hosts of Hoggoth. He is thus able to open the Mists of Hoggoth, which will transport his ethereal form to the Dream Dimension, and create him a path where he can walk through the dimension under the protection of Hoggoth.

We don’t know much about these beings being invoked, only what we can infer from the invoking. Dormammu is referred to with the adjective “dread”. “Powers that dwell in darkness” don’t sound pleasant. These could be demons or ancient sorcerers; who knows. We just know they don’t sound like pleasant beings. Remember, Dr. Strange refers to himself as a “Master of Black Magic”.

Choose the road less traveled by! That will make all the difference!
In contrast with the mystic abilities on display up to this point, the dialogue about the Indian rope trick is really stupid, and mars an otherwise great issue.

This marks the first issue where Dr. Strange doesn’t need to turn to the Ancient One for help at any point.
Dr. Strange still doesn’t merit being mentioned on the cover.
Rating: ★★★½, 61/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: Dr. Strange vol. 1. You can also find it in Dr. Strange Epic Collection vol. 1: Master of the Mystic Arts. Or on Kindle.
- Nightmare
- Dr. Strange
- Dr. Strange’s servant
- Dr. Warren
Story notes:
- Nightmare rules the dream dimension and seeks to conquer the human dimension as well.
- Dr. Strange lives in Greenwich Village.
- Sleep victims cannot be awakened.
- Scientists and officers have respect for reputation of Dr. Strange.
- Dr. Strange possesses only copy of Book of Vishanti — every counter-spell is within its pages. The Vishanti was invoked in #115 by the Ancient One
- Nightmare seeks to trick Dr. Strange by creating false paths.
- Nothing evil can bask in the glow of Dr. Strange’s amulet.
- Nightmare sicks deadly spinybeast on Dr. Strange.
- Dr. Strange’s amulet saves the day.
#133 story in reading order
Next: Journey Into Mystery #99
Previous: Strange Tales #116